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CHKHoiüAH, MiCH., June 10, 1801. EMTOlt CoilUKR:- l'ulllaps Vü may find space in your excellent paper for a few notes trom "Northeni Mullican,1 which may be of interest to those looking this way for a sunimer resort. If any of your waden uv sr.uehing for a cool pot they can íínd it bare; but I would advise tlie n to bring along a good supply of woollen elothing and not trust too much to linea íor comfort, as the "balniy" air off the atnita mijrlit riuUie them feel nnconifortably shaky in stich ilim ature. Thus far we liave liad but a few dajl when i tire ri3 not .1 tliing of comfort, and ou the nipfht of tlie tiltil inst. the mereury got down six degrees bctew freeing point, and tishered in Jack Frost, who pread Ui fteaoa of white m tiiiek that wlien "Olil Sol" liftcil it i'rom tlir Hét l tlie earth there lay theblackened oorpte t .itmiiii omlnousfpecUcle, tosadden the beart of tlie hopeful farmer wlio liad plan'ted. But sucfa i life. Today we may be upoa tlie vory verge of wcalth, honor, fume, - lo-moiTow all may b lost bat the rnnscioiisiiess ot hariag done our feW) ; which ufter all h tM b4 antl.itc for disappoiiitmt'iit and cli.viMi 1 Thing-i un' inoving along here about as usual. M"-: Oí Utt: milis are running, and business is very good gMWnlly. The prepaiaüons and niachinuiy for sinkiim ilie -alt i t) well s nearly complet], M that iu a lew ilay I lie drill will start ('liiiiaward. A Itrgt number of men are at work building the railroad, and by tlie lint of Aiijii-I r Septeinlii.-r we will 1M ÜM lleí ' 1011 Meed pulUnj; tbrou.íh omttOfgtL By the way, I uní told that tlie Knihts di tlie Lancet and the Knights of tlie Fórceps took umbrage at niy statement OÍ their not beinj; overw 'orkcd, in niy last artiele. und I desire liere to say that I have since heeu Informad that they have lots to do and, I suppose, are overworked. But be that as it may, they are undoubtedly niakiu' moiiev as none of them are muidle affed el. and Ur. I'erriu lias just built hlmaelf a line drac store witli otlice and lalioratory nieely ritt-d up. i'r. DC ulso building a fine office, ir. Mr. Champion, tlie dentist. has bought property on Alain street, and internis building tbil ¦¦ mei. 10 yon -ce tbey are doingwell iuspite of tlie healthfulness ol the elimate. This is owing to the fact that the people here are not of the dead beat kind, and when they ampio; of these aforesaid kntgbta thev pay them, and pay them well, too, for their servici v.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News