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(Conderurd Jrom our Oounty Erchange.) ERIDdKWATKR. The Center Sunday school is regularly aml well attended. The farmers who liave AWM their hajing report a tine yield. The marsh f:rm recctitly purchased by V. W. Hess, ot llngan. is betng iniproved. The band U Iraproving rapidly, and gome excellent muslc 1 non "spleled bytbe boys." The school at the Center, taught bj MUa Lancaster, closeil last Kriday iintil about the middle of August. CHELSEA. The following items an f rom the Herald : "More Uninkenness in Chelsea within the past week than has been for tome time. Who is tO blame?" "John C. Taylor of this rlUam has sued the village board of Chelsea for $10,000 ilamages for trespass, which will come off at the circuit court next fall.'' Next Sunday morning Mre. Mary Lathropi ofJacksoo, Uto denver an adili . the Sí. K. Cliureh, in whlch the people of tliis viciuity will doubtleaa be Inlerested. Everybody welcoine. It is reported tliat thcic w il be an cast cru agent along this way, from one of Uic orphan iuslitutious, brlnglng with hini about seventy-flve chlldren of all asea his expacted to arrive aoon- ye chlldleat! QO is ycur chance to Ilcrald. The ii-idence of James lticlianls, mi Railroad Street in thi rilIMe, M liuinc.l to the ground last Tnesday afternoon. ( 'on tentsnearly alisa ved - oiigin unknown - insurance will alinut eoTer dantagai kM abonl .Mie thonand dolíais Th is the iiii tire that has oocum-d in Chelaetl foï neai ly live years- Herald. onl scasoii cniiiiMcin , a tHai atfiufany, several loada cante into market. Kempf Brot & Judson, have purchased up to last Vednesil;n , ten thousaiul pouniU, andCOIltracted for 50,000 more, price from 30 to 33 cents. We adytse otir firmers to brliijj la their wool now and seü at the present rate of prices - prolialily in a week thcre will bc a downfall. - Herald. Chip Basket. - Rev. J. L. JIudson has returneu from lii.s oarthern trip mach implorad in health. J. C. Taylor slittle three years oíd son carne near being run overrecently, by a horse and bu}rgy, while playiiijr In front of his home. WO. Oxtoby, of .lackson, has been visitiuff old friends here. ('hildren's Duy was a {rund afluir, everything i)iovinr ofl" to pertection. MAM IIKSTER. The following items are from the Knterprise : Capt. Allen, of Vpsilanti, aame lierc on Saturday last to pay thecréditors of the Hommel assiirnment a portion of their claims. The Enterprix received a pleasant cali froin him. On Snnda he went to Clinton, where he delivered ataaparaoce address. The captain is %'ery pupnlai u tli tlie temperance people. Thursday, June 23d, was the last day of the present term, and close of the school year in this village. The graduattag class is composed of eight ladies and two gentlemen, as follows: Misses Rebecca Lobdell, Minnie l'erkin?, Minnie Sullivan, Annie Ide, Li mi se Thayer, Carrie Gage, Lucy English and Eii[)heinia Thorne, and Messrs. Albert Knglish and James Watci l, Chip Basket. - Work has commenced on Clarkson's new store. Last Sunday evenIng liev. .). 0. Wortley, of Kudson, preach ed the baccalau reate sermón before the union school graduating class in the Presbylerian elnireh. The alumni reunión was down on the board for last Friday eveniug. Mis. H. ]!. High, of Fontana, Kansas, is visiting relatives in town, and Mr. High is expected foon. Dr. W. G. ötowell, who lias been here taking care of his fatlier has returned to liis hotue in Kansas. SALIXK. John lïuriiett, of York, allcges that his wife has left him without any just canse or provocation, says the Observer. ('liildren's Day at the M.E. Churcli. was one of rare excellence. The decorations of planta and üowers w' - ¦ ""- ""i"-1 numej-uiw - - " canancs, hungupon the „-.iis atliled brillianry and beauty to the scène. Hev. Dan. 1!. Shier, made someezcellen! rernarks upon the occasion, and the congregation donated fió for the benentot the Öunday school. Austin D. Blanchard, who was formerly im the employ of Nichols Bros., of this place, and aflerwards in Swift & Dodd's wholesale drug house, Detroit, has enlisted in the regular army, for tive years, and is now holding forth at Kort Wayne. - Observer. The Saline workingmen's society have elccted the following offlcers for the ensusuingyear : President - George A. Linden - schmidt. Vice-president - Adam Saur. lócordiog audcorresponding secretary - Fred ¦ nri"r. Treasurer - Henry O. Mandt. Society pnyslclan- S. W. ( 'handler. Trustees - Mathew Seeger, John Frank and Adam Stang. This society is in a piMpa mdition anti iiaü $201 in the treasury. One of the finest family photographs we have ver gazed upon, was sliown us a few days siuce. The group consista! of Mr. A. Glover, of this townsliip, and hia six brothers and three sisters. Of tho family of tin children, all are livins, and all attended a family reunión at Jackson, a short time lince, at rblch time the pitotograph wm taken. The youngest of the family is 49 years of are., and Be nldest f6 years.- Observer. Another county heurd from !" We thougbt the heaviest tleece of wool in this section had already been beard from, but now Mr. Ornon Stimpson, of this town-hip, takis tin cake." A ram owned by hini. and purchased of Van Gieson Bn Bridgewater, sheared as follows: lTi', t'., pounds; 1880, 30}L pounds, nnd thi 293 pounds. Next ! - Observer. CWp fttaktH - J. W. Huil i OOb have bought considerable wool, paying 30 cents, ilewalk work EOCi bravely on. The class ilav exeicisM "f the high hool gradlUtlng class weie held last Fdclay evening at union hall, and uasveiy enjoyable. Xot a vacant house in town. Farmers compUin that their sheep are shearhi!.r unusuaOy litrht this season. A. Frank and daoghler, of Adrián, have been visiting bis brolher. J. Frank. O. L. Robinsou and wife, sumtnoned here by the illness of Roblnson's mother, have returned to their botne. Bloomington, III. Mn. J. B. Lashier and Mrs. A. 51. Clark attended the W. C. T. U. at Kast BagilUMT, as deleirates. Onlyone innintrs was played between the Milan and Saline clubs last week in their match gune, the ground being so wet, the Milan boys iL 5 to 3 for the Saline club. Niehols Bro'ö new store will beone story high, have platc glafs front, and present a line appearame. "1'ncle" Harrison Warner has purthased the interest of liis sou John in the ¦Xchange lioU-1. Hauser fc Henne have leased the store formerly oeoepied by A. Kidiler, and have moved their stock Inercia. Lorenzo Ualght has returned from Dakota, beln thrown out of a job by the return of II. Bllnton. SBARON. Sheep shearing bas been nearly nr quite eonptaMA W. B. Osborn iserectingacarriage house and scale room on his farm. Dakotaisa beautiful country Mr. and Mrs. C'ralts 'tliirik, and they have Just retunieil from there. Mrs. Williams, who was visiting lier son who liyes near Prospect hill, was taken ill and died suddenly. Mie was aged 76 years, and was buried on the lOth inst. at Leoni.


Ann Arbor Courier
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