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Detroit base bnll club stock s on thc advance again. The Crow Indians :ire cuttnr up didocs 011 the Tonguc river, Wyotnlng. '1" lie Joncsvi]!' Independent baschaoged hands partially, .Mr. (jeo. D. Harding hVing pnrohaaed a half luterat The lirui s now HanUag i Bgglaatnii The DoWftglaC Hepublican exhibited iincommoo JourntUstlc enu-rprise ibr i country aewapaper in giving In its Issue of the Ttli, :i very gsod picture of tlie wonld-bc litcuu, and also of the president The Marshal! Stateeman says tlmt Midiagiu will probably "send Ax rcgiinents" of itat troops to the Yorktown ccntfrinial next Ootober. ït u altoortbu itwIc tiiat lf%he -rmi sis compénfa shc will do walk Owlng toa xaiidal in whicli thé name of oator Platt flgand oonspicaottiij, be withdrew his name from the New York mmtnrtal contu.-t. Hm stalwarts ubstituted the name of COngreuman OfowIby in Ui plaat. A Cincinnali man claiins to have invented an electric motor which can be attached to a Street car at a cost of $50, and. afterwnrd run the car at an expense of ten cents a day. Ah, if only the tirfngg "chiimed" were sometimos reuUzed. lr. Henry (;. Vennor, the weather lrophct, has .1 handsome rnoiiítache; he parta his hair to tlie niiddlc- which is a vcry bad sirn tor biains - and he is 41 ycars oll. His eaily life la Canada was spent In poverty. Iu the university of M on t real lic a professor, and is the anthor it a book called "Ol Birds of Prey." The Albany muddie still continúes. Tlie half-brceds held a caucus last week Friilay, and nominatod Congressmen Jliller and I.apliam, but some way they fuiled to elect, lacklng tix votes of a majority. Vesterday ÜH stulwarUs and democrats of the house voted to adjourn sine die, but what the senatc will do remata 10 InThe democrats of OMo have held their cinveation and iioininated JohnW. Bookwultor, of Sprintield, for pfOTernor; lieutonaiit-irovernor, Edirar .M. Johnson, of Clncimutl; supreme court judjre, K. F. Kiiijrlüim, of Franklin; state treasiiner, A. F. Winslow, of ( 'leveland ; uttorney general, Frank C. Dougherty, of Highland coiinty. 'l'lie Chb i, Qriaooin, ftnlahed ilu' 1" (Uiys, wliirli ba siit out toaccomplisli, last Wedneadfty noon. He lost just 50 pouuds durlag tin' time. Tlie sturving game didn't brtng in the money to any very urrcat extent, and it ia thought and hoped this fact wlll dfltw otlier from uttempting ¦ like foolisli experiment. It sn't nmch il ¦ lifk4 lo see a lean and hungry body. The issue of the Clinton News of July "tli containcd the vnicdictory of C . ClOOgh, tho geutlemao wlin has hail cliarc of that paper for the past two years and over, as editor and proprietor. Hr. Clough will wek (itlir lields wln-rc hc hopM Ui flnd better health Mr. 0. F. FieM, a gTmêaat of MtehlgM university and a loiiner principal of the Clinton nchoolg,wi]l liort'aftrr bc the editor uid propiietor. We thoiiiilit ttmt in giTing oar rwbn thcir choicc of threc Ui lic rent ways of spelling the name oí tin1 president' intended mnrderer, laat weck, the limit of accommodiüing journalism was reaclitl. But in lookinj; over our exHianfrcs we flnd it a niistako. Tbere are froiu twulve to fifteon (lill'erent oí tfutUng il, aml one paps w noticfd gan iu naden the cbofase of live in onc artiele, coinnienting with "(iriteau." The figures foilowing gLr knh U the ariny it takis to run the bUsiHeM Of one departmenl of the goTemmenl alone: On tlit tir-t of July tken tU TBT C.ixiu peetoSoM in the country, and the total Dnmber of offloera, arents and enployes, .ilxint 88,0(0, There are upwanls of tl.iHMi eontracton and about 6,000 clerlca in postofflees. city o:irricrs number more than 3,000, aml there are nearly 1..JO0 clerks ciinstiiiitlv emploved on the railroads, and M niuny more roulc agents. There are over 400 route messeners and not less than 200 lxal and tpWial ageiHl An Ohio fjirl "takes the cake"' on Mg li-( i -hor lartory in Albany bas reeeived ii diagram of the foot of Miss Mary Well-, of Sandiisky, who placed her bare fopt on a sheet of paier for the purpose. 'J'his ft, as iboWB by Hm diajrram, s i -- actly 1" inclics Iomi;, 7:)s inrhes uiduatlhe de-! put and could I liuniber 20 boot, thoiiLdi Illlintwr 'M ouhl bc just the thing. The ball of the foot is 19 iiwlus .noiind, nst' 1M' ini'lics, and the In tl nicasures 22 inohcs. The ankle MMUW Ii;'.; inches. Miss Wells weighs 100 iouikIs and ihe is bot 17 years olü. A rithOT peculiar case ni datíáeá by the Frcnch and Aimruan claims comniissiou iKi'iitly. Bfie Anbrcy, ¦ rolored (roman boni ia Jannary, 1803, in Loui-iana, thcii French territoiy, claimc-d 10,000 tiimi Um l'niud Stutrs for (hiniagcs doM in the 'ivil war, on the grounil that - Ing bom in Louisiana when it was French teiritory, oontinued a Krcnch subjed notwlthiundlng Uw twtfar ot Um tcuitory ti !in i'niii.i stat.s. Tha eommhtbn decided against her on uil pointl ui thns .-cl t led the status of eoloreil aml othfr )ierMHM boni in Louisiana before t bemme a part of the United States. foUowlng statistic rolative to the Ot "81, wliieli has just raduatul from Vale college, may bc Of MM interest to many of our naden: 'l'hv cla-s nniibereii 1211 nemben, and tb average g9 s 2S years, 0 niontlis and 2C, days. Tlii.-s DMÜiei the class oldest of whieh Uier is any record. The elass of IS71, which is the next óMeat, averaged 22 years, 8 moiithi and o days. TllO oldest man in liie elass cais, 1 nionth, 18 days; tbeyoUOgest, 19 years, :i nionths and 86 days. Scmii leen ol the class are vimler'Jl. Tle ari aga welght of the class It ¦ liltle )ver 149 pounds. Forty-nine Intend to takeup law ; iiu-iiit iuc-, ii; teaching. 8; maDabctaiing, (J; ministry, 5; banking, 4; jnunulUin, :!. A very sensible law lias been pMied by the legÚlatUn W New Yoi% ulirh - deservinj,' ot' heilig OOpied. Il lorlids the sale or delivery of HqaM to cliiluvn undÍBT KI years of a;re ander any eireini-taüccaor tor any purpose. It will, it (oforoed, al least keep tbemoat of grog áhopt, wbere tliev om lttin'ii nothing but t-vil, anl it will jirevent dranken pareaU trom landing thi'in there, to beeome aecustomei to the sight and sinell of spirits and lrejueutly ,,u -.itiuitc for it. AuotUur irovlion of the bill prakibtta ehildici from ploking rag! or l)Oggin in siri'ls, and ; directa all so fouiid to be turned over to the eoinniissioners ot eharities, vho are , diieeled to providc for their neceaitits. it ; tliev are ncedy. and plaee theni in reformatory Of benevolent institutions il' hey are , not. We noUee tliat Um bcwrd of ecucaUoa ni Detroit, has cul oö' the tcaciers of eloeution - or reading - and penmuwblp, aml ïetained those of dnwing and muilc. Cut oil' two tfaingi MentU lo ¦ good couudod educution, aml retained tie luxuuries. It may not be n in Datrott, bul in qmM of (mr xliools Uk prlnwry teacher are alruaily ovcrloadcd witli work.and eau not takc more upon thcir ljands ithout njury ti the school. Aiiotlicr tJiin, tO writc a good hand, and to road nicrly are two very great tccomplbbments, almost necessitics, in tlii day. Nu penon can learn to writu well únicas tatlgfat ljy one teacher, A difl'erent teacher every term will spoil tin: writlog of any child. The pupil wUl aciiuirc a peculiar style of this teacher, and rctain a pecoltw juirk of that teacher, untll their chirograpliy will retemblé the turkey tmcks of Iloracc Greely, Don Ilenderson or ('. li. Tattison. And it is quite the same with nadiiifr. It would seem to one, at this distiince, as thougü the Detroit board had out the tus, leavng the line oalj, to pull the cmriac.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News