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Mr. J. Watson intends tolet his farmand ake Ufe t'usier. The berry of wbeat is reportad very plump and ñire ly the farmers who have harvcstcd. Junlus Short liad twelve sheep run over and killed on the 1. II. & s. w, l. I." i.cently. 'i'licy meta apprized at . eadi. CIIEI.SKA. Tlic Chelsea base ball club has liad revende on the Dexter'a, beattng them by a SCOTB of 12 to S. The game was pluyed herc on Friday, the Ist. A friendly gamo of base ball last 4tli, at Manchester, between the Chdsea and the Clinton clubs, for a pri.e of $10, resulted in favor of the Chelsea boys by a score of 83 to 9. The boyscamp home elatea. Horald : !Ii-s. Ed. McNaniara and familv, left laM Thursday for Traverse City to joín her husband, wben he has got a steadv psition as foreman in a larra boot and shoe inanufactory. We wi.-li them sUCCésa. The ol purehased it this station this season, foots nó H follows : Kempf uros., 21."i,D00 Ibs.; Baboook S QUbert, 110,(K)0; l'ayJor Broa., (0,000; Durand & lluteh, 40,000; inuklnga grand total of 125,000 Be. Pretty good glzed II guies lora sinall staüon. ' llerald: G. W. Turnhull and W. K. IVpcw of this place, liavc formed a OO-paftnership in the Uw business and have opened au office at No. :! Ilill's opera house, 4.nn Arbiir, which will be occupled by Mr. DepeV. Mr. 'runilinll will ciinlinnc ín the offlöe mw CMCttpied bjr blnl in the SfbKane building in this place. Chip Basket. - The gchool board have been ''looking ub" neeiled repairs. Gllbert Gay Is home agaro. Aboul KÓO excursión tickets were smd ui ?t„ii,,n for Um 1 1 1 ¦ 'l'he M. E. Church pulpit was occapied 1 y Rev. W. J. ('atupbeli ui Dcxter lust. öunday. Rev, Dr. Holmes united Albert Ingram and Miss May Bcptt, bothof Stockujlche, in marriage, on the lst inst. W. .' Dancer lias lelï kbetWre and gout l'ack on the farm to live, in l,inia. Dr. Gates liad a bain raising bee n few days aso, The sum of $10 was raiséd at a l'.aptist social reccntly, in help Eider Uay btñmse uí the loss bc sutVercd from burilara, which loss amounted to a vahialile gold waleli and chaiii. and $0.7") in c:ish. LODI. One day last week, a horse bclniüfiiijf to James ötevens, vahtud at $ir0, feli into a Uitoh. breaklng the liij) bone, and bad to lic killed to end its misery. MANCIIIISTKK. Enterprise : Jamei A. FtobhOn, srin of llon. .). .1. Kobison, ot' Shamn, wlm Ikw been at Atlanta, (corjíia, since last winter, has coQcluded to snlff tbe country air, feeling that it will be more conuDCive to his liealth. He will nisticatc at ;rilliti fora season. Knlerprife: Charley Sanford allous the citizens to place articles they wiih to preserve from the heat in his refrljterator building. Butter, fruit, etc, are tlius kept fresli. Dr. Conklin put a quantity of strawberries in tlierc some two weeks since. whlcll are as fresh and nice as tlie day tbey were placed there. Hiver Uasin lolgeN'o. 27, 1. O. O. F., lias elected the fbHowiug otlicers : N. G., Dr. A. Conklin; V. G., Mat D. ülosser; R. Sec., . M.Nortou; 1. Sec , (i. VV.Doty; Treas., J. C. Gordanier; E. S. N. G., John Kensler; W., John L. M vers: [. GT, Lloyd Conklin ; H. S. S„ (. A. Brcgel; L. S'. S. John HHdinger; H. S. V. G., Harvey Blafedel. The United VVorkmen lodge, of Uaochester lias made tbc following selection of offlcers: 1'. M. W., J. ('. Gordainer; 11. W., J. L. Stone; G. F„ H. L. liose; ()., B. G. Lcivcjoy; Recorder, Ed. E. Root; Recelver, Fred. Kensler; Finaneior, Win. Kirchgessner; Guide, Georjfe Nisle: I. S. W., Fred. Schaible; O. S. W., Win. liehfuss; Trustee, S. W. LockwooU. Chip Basket. - The Enterprise suys " the river is f uil of weeds and it smells very disairrccable." Joe T. Jacobs has griteo up his clothing store here. The A. O. U. V. Uaag -i transpareney out meetlng-oiiffUt-. now. C. M. Norton' is -;¦ ¦ nave rente.l the stor-. mm occupiod by Case & Corey, to teke iosscssion in the t'.ill. The ManchettMl baud is no more. Manchester .Mei hodists want Hev. J. C. Wortley awigned to this place by the next conference. Drs. Conklin Lave moved into tin-i r ncw building. Only 1 12,000 pounds of wool lias been bouglit here this season. Prof. McMahon don't like it in I'arjs, it issaid, and, and talks ol' rclurniiijr this fall. .1. S. Vree lánd and daughter have been visiting at Grand Haven. Al. Vounyhaur has gone to lUirlington, Iowa. J. ¦!. Clarkson will go to Jackson to live thl fall. Hen. Colwcll has gone to (rand Kapids for a long stay. SALINR. The eo unoil has taken up the "corner loafer" auWwice with ap intentton of abatillg t. Hope su. Observen It is iitterlv iinpossible to rent a house in Saline, at present. 10 very one is occupied, and sbrae with two or three families, at that. l'rof. .). R. Davfshassecured Oië posltion of superintendent of schools at Deudwnnd, Dakota, at a salary of $1,500 per year. 11e and the Deadwood people are to bc congmtnlated. Clias. Parons, of this place, who n.'CentIjr gradliated from ttie pharmaey deparl ment of the university. bas gone to Washington as a chemist in the agricultura] department, where his'lnotber llenry also holds a positlon. Observer: A llock of 80 sheep on the Nelsou Fowler ostute shcared au average of over niiic pounds of wool per head, this sea - son. It dou't cost any more to keep one I these slicep, tliau one that shears only flve poundt. Why don't more of our farmers have sueh? The following gentlemen have been seeured to address the teinperancc club QDOD tin1 ilates nieutioncd : Jllly S3d, andtth, Hughes it Ward, of End., Auguil 1 Ith, Trof. liekey, of Albion; August 'ïstb, Rev. Mr. Kerrldge, of BUaaflaM; Scpt. llih, Rev. Dan. R. Shier, of Saline. Will, sou of Geo. STIasly while assisting his fatlier in riveting some seetions on a niouer knife, was struck by a little pieceof steel in Ihe eye. The wound was in sueh a dangerous locallty that he was taken to A nu Arbor to have it removed. The doctor thinks the eye can be savid, bnt the escape was au extremely narrow one. The following is a list of the teachers of the Saline schools for the coming year : Principal - Arthur R. Rood; preceptress - Miss Hettle lügncll ; second graminar - MlBs Ida A. Spoor; lirst graniniar- Miss Tillie Calhoun ; second Mi f{. II. Marsh ; tirst primary - Miss Anna Webb. Chip Basket.- Aun GUlett, agid 8 I vean, oled on the 2d inst., of oíd age. Pro!' W. 10. K.ibinson, of Detroit, has bees VÜltlng relat ives in tlils vleinity. Saline was exqeedlngly qulet on the h. Geo. J. Nissly bas piirehased tbc Drake propeity adjoillrag bis prernises. Rastel] Mills' son and ramily from PortHuron have been visiting the cid home. Kittie Hoyt, a Blissílcld teacher, isspending her vaiation witli lier parents in Saline. K. II. M:irsi haB renteil Ed. Culvcr's place, who bas gons to Hillsdale to live. B. VV. Forlics' mother and daughter are In Vermontrllle. HlssesMar M( and Carrle Jewett are visiting at liattlc ('reek. Dick Marsh now geti about in a patent rolling chair. A ncw tonn pump. lint net slrect sprinkler. 11. I. Davcnport bas gone to New York to buy a tire engiiic, lote, etc. Mr. Mills lias a ncw hack. Miss Ktta Boynton, of Grand Haven, bus been visiting frlends in Saline


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