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The Nation's Grief

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Il ;i dilli.-ult tliing U writi' of Uu utIrnilitml iimImIIiiii of President Garfield. The ot the American peoph'. u ithout exeeption, have been made -ick ty the rvrlil. Hm Hl BO repilbUCMM, M democratt, ]n gievobacketfl, no atalwarti n our land to-day; DO even, it Batten not irbat bitterooM may tiil nakit- in tlitir bnutii Ul are sorrowing citizens oí litis (Nat republic. The bulkt which entered the body of our president, pWMd i vcry Ainrrican heart with sorrow. Never, in modern tiim-, haf tliere been an act so crtielly imxcusablc, so utterly without palliation, at the attempt opon the life of Preaident Oarfleld. The people sceni to takc the dsed as a iloijustic aftliction, and aorrow m lor one of Iheir own houscliold Tliey do not iiiourn lor nioalllUII ai the man Of 1 aiicd ]nitiiii, tmt beeaoae Im mtm the father of all the peoplc, and dear to every beartr Tiiy bring the affltètkn to thtir Bomat ai penonaL Th annali of history does not rSOOOIlt a deed tlmt touched -o niany hrarts with gesutne sorrow. It has been the prond boaat ot our nalion Uut our nden weri' onc and tlic smiiic BI our citlzens, moving ibout among the pro ple as one of them, without ostentation or pomji, and without jirotcction; aceessible to the immldcst dwrllcr on t It ¦ contim-nt. 'l'o tttfp "i t ! - hnait will be to strip u We uo not Dunk tlus will lx: cnanged, Imt daaterdl; tttempt upon the prwiilciil's lile lia niiii ]- maiiy eoile lovc cmr BoMe nstitiitions tiemble with tear fot the future. There ara demeuted and dtaappolnted people :iii ovit out land. wiio cara more tor notoricty Ibaa for their OWH miserable wTMtonoe. Such wietdM roold strike ai)y blOW, DO iimltcr liuw ten lile, Of i nnmit any ilccd lunu-vcr nyilginnt. that woulil add to tlieir own notoriety. Tbere and there only, is whcic climcr lies. l'.uty strlfe may le bitter, umi party IMi&n detc-tiilile in niciiiis used to acconiplisli oihR luit no politician, however low or ilegruded, is so lost to self-respect or lf-preserviition asto attempt a deed M) black. Politicians raoognlfa tlnit tlie life ainl prospcrity of the natioii 8 nccesswv to their own lile mul prosperity. To destroy the OM will eertaiiily aniiihiiatc the (ither, and thcy are too wise to pull the temple down apon tlivirown hemls. Soto credit any political dique witli tlie deed would be simply nonsense. Sociiilisin muy exist ia a mildformia our inidst, but it is not the socialism made H umi Min Dv me imane uomnnim ¦! Franee or the bloodtliirsty of Hussia. There are uo tyrannical riders to ilay here, or 110 landed aristocrats to crush out. Socialism in Anieiica s Imt motlier name for wholesule cf)-operation. No toeialist could be benefltod by men a crime. Imt on thecontrary directly injiired. JBut there s a u bOSe iiitrrc.-l.s milit (tcniand the removal of such a president M Oen. (iarlk-ld lias pioved himself to be, so far. That class s coniposed of the tliicv ¦ Ukd rascáis wIki have fattcncd off tlic ;overnmentjiii au ille-ritiinate manuer.and wlio dread )iciiir unoaithed. Tliey would have all to rain ind could lose nothing. Bilt oven these people do not seein to luwe any hand in tlii.-. The deed was iimloubtedly conceived ia the braiii of Giiiteaualone,and carrit-d into execution bj' liis liand alone. It WM the work of Lnganity - bat aome meam to prevent such déedfi In the tutnre Bhotlld bc tidopted.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News