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Prof. Morris mul family havo gone to Baratoga. Air. Odetkirk, of the Milan Sun wa In the city last Wilnesil:iy. R. C. Dnvis, miiver.sity librarían, has Jfone to tfainê to s[ieiul Iris vacation. (J. S. Pltkln, f IVtrolia, Ont., luis heen in the city during the past weck. John tfoore has gone for a trip around the lakes, accompanied by his wifo. Profs. L. 1). Wines aiul A.B. Pond of the UigU school, liavc been taking in Chicago and Ita Iktni tor the paal ten day Profa. Calvin Thomas and C. N. Jonca, the latter aeootnpanied by liis wife, have gone to Maino for a fow week's recrcalion. Pbillp Bach and wife, and Mrs. Dr. E. Wells, left lastTnesday nightfor a aununer resorl In Vermont, to remain several weeks. Miss Mafrgic Morton has gonc to Marine City as :i guest for a short time, of Mrs. II. T. Morley, nee Miss Allle McLean, fbrmerly of this city. Jadge Win. I). Barrlman s to leave next Ti 1I-.--1.I t" ];i tlic yenrly vis( to liis p:irents ut Peaehani, Vt. Be will bc absent about three weaki. W. li. l'itkin, formerly einiloycd in this office, was in the city on the 4th to see his old office claims, lic is at present enguged on Every Satunlay. I. A. Bun, one of ' Unclc Sam's " I'. O. derks, is taking a short vacation vlsitlngin Wisconsin. He will return in a few days vid around tlie lakes. EL A. Beal, proprietor of the Colimen, aiionipanied hf his son, J. E. Ueal, are drinking in the lieanties of eastern scenery on the Evening News excursión. Miss Clara A. Ilayley is slowly rocoverinii trom the fearful ordeal tbroilgh which she had to pass last Monday. The sliock was a terrible one, and the recollections of it will alwuys be accompanied by cold chills and a ihiidder. The Ovid Register had this item among lts personáis : "Miss J.illic Nicliols, of Ann Arbor, sister of Mrs. V. II. Castel of this place, took the silver medal at Coopei In stitntc, New Vork city, where she bas been ¦tudying paintíng for the past year." Q. W. Lilly, one of the Chronicle editora of the first semester the paat year, camc to the city last week to take his sheep-skin. He is with the Pullman car works, in ChiOaffO, .it proaenti and hus taken a healthy hoe from outdoor work that is refreahing for iis In-door poopto to ga.e opon. Engene Manu spent three or four days at Grand RapMs daring the past weck. He greatly admires the vün nul energy of the ¦ei 1 city of Michigan, and is ijuito uthnslastld over lts Immense noannfliotorles. lint oid Ann Arbor has charms wliirli morethan oouaterbalance, afler all. Capt. J. II. Mansficld, who bas been a redden I of Ibis city for the past few years, lias moved back tu liis old home, Coldwater. He oame here for the parpóse of edaoaUng his daugnter Allie, and that belng compllahed, ii mlMlon was evded. We Ihall miss liini from our cily, tur lie san iiulstrious, social gentleman, n kinu and ubllglng nelghbor. El-nest E. (atchell, who lias boen pursiiing Btudlea in the pharmacy department for the past twu ycars, gradaattng lust (reek, bal frcme to Atlanta, Georgia, his addraH betng iso s. Fonjthe street. Mr. GMcbell is ¦ panereriag yonng man, who goes on the motto; "Work away, yon can do it, I know," and 'scldoin fails in wliat be nntliTtakes. Vi e wisli hini luoOSSI in hll snutlicrn llOllKV


Ann Arbor Courier
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