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Bucbanan Record : A Benton Ilarlmr IM ofters lo contribnle L1,000 to help ejrminate every pendí tree in thiscounty. Ve']] extenninatealJ oí' onrs foroott-teutli i iliai iiüiiiy cenU Harbor Bpringa Republican : II' yon vant ¦ llttle cxereise that will give yon' an ppetlta lor iivoiktasr, get np ai i o'cloek n the inorninu: and bjlg a nice mu ..i tioae delkdoiu brook trout. Midland Republican WY are reqiteatll ll' 1-1--ÍI . 11 !.]l ('ÜÍ'I'IIW ..I ' I I T to -:1y iiiüt me rnnnlngof derr II nol e permitid iu ih.isc tnwnaMpo hefore thc nu' trben ii s permittad by law. (Cilar Springi Clipper : Hearly eveii miiding struc-k by lihtDÍng iliis spring raSMippooed to have been perfectly wonre gainat luch fanoy freak of the frolickome iluiíl, bi'ciiuse of tlnir being supplied vith rada. Mt. Pleasant Enterprise; Always do all he talklng, ir anyone atoe beginitoarIculate Increaae the roíame of your tongue. fthe party who has anythiag ] losay fiar Uiat. cicicsn't keep tpiiet, Uien he ulil to lie sent to aft PleasanL Berrien Springt Rra : The Banton [ailnir l'alladimn. has pnaaed loto the MidRofWm II. rlaraton, and will be coniiI'uIíiIcmI wtth the Times The paople of Wm ion llarbor will gtve Um hrphenated per tlüii rapport wbfch tii. ruar ol tbe lublishen will malee thal aper ucfierve. Howell Repnbllean: The Hon. Wm. iul I lias done ihis connty an excellent iei Ice n ualng liis influence iili tbe I tetrolt V llowell 1 1 1 :í 1 1 k ruad oompauy le Uxse lial parí ol il abandoned between Howell nd (Toyl In all 1 1 1 i county'a Interect .'.!"-. lí-.1,1.!..1!.'..1" ''"" :ll'v siinnorird hv SinaHastinn Banner: Au item ta gotag (he niruds of the state pfMi to the effect that i I V:n man. imprisoned In Hastings, iiys be would ralluT br in jail in Michigan liiin n free man In Ti'vis" Al oí wmch vonlcl be verv .'iichI it finy meh "I nan" were lnprlsoned lo 1 1 ¦ UastángtJAil ji 1 1 tbere ta aot llolly Advertlscr: Ilolly sixicly ezpecnced" a little social commotlon, tliU vcok, wliicli miht oasily lmvc I-M] trold d, and probably woold, had ilic r-ili M' be aotion dmd eooMtmi iirt. TheaatUaction gained by tracing goassip to IU onree Ís rarcly encournging, bal experi¦ 1TÍM Icarllcr. Caro Advertlrér : Weare tbrry lo emrn bat Bet. :. H. Fici.l, forññenyf thii ilace, snilrriiiLT froto i eTere throal lütiruliy. H ii thotight thal ai tlic apiroaehinK coAferenoe be will be oompeHed n tamporarily abandon the miuUtry. llis iiany warm Iricinls in ( 'aro ainl vicinily vill regret to team this sad fact Haakegon Chronicle: Mr. George I'. )ntliwiiitc, of tliis city. has heen ñamad by forernor Jen me as ageai tor kha átate loanl of elnir, lii1. Mr. Ontliwall Ihinks. iowever, tlial be will not accepl the aptolntment We are sorry that lieflnds t laceattry to decline as wc iiiink b s perlapt better nanütWri to properly dhebarpe ha dotiea oí the office than any otlier man Pontlac Caciic : Curloslbr Uñ curlous hlnjr - il'tliat name is permlsslble. Ii la gtronger in mnm t lian otaerw, and oten enIcea beyond the bowadi ofgnod Jadxmanl iñd duo.onim. The otber evening, aurlng ¦ be tnarriage oeremony of a highij reapeci'tl couplc, in this c'ny, overal yoiiiiL' 1 ' 'ron (tood hnailiaa, trate ittacotaned ob1 ild peeringthrough the blinda toaea the knot tit-d. To iee themaelrea a otilara eaw thcni. etc. Adrián Preat : John Kennedy, lasl ["liday, entered Mlllcr's saloon on Frank ItreSt, and wanted lieer on tiek. .M rs. Millr was dointi the h n and declinad to chalk John, who became ngly and ttourlab ¦d list, whereiiion the nnterrUinl Mra Millcr knoeked liim down. ponnded hini with a lieer gtaM till nottiing hul tbe hanllr wn liti. and pitehed blm broecboi aad oll.-ir Into the Btrect lle wasa.bloody wreek as se'ii al'lerwüiil. Tecomaeh Herald The greAtesl ejta Rtory we have heaid vet Is toM on oiir good natnreil and worlhv rgg man. l-'rank linnan- I.asl week one ol I lic boyi drove in me night with an unumal large Biipidy of egg ; the next morning as oor frtana llnman mi loeklng ronnd the store iw aeard a sii'_'iii iinise aud ii[mii InspectioB found lu hi staat tnrpriae that r line young eoeliin ehiiki'n had hatelieil nut durillg the night and was rhlrpfng aroaml at hrii;lit IR eon ld Ite. ail n ¦ fi ir muiii1 olie lo feed it. U.' Pioneer : The indirment and wUdom of the noinination ol UoverilOT .leronie has heen abnndantly [roven ilnrIng tbeseasionof thé legUlatufë jast cloaed. 1 1 ¦ - has giTen to every act rabmitted to blm tor approval that earetnl stndy wlii.'h it deinanded, and in all eaiea ha aeted with thal independi'iiee and foresight lor wliieh lie has heen always imted. Ilis veloes of liills liave heen aeeoinpiinieil hy sound rea-¦¦n-, and approval lias been L'iii'ii onlv al'ter mature eonideiülion. 1 In the whole Michlgau can well be jirond of begOTernor. Coldwater Etepubllcaa : Capt Allen l'ratt has in Mis po- , - ion the original bOOt of artillery u-ed bv en. ('. O. Loom 11 and OOBteldlM his well known autograph in Utree dlnurenl placea. We trn-.i it may be preserved (br generatlong to come. The work is ealled Kvolntions Of Field üalleries of Artilleiy. and watiauslaled trom the i'rineh nñd amoged tor the iirniy and inilitia of the Dnited Stale-, by Maj. Koberl Anderson. Fint Itfcg. of Artillery, O. 8. A., lf.n The work was pabUahad by order of tho war department. We nndcrï-tand the book was toinxl ín i lot of paper and loid lo a dealer in this eil y. Laiuing Journal: The meeting ealled lor pnipose of Organlzlng a Mth coi glonal distriel assoeial i-in . liel.l at Hol itly. as attended by 19 pnldi-herand an orjrani.ation was ll'eeled by Ihe eicel ion ol the followinotlieers : President. OtisFoller; rlce-preddenU, C. K. Ktaiball, Oakland; N. Jenning, Oeneaaa; 0.8 Corbltt, Clinton ; O. W. o wen. Shlawaawe; VV. S. Oeorgo, Ingham ; U C. Millar, Llvingstonj lecretary, Kred. Slocum; tl urer. K. .1. Kelly. The asaOCiatton wis banqaeted bythe ged peopla of Bolly, and. ont of cimpliinent, we sup]ose, to the well known temeranee principies of the ! tilia dUtriCt, inviteil to an lnpec 1 1 . . 1 1 1 the IIollv water Works. The net meeting wül be held in BC Johu Maalime in llenanber. Katon I.'apids .Journal : The infornialion reeeived at lilis olliee daring ihe put iiows thai there ara leveral prodi milkers in this vieinity, hul. Mr. E. ? Trefry of Wlnfleld, Kemi to have ihe Oom that '¦ takes Ihe cake." llarri-on liramble, Uring on the Laiulog road about lonr miles ont. lias a teven y ar-old COW, a cross between a Diirlmin and a Devon, that reeently KSTC on two days, BOW ponnds ot milk and 51 poumK líos, I Scripture, living live miles south, lia a con thal io milk three a day. The tollouing is the reeord sbe made la-t week : First i tav- 17ft.,2lo7. ; IVil. mul lft-7. Totul. H-. SeeollU lliv -I.ll.s; IJ 1M. Hll.l :'.-1H. ToUKM-4. Tlnr.l rtay" Sita., í..; 11-11. Totel, Pourtn ciny Wta., ïiioz..;'. aad IS-H Total, Makinc In (bar dtya 1W pornkto ad 9 0K. ol milk. withnoevtra leed, and simply eoiumon wood pasture. E. 1!. Trefry. liv Ing one-hall mlle wc-l ol Winlield, hal a eow Broa whii-h be ha mllked for three -ncce-ve days as tollous : .Mij ; 8O5f, and 10 poanda. It there il OOm in three eonnlies ihat ,-an bi'at that let her moo. Tn I - IT is in Ingham COOnt) now. Eaton or JaekaoB ooonty "go Int"


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