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Dakota, The Beautiful

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ToWKK CITY, I). T., Jllly I, UU. Deak Editoh : As I ;ni wcrkly in renipt of the Col 'KiEic, and it comes like M old friend, I thonglit, in BOMltWy, 1 iht to tcknow led;;e the same, and so ill frive 3-011 s Idea of tbc raptd growth of iiii terrltory. All thb ipriug Üm main mul, running parallel wiiii the Noria PaeMc K. K., lia ben Uned with corana tragona, drawn eiüier bv noraea ot oxen, wiiii cows and theep follewing ifter, all llnding in tliis hw country, Ih.muUIuI lioin(9, with ilifi. ricli, black soil, ¦ gift f'rom gor01 iinierit. It is .- ilniM'ly popolated liere now, tliut ÜM land seeker has to go back from 16 to : ïi imüc from tluj railroad to liml good gOTWVMnt lund. The odtl sectfont tliut bcloiig to the railroad OU t boogkial trom $1 to $10 H'iaiTf, and will paj intcru-t Ofl Y0 per MN to lirt-ak t up to rent out, mrttltg it in Vxiellent blTMtment lor men of ineans, aml is beiiif; imprOTed by large numb:rs daily. Our liotels all tull. DKMt t tlie time, with land limitéis. It seems very stran,re tliat .-uch a eountry as tliis should remain solong unOCCUpied, und even now so little siid or known tbout t, even in Michigan. Altliough W8 liavc now a spriuklinj; lioni mun v DOrlioni Ql' the state tli us. Wahtenaw ia Heil reiiireiitel here, and Coldrator, Kalainazoo, itI'u Lake, Big Kapiils, lonia, umi a few Irom .Jaekson nul Albion. Une tliiiiif speaks Tolumet tHr tlii country, and tliut s, that scarcely a person, rieh or poor, ever goes back without either buylng or entering land at the huid otlice lor hoiucMt'H'l. I think it bilt fair tliat our young uud euterpriaiug men of lücbigan ibould know sometliing ot this foWen opportonltj t ga4 for Utemaelvei 1 Bm hrn and home with a MiKill Mini of inoncy. Land n high in .Ukliijrun tor 011e with moderate ineans to begin with, hi" ïnnt of iiicesily be 11 debt for a long time, which is einbarruiing to laj the least. We have a bautlul eliinate for six or soven monlhs of the year, and I never speut a winter more pleasant than the last olie, liurninir only three and one-half tons of coal durin the winter and ipring. We use wood in cook stoves. To-day re had groen peas from our }rarucii, lor uiniici, ana .„,,ia i.avi: hul nrv BOtatOeB, Imt our oíd 0B hold cmt yot. I M&rted here fiflccn montlis ago on a new farm, and now have in wheat and ott WO ,i.--. i-iifs snmp corn, potatoes, and peaa. win-at ben pmmtani to be vcry heavy. Qood jndgea say fcom 98 to 40 busheis per acte, aad oatt from 50 to r. My corn, (111 ]at ycai's bnaJdBg is over knee high now, and is as ran k-look n ir is nny 1 ever raiaed in Washtenaw. Twoyeanago this spring was the first attempt to open up tliis locaüty, and now our villaje numl;rs sorne 120 old buihllogl, two large hotels, and seven general -'"i's, all iloing a fine business. The del'i.-its in our baak show a good state of linaticcs lor all, botli l)iisiness men and farmeiB, as nearly all business is done for cash. In our vicinity are over 2,000 breaklftg team, and they must oat as well as the men, and it makel B large (Iemand for feed, oats, and corn. Thtra is now being built a steam elevator with a capacity of 75,000 bushels, to be readj by barraat time for business, and our Scotch Pia Wlicat is now bcnií.' ktoked after at 95 ets. for the new erop. What bettar ihowhur ilo(. a coiirnn-pnnc ' S man want to make n start In life. With enerjry and a little selfdenial his fortune is made in five years. We have the sure and safe road to wealth; that is, a splendid soil. With that you can put on all the ïmprovenients you want in time. Another great tBlag wc have 110 taloetu in Towat City, THip, hip, Ilurrah!) the only place 011 the K. P. I!. B. that refuses to license the trnffic. That is another frootl reason wliy it is a grand place to come to, and we like to have the world know it, so that thosc who want to live close to a rum lbop can pass us by. We liad the pleasure of seeing County Clerk Clark here tliis spring and I think he will be glad to teil wliat lic knows of Dakota to any anxious enquirers. All the HtehlgU i . j 1 e are wc-11 and happy in their future outlook. August will be a #ootl niontli for people to come and sec (U at our hr.rvest. Wc shall use si'lfbiiKien -..,, ou,„„ !imi ei„lt loot cuti of ohm five or six difieren! styios. u w;u ifi siglit worili Heing if any have the linie and inoney to spare, líe suie nnd bny land tooken tickets la Chicago, and io, n ly. fonntraljr,


Ann Arbor Courier
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