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Love's Labor Lost

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From the Monroe commercial. It ia sclilom that anythlng out of the regalar roatine of dally llf e happens In oor quiet city; but of late Monroe has been the scène of a real romance. Several ycars ago Major F. C. Godfroy, of this city, then a resident of HHladale, obtalned a'coinmlssion asimilan agent and removed witli liis t'amily tu his agency of Mtmoajeno, in New Hoxioo. He was aceompanied by an orphan niece, Miss Hattie L. Phillips, who was then about thtrteen wars et age. Years passed by, and Mina PhilUps wai faal gröwtng to be a young roman. When she was about uiteen years of age, one Maryou Turner, a youni; man abool twenty-tluee years old. then succcssfiilly eng&ged in stoek raising and mercantilc bagineM, bemn to pay her conliderable atteatíoa. Thelr attachment fbr each otlier frradiially grew, notwitlistanding the epposMoa of Mial Pkilllpt' (bater parents wno, thinking her tOO young, tricil to penuade oer trom rtceiTlng furtner attentlon trom liim. In the meanttoe lic, having a sudden reverse in his fortune, and knowing the opposilion of lier guardián, oftered to relean bar trom thi gagement wliicii had for ¦ome time exteted betweon tlium. 8he, however, it neou, was unwilling, and desired their union ag ¦ooa a DoañUe. Aocordlngly the couple vi-itcd Lincoln, a Miiall place scvcral Dtilel fi-om the agency, wbere they were married by a justice of the peace. The newi of her marriage Boon reacbed the agency and Don Appt'll, Major GJodfroy'i son-in-law promptly detaUea a detachment of troopt and prooeedod to Lincoln wrhere the bride u:is loiind and bTOOght liick agaimt her u 11 to her beter párente, Soon after thi ocourraiice, Major God . - 1 x t lier, under the ïiiimc of honise Oodfroy, which minie shc lia liorne sincc. to l'rof". Sill's seminary, in Detroit. TheiKM she wa removed ti Mm yonag l.uiirs' tem inary in this city. liere hc MÍM tor ovei' a car. Major Godfroy soon afterward realrneel his agency and moved oiito bk sou-in -law", iion Appell's, (arm, sitúale about ¦ mile and a half south of thi. city. Turner had pronlaad his wife that inwould tind her wherever she might be taken, and, in fulfillment of this promisc he arrlved in Monroe last weflk Wctiiic- day takinj; up quaiter ut the l'iirk hnti-l. As be ras uiial'lc to gain a private intervi.w lie obtnined the services of Konan & Parker, ami on Thursday evening last, In company witli slicrlff Elüs hikI ooe Mr. Taylor, "who liad accompiiuicil hiin froni Ñew Maxlco, anned witli a writ o!" i lo ttie residencc of M:i.„Itroy. After a little difflciilty, he ohtainert au interview with Iii3 wlfe wlici infomed Un tliat sln lid not wisli to wlth liim, wlit-n tAe rUittng putles wlndrew and rcturned to town. A bilí f'r divoroc will soon !¦ Oled. Turner mji tkal Ik; did not wUh h-r ti go with liim t did not want to, but onTy drird to laan uer feeling irosa benaíf la penoa.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News