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JgJR!lVE6ETABLE SIC1LIAM W II AIR t:indtrcl ui ' uiniud Uk Üie reaten In cili-i li. tra a wonderful and iHtisfactory ai ever. r iv cir ldt"l h(r to ltn youthful color It rrmovei all eruptl-ns, ilchln ard dai.drun"; - white and littan. Ie propertlea lt rwtorfli the citpillary !. thnr normal rigor, pn'viMiling haldin'w, and tin I air ro thiek and wtromf. n lound oflTectual Ur. A .. II 'r. Slate Ai-miyt of Maesiicliusettn lt : 'I conalder li the '¦¦¦ M prtpaiatUm tor ![,' ..-,-.." mCki.MiïlAM'S DYE, lor Itae 'liWkcr. Thfa iliiHiit [in'paration my ne relied on to i the beurd Irurn ray oranyotbxr Irable bad, to browu or black, at diicretlon. lt - t-nslly appiiafl, hclnir tn one preparatlon, and qnickly wl .fl.mally produces a permanent color, whlcli win lu-iilHT rub uor wash uil. M .SUKACTURBD BY R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. BoM l.y n DTflflrtot a' 't Deiton In Medicine. ïnso-iorf-.ow "töttsT" . PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFIICHD EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUWPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. s of apprtitP.NauseH.bowels coatire, I aai in theHend,with a du 11 senaation in part, }'ain under the houlder fullneaa af ter patinpr, with adisinclination to exertion of body or niuiij, Irritiibil. gpiríü, Con of meraoiy, v.ith a f.-eTing of havlng neglected lome Juty. woarineaa, Dizzinesa, Fluttering of the II eurt. Dot before the kin, Headftóhe, HestlêaBit i.üht, tuchly colored urine. IF THESE W ABNINGS AEE ÏÏKHEEDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILLSOON BE OEVELOPED. TTJTT'S PILLS i""" '-P'' ill.viidptedt KiM-h ciH,onc lloiM efTectn inlimhiinge of foeliug a I" iiitoinsli mifTrrcr. v lufTfiiw ipiMMItr, and cause the to ¦¦ Hh. ihüH thx nyateui U ¦¦¦¦ rili-l and livtlii-lrTonlAptloon the IMu -ll .¦ llrcaiK. Kivulnr Nloola are uru¦ ;.]i.'il ï, i ¦. -mn 5 un .. S.Y. TUTT'S HAIR OYE. i FTAinor W hiskkrs chaiiífi'd to a gtOMT t)4 In ¦! m ¦ I '¦!¦¦' i, .i niiliiral tullir, act rnitantaneouU) preafl vcMflt f #1. Office, 35 Nlurray St., New York. (Br. Il m-h )HM il. f fahakW„ i k I llrrrlpt "111 ! 11 MtKE u .u..iw..y 1032-W - - yTPf0. Sn&HuIrc afjidi CMlC -)TI1E(CHICAGO 4 NORTHWESTERN RA.ILWAY UtbeOLDESTI BEST CONSTIÏUCTED ! BEST K(,'l 'II'I'ED! and henee the Ll,imvvT rtAlLVVAY WEST AND NORTH WEST. It h th' yhuiu-xt and beat route between Chicago and all points in Kortktn Iiaois, len. Dikst, Wysmiaj, Ustnsii, CallforBlt, Oltgoa, r:::;a, 3:iï, Cilrii:, litho, Kostua, HtTidi atl f:: COUNCIL BLUFFS, OM AHA, IKVKK, I.KAIM ll.l.K. SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DEÍDW00Ü, SIOUX CITY, Caitr Sic:::. Soc Ifcisoa, Cclïahs, agd all poiit: ín :hs Ter.--. taa Wn. AIsj te Mllmaie, 9rNB Bir, Oth.-.. lLar;:if.e, F:ad iï Lac, witortowa, sough-r.ah, Mosisha, St. Paul. Miansapolis, Haroa, Volga, run, Bltmirck, Wiusa, LaCrese, Owatonna and all touti in lossssu, Iji:-.i, WUcoulii ud :ho Hsrthwor.. Al Connci] lil !iifn th" trftini of the Chicago & N"''li '¦'¦¦ Ü.t li'ys depart from, arrii' at and the sime joint unfon depot. At Chicago, close comui :hue rr with ihe lak Rtrore, Michigan Oentrml, Baltlmors & Ohto, Furt Wa' nu and ['eiintivlvanla, and Chicago A (trand Triink ItyV, and the Kankunkee nud Pan Handle Kou tea. Closo Connections Made at Junction Points. llllliHIl,V I.IVK rumiini: Pullman Hotel Dining Cars B BTW EEN Chicago anil ('(iiincil Bluffs, i'iiüniaii Sleepen oú mi Mïin Tmin. liihi-i npon '1 'ickrt Agvnw selliiiK yun Qi k tniB road. yoor ticket. ftjadieTiiMto Imy i tii.-y il , „llt ,,;ncj ,)V1.r ,u. , hlcaL'O and Nonh Wemern Kailwav. , II yon vl8D fue l''"t r] r.iviiin.' Arcominoilntloni v.m v il; biiv vuur ticket hv Ibis route OT-ANI) WII.I. TAKI-: NO OT1IKK. All Ticket Agenta "all tieketn by thi Ltne. il i{ l II i i.í i i I0-": ld V. P. .n. i..-i, : Man'gr. ChlS. PINSHY & SEABOLT'S BAKER Y.'GKOCERY AD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep conotaiitly uu hand, HUKAj, CKACKKRS, UAKE3, BTCt, FOK WIIOLESAI AND HBTAIL TKADK. We fha'A alm keep a -mpuly of SWIFT A DBUBEL'S BEST WUITK WHBA1 FLUril. ÜELU1 FLOUK. KYE PLOÜR, BVÓKWB8AT FLOUK, COKN MBAL, FKED, Ac, c. At wholeaale and retall. a (jencral tuck ol GKOCEKIESAIV IKOVIMO constamiy on hand, whlch win be sold on as rcanon ableterms ac atany othtr house in the city. CaaU iiald for Biitu-r, KRa, and Conntry Prodac ?enerally. fc Goods delivered to any pan of the city wltl ml i'.i'ia charge. ir I'INSRY KABdLT tireat iiiiprovenieut ! Perfect! liarmless toclutlifhotskin. Try it. Din mleKenuts magkl; saTesoaarljsll thniUú ïoaó (o I. . iMriii;ui sLIVERYSTABLE TIn !n t and moi In ;he clt, HACK AND BUS LINE KuntiinK to all tralni nlgbt and duy. ?? 3NLY LINE WHICH RUNS TONIGHTTRAINS. back in ih" city for ladie calllng. Ordcrr 1 PrompUy for atl kind or conveyances. 'irticalar Attntios to Orders for Fnnerals. Cor. Mux and Cítiuhisk St., V .tUBOH, - - Mm, All kinU or Houk-Biudiuc loue at riir iiiiricr olllre on short uotlre.


Ann Arbor Courier
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