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A set of RBtronomlcal Instruments have arrived tor the high school. Workmen are busy streii-riheninj; tlie rof of uiiiversity hall, and making other iuiprovenumts. A seini-aniiiiul dividend ol' six per cent. has just boca declured bjr tlie lst nutional bank oi'this city. A coal house at the high school grounds, is what the board tliink of buiUIIng. Evidently a jood idea. Miss Lillie M. Nichols is glvlng lcssons In paintiniï at the high school building, room No. 2. Classes meet Frtday. Frank Hangsterfer lay he succcssfully supplied over 3,000 peopk with rci'ivslinients at Milan on the Fourth. UiNlm.f Mnlov. wife of Michael M.iloy, and sister of Wm. and J. W'alsli, ol orinfield, died last Friday, aged 40 years. A very laterotlng meeting of Ihe county pomológica] society was held ut tlicir room in the conrt house last Saturday afleriinnn. ? The stock owned by John Koek, In the Keek fornitura manufacturing company has all heen ptlKhased by other stoekhohlt. Tlie jurcüile band made enougli money last Monday to complete the payment on their uniforma and liave $20 in their sinkins; fund. G. Luick lias liad bis oíd house on Libertystreet, nexttoO. M. Utartin'a residence, oarted ofl", and is to erect a niee reatdenw i n iu place. ? Dar i Dg the school year just cloeed, tlie sum of $5,157.18 was received by the school board for tuition and laBguages. -V larger ' amouii) tlian usual. Last Monday ïiev. Dr. Haskell united Tlios. A. Reader, of Jaeksonville, 111., and Miss Adelia Warrall, of Anu Arbor towni in the bonds of wedloek. ? The Iron is nearly if not all laid between r 1 j - city and Soutli Lyon, on the Toledo & Aun Arber oxtension, and traius will soon be put on, it is expecttd. On Tuesday, June 28th, Heniy A. Hatch and Miss Ada Leonard, botli of this city. were united in iiiamare, Hev. S. Haskell performing the ceremonj'. Fred Kcebler, a young lad of tliis i ity. was sentenced recently by Justice Winegar, to the reform school until IS years of age, lting cenvicted of larceny. An enthusiastic gentleman whohas been over our city, says that Ann Arbor neyer ha hatl such a prosperoua year as regards growth, since she was boni. A rnnaway on Detroit street last Sumlay knocked the lamppost at tbc intersectlon of Kifth street to " smithereens." How long will darkness reijrn on that corner. Necessary machinery is betag put in Ilie old Baptist churcli building as rapidly as possible, and the old structure will loon take on the appearance of a facto ry. Among the New Hudson items in the South I,you Kxeelsior, is this : " Mr. Geo. Uenwick has sold nearly bis whole flock of sheepto a Mr. Du Forestof Ann Arbor ¦township." Most of our ilor owners will be pleued t') to learn that the supreme court of our state has dedded thedogtaxoonstltutlonal. Tlmt "dof-on-cd" t;ix will nowbc colleeted with a liercencss ncver beforc reaclied. C. B. Oavison and Ed. J. Morton went fishin? last Friday uight, out to Base Lake, returningthefollowingevening. That tliey were successful tlie writer is willing to make affldavit, for hc had some of the rtsh. Miss Katie A. Mcllahon, sccond daughter of Hon. James licUahon, died yesterday, the 7th inst. Funeral services will bo held to-niorrow, Saturday, at 10 o'clock a. m., from the residence, Ño. 46 Arm Street. Regent Cliuiie has been appointed superintendent of the new building and improvenients upon the campus, at a compensation of $2.50 per day. It is certain they will be 'lone as Ihey should be under hls eye. A young boy by the name of Corwin, vhoe parents live in the short hills, northpa8t of Manchester in the townshp of Preedom, was drowned on the 4th, at Manchesterwhlle atterapting U) swim in the River üaisin. Tlie board of rcents have given James APPleyarcl, of Lanslng, the contract for '1(lig the systera of sewerage decided 'on by them, counecting all the university lUdings. He is to receive $7,429 fordog the work. The Ann Arbor base bal] club wisli it wlemood that they stand rcady to play 'v ' '"l' uside the county. They are get'" beligerent and seek for some one to wrour. Are there any victims ready to l'esUughtered? Compauy A"7ceived a invitation to at'? Ze,?tilÜOn at Detroit lllst Moday. u aui tUJnk of attendln. but the rank "ü he couldn't he Ulu(ilcreu ln Mtamit ' 'e to make a re.spect.ible showin-, and olt wasgivon up. Last Saturday Alfred J. Buchoz Jr a UBg butt uar.l l;„l. uas fooling with toy ,,si,,i which he had j„st parctaued Whm, the cartrldgewM asldentany flred nJ'rinK his left hand quite baiily Oll t] T f a 1Utli so" f Oscar Jackgon, (olo el, 1(oul 13yc;lrsof shature(] ndbadlyw.ththesame.sortofaninstn ¦nent. Párente must bc (-..r.-l..l h„w U,,v 'JowtheirchHdrento have these danger 'Us playthings. Snit luis been begon by Bommons against the editor of the Argos, of thia city, fbr libel, Dr. S. A. Jones claiming 15,000 damages. The ottensc was in the itatemeni of the Argus that Prof. Jonet wu " dismissed," Instead of wliioh hc resigned. Regent has been authoiized by the board of regenta, to settle the claimt growlng out of the unpaiil bllls of Willlaai Beatty, of Adrián, on the homeopathie hospital iliul ainpithe:itre contract. Thev amount to $S27.Sl), al) owlng to Aun Arbor partios. Tlie announcement is made that thcMethodtst and Presbyterian churchea wlil onite in services tor the last three Sabbaths In July aml the fust three In Anglist Tlio lirst three services are to be held in the Presbyterian chuieli, tlie last three in the Methodist. _ "Vet" Annstrong lias executed a lifesi.e crayon sketch of tbc liend Quiteau, with a rope - contalnlng a beautlfal noose - gnicefully curved over his head. A su;{restion whlch our government nlght do well to"twlg," after it is certain he had no aecomplices. John Keek has rented tbc Miller propetty. on Detroit street, reeently occupied by II. lvrapt as 1 pk&Lng mili, and he will put the rein a complete set of the latest and most approvcd macbinery for tlie manufael ure of chambra suits and bedsteads, making u gpectalty of line goods. Au item s golng tlio rouiuls of the papers to the effect that tlie revised edttlOD 1' the ncw tc-tamenl will BOOll be publlshetl in the Welsh language. It strikes u.s that the Welsh language ltself ought to be revised ; or else some of its consonant! knocked into a "cocked nat." We have received a sheet of business cards (rom tlie firin of Theodore Bigler, Detroit, whlch bas upon it two views showIng tlie progresa of the City of the Straits during the patt 90 yeara. 'l'lic lirst is a view from the river in ls-20, the next trom tbc same point in 1880. Títere is umin' dill'erence. The colored people of tliis city and vieinily have got out tbeir bilis for Emancipatloo Day eelebraUon, August lst. Capt E. l'. Allen is to be the orator of the. day, and several other speakers are announoed. The exercises are to be held at lireinen's park. A Urge gatbering of ootored people f rom all sections of the state is expected. Tiie COÜBIXB oftlee boys are indebted to Messrs. Boughton A Carpen ter, the rcntlcmanly publiikers of tbc, Commenoement Annual for a box filled with prime " Zuln's.'" iot the kliul Unit the Brttlahers usad to war against, but the fragront weed relished 80 well by inaiiy of " the boys." The compliment all ended In Bmoke, bul was app recia ted by 1. 1 moker jui same. A ncw dramatic star has been announoed by tlie Post and Tribune and other Detroit papen, but for some Inscmtable reason Ms name is withheld. The l'iiknown is said 10 be a gentleman well known throughout thisstate, the announcement ofwJlOH Dame will occasion genuino surprise. He will play tragedy exclusively, and will appear in this city next fall. Come, now, give us the name. Services will be suspended as usual at the Unitarian chureh during the monthsof July and August. Tlie Sunday school, however, will be carried on right through the summer, but will holil its sessions at 10:30 a. m. instead of at noon. Arrangements have been made to organize two or three special summer classes of adults, .nul all niembers of the eongregatlon are invited to attend. Mr. R. A Beal and son left liome Frlday nioming, July lst, to Jota the Michigan press excursión, on a trip to the White mountains and the sea. A telegram (rom them after havinfr made the ascent of the mouutain, and arnvinjr at tbeQlen House. says they are enjoying themselves hugely with overcoats on. Surely that kind of a garment bas not been calleú tor bere for a few days past. - It is a diflieult tblng to trjr both groase and tliougbts out of a fellow at the same time. The weathcr for the past week bas successfully accomplished the former, but all our eftbrts at the latter have proved nnavailing, and we have come to tlie conclusión that the two never ought to be attempted contcmporaneously. liut alas, necesslty makes us do niany thinga whlch are incompatible with our desires. She is merciless in her demands. Human nature Is about the samo the world over. At least we }adge such to be a tact by this item from tlie Saline Observer ; "It scems to us that persons who have not sense enough to conduct themselves in a proper manncr while attending a meeting or entertainment, should stay away entirely, for by so dolng they would notonly save themselves from sliamc and scorn, but would also give those who attend for the purpose of enjoying tlie entertainment, the privilege of dolng so.1' Clias. J . Giiitcau, the man who made tbc attempt upon tbc president'a life, Uremembered by many of ourcltixcns. His father, 11 i said. was at one time a partner of the late Wm. S. Maynanl, In the general íncrchandise business here, and tbc j'oiin m.iii is said to have developed ovil tastes quite early in life. Still later, when Mr. Fleming was sheriff, Quiteau was aneited by him for jumping his board bill at the Leooard House. is known of hun here Isprecious üttle to his credit. The Lowell Journal givea this iatlierly advice to tbc ftraduate : " Dearly bcloved gradúate, when you shoulder your sheepskin and amble home, don't think you have been around the world and know all about it. There are things to come never dreamed of in your old philosophy. Grave senior - you've struckhard pan now, and lVom now on it's nitrojflycerine and dynamite, instead of the class cane and buttónhole bouquet - unlessyour parents are wealthy, and if they are, you will probable never amount to much anyway." Last week Thursday, Commencement Day, Charlea Hutcliinson, of Ceresco, Calhoun Co., not beingfully satislied with the diploma reeeived and the degree of Ph. B. conferrcd, made the day a still more memorable one of his life by taking unto himself a wife in the person of one of Ann Arbor's favorito daughters, Miss Emma J. ('h aniberlain, daughterof Mrs. W. D. Ilarriman. Thc'ceremony was performed by Kev. J T. Sunderland. The youn;; couple start out in life with excellent prospect;', and a long list of friends and well wisher-. One of the most quiet Fourths that has rolled over Ann Arbor since she arrived at the age of celebrations, was passed last Monday. There was naihing golng on save the enthusiasm of the boys, whlch would show itself in the occasional Uring of crackers and rockets. The older elass of inhabitants were too anxious over the news from Wasltlngton to take niiieh heai t in festivities of any kind. The telegraph oflice wns btaged from moraiug til] night by anxious crowds. The flagt, even, were nut displayed, and general gloom seenied to pervadc tlie people in place of OM usual joyousness. Quite a niimber Of people went to l)(troit, and otnerswent to Jackson and otlier places, but more becattwof thecheap rates of travel, and a desire to get some wherc out of fown, than for any othet purpose. 'l'lic fellowing are tlio honorary dflf conferred by the rinirersity at the recent eomtneneetMnt; BaymondO. DavU, librarían of the university, M.A. ; Kandolph Rogen, of Home, Ituly, formorly of Ann Arbor, M. A.; Aaron V. McAlvay, of Mantotee, I!. V ; Prof. Geo. S. Morris, of Johns Hopkins iinivcrsity, Ph. D.; Bflmund Andrews, profeuor of the principies and praetlce of Burger; In tlie Chicago medical ooilege, tiL. I) ; Proli A. 15. l'alincr, of the department of medicine and stirgery, In Michigan university, LL. D. ; Prof CL. Ford, of the deputment of medicine and nirgety, la Michigan anlvareltj, LL. D. We havo gpokeo several Unies in these column about the laxity oí ministers and ollici:ils whose dnty it is, luider the law of our state, to return every marriage solemnl.ed by them. We lmve also referred to the ncgligenee of supervisors in returnIng birtht and dcaths, which is a part of thell duty todo. A glance over the returns at the county clerk's oíBcc will show pretty quickly who does the work tboronghly, and who does not. From Saline village, for instancc, not a birtli is returned, while from Manchester 05 are returned Is it DOUlble tliat there was nota birtli in Saline villaje last year? " Wliy stand ye Idly there?" Pethapa the Observer can arise, and with a face sufl'used witli blushes, explain the lack of Saline enterprise. A strawberry menmiriiig TU Indios In olrpamfBrenoe isoneof the tu Auburn, N. Y.- Detroit Eveulng New. l.a-t weck the CouuiRit told of n strawberry ineasuring Sfá inches in cireumferenoe, 8J inches In diameter, and weging :l'8 ouuceS, bilt the Ken diiln't noticc it. Does "distance lend euchautuient," etc, ? or are our home producís to be Bllghted? The berry, as we stated, was of tlie "Champion of the west" variety, and grown by John Allmand, of Ann Arbor town. Mr. A. had two others quite as large, bot the blrdfl destroyed them before they were ripe. If atlldavits are necessary to prove these ascrtions they can be had in any quantity ilesired, for tlie truth in"t elongated a partiële. In fact, we think the diineiisious given are rather 11side thaa outsideof actual measurement, if either. ____ A report was telegraphed over the country last Tuesday that several huudred peojle, at a little town in Missouri, were poisoned by drlitking lemonade made of acid, and tuat several had alrcady (lied. Wc have not Been a coníirmation of the dispatch, but there is such a greedy feeling among the commercial classes of to-day, and Buoh b great derire to matee Bomething out of nofhing, that it makes the story a plausible one. Everything we eat or drink now-a-days, isadulterated nu wmv oi.or er mbstanoe. Our sugars, and teas, and collees, and spices, are all adulterated, and the fermer Iims to put the bottom of his baskets half way betwem the top and whcre the bottom should bc to keep even with the manufacturera and middlemen. The man who works on a salary is the principal siill'crcr hy this growing species Of iMscality. He has to pay a big price for adulterated groceries to leed his family ; and also pay full price for a quart of fruit, and receive but a pint. This merely In illustration ; the sanie holds good with nearly all the necessities of lite. A few days since some of the little "cubs" who live and play about the corner of Main and Liberty streets were amusing themselves byagame of "dare." After several very brave things bad been done and all the rest liad dared to follow their leader, one little fellow "scooted" into the draiii tile, tlirough which flows the water of the gutter underthe street, coming out in a few minutos at the other end. One or two little Boampa followed hun and went through succewfully, ooming out In great glee on thti opposite side of the street. Kinally the largesl boy Of the party attcinpted t, and after crawling tn about eigbtor ten feet, found that he Could neithergoahead or retreat. He was stuck. Here was a diré dilemma, lie "hollered," and yelled, and cried, but all tono puipose, itdidn't reduoe hit avoirdupois one whit. He must either fast k Tanncr. or laffer his clothes to be pulled off and hls epidermis with them, provicling a hold could be got by outside parties to "anake" him out. Butall suchefforts proved futile. Finally a bright idea struck a bystander. 11e got some picks and spades and pressed severul men into service, and quiok time was make in digging down to the pipes, and cracking them open to let the chicken out. This particular youth never will "ilare" to follow his leader again - at least into a sewer pipe.