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Nortli Branch Gazette : Now say eandidly ! Would you lian a man f he was crazy ? VVfll, if he tbot m hang mr if I wouldn't feel like t. CoruDlia American : With iU last issue the Ovld Register began its gixteenth volume, and its publishers are determlned to Carrier on to glory and a coinpetence. Jonesville Independent : It looks as thougb the fuel bilí i! be thi year thau ftr time. Goal is higfaer and BAHooned woel, It ia UkciMfet l.y those postea, w 1 1 1 if caree and high. Caro Advertisur: Wlu-n a Cato rirl b presented wlth a booquet, he gaya 'Ofc Bow deliciously Weet; its fragrance imprégnate th; atotospbere of thmom." A Vassiir tirl simplv " it simms 8crompnonsj miauOift jui iuigw HarflhalTStateBtaan : Quiteau's disease reqnlrea beratc tieatment. Forthe benefit of tlie public bealtli, and for restralning tb.spread of liis terrible distase, we would recoiniiitiicl au allopatliio dose of liemp. It should be applied to tbe neck and followed wil b a drop of the- trap. Hi;r Hapiils Current : Wheu Eliai OarOeld, 89 or 40 years ago, saw lier boy drivlW sou; wull-i'urud animáis alonjf the liot and dU8ty towpath, she little thought the time would come wLen she would see the whole civiliztHl worldanxiouslyand prayert'nWy dwaiting tbe issue of hislitc or dcath. , Niiuncc Iron ll.rald : The inability of peopfe to secure the labor of mechan íes is anougly retar liiifr buildiiifj operations tbroiifiboiit the seasmi. A niiraber who bad pr)josit! !¦¦ ¦¦ ¦!;.¦ t j,,íjj.. u.;„ x-.i-nn, have heen o,onip'lled to abandon Utework until anothf lottion from tbegreat scarcity of labor. Farwell lie-rister: A younn man nota tlimisand miles trom Farwell, suffered the penalty of a Bweet kiss thls week. He weut to tea Mis lady love, and scckinjr the accustomrd kis, bis lips were pierced by the UiailicioiiB plu hi lici un mili, (ienls, ere you kij your lady love, see thtt the pins are placed 11 tbeir projier place- the pin cushlon. (Ciar Sprints Clipper: We hear frequent coinplaiiits tliat N unpleasant species of rowdyisin is frwuaatty indulged u, by a niterie of youug men," at the nilit tráin. The citizens in that licalty, aud more eslecally ladiesarrivingon the train, are put to a great inconvenience by their conduet. Sleep soundly parents, of it la everybody's boy but your own. Bay City Tribune: A. H. Mershon, the president of the Saginaw game prötectkn club, lias gone to llarrison to engage in prosecuting the parties who have been killing deer out of season. Tlie best of couunel has been eqffftged and that most of the sportsmcii's clubs, tbroujjbout the state have banded together and uitend to make it warm for the parties iuterested. Mt. Clemens Monitor: BapMtUu ails tlie Romeo youlig man. One tlay, wilh all tbe gnipe oí a (lnucus, he will bé twirlimr a cani!. striitl n.r 1 1.,. i( ¦fe 'iienaniSaS, and jiciping to keep store tront.H ia place. The ne.t abandoned by bis natty uir, and witb u wild longiiij' in hisevcs, hc ,.1.1 .. -1.1.11 IMIl I, ulf) H1,„OU lUn „)lníá,lu for Cunada. This strange desire to see the (iieri i's dominii ns ha.s resul ted insuchmystilication. Oxford UlolH' : Some of our exchaiifjcs growl a good deal becuse some peopleborrow papen of their neighbors instead of subscribiiifi and paying (br thein as they should. We feel dilt'erent about such matters. We want every body to read the Globe and trust that our subscriben will lend their papers to their neighbors until they are woru out. Let the Mgtrt shine in dark places though the darkness niay not coraprehend it, still it may do souie good. Lend your papers. St. Joseph : A blacksmitli iif petticoats. Just thinkoflt. It :s tiue nevertheless, that in Covert township, Van Buren county, there lives a person claiining to be a woman who not only carries on the blacksmltbipg and wagon making business herself, but'actually builds bouses and does the carpenter work, and It Is said that she pcrforms her work In a more skilful nianncr than niany men. The name of tuis penan bare forgotten, but our authoritv ¦Kin'nriiLiiir [ier is very ri'i'"1'1-. ¦' "" story can De crcoltetl. llolly AilvcrtisiT ; A jxtition has been cliculated aiiioiii i,. buslneM men for signat urcs, :L-kin; the COUOOil to inodify tlie onlinance rclative to the transacción of business on Sunday, so as to permit tho barber shops, Dteftt markets, mul bakcries to be kept open on tlmt day. 11' tuis was done tliere would be no use ol' any ordinance at all, lor the above nained are the ouly places whic.h have ever been publicly kept opep. 15y all means enforce the ordinance as t 3. Peqplc can nst as well bny thcir meal and bread and get their hair out on Saturday as on Snnday when they once get in the habit of it. Wi-xl'ord County Ploneor : A vigorous TSttAg man 11 Cantón. Oh'm, aller dr'inking il glass of beer, was attacked vvith gaspiug for breath, and soon died. Kxamlnation diowod that the vital organs were all in a healthy condition, and that death had rcsclted trom a remarkuWe cause. The cold bccrwhich hu drank had parlly paralyzed the stoniach, and, before the beer became of a proper temperatura to be absorbed Into the system, it had begun to ferment, causing a tormation of curbonic acid gas. The gasgraduallyoverpowered thelieart, lungs, and braln, and paialyzed theentiie nervoiiü system, produeing death. pecatur Republlcan: TUe Cass county ncwspaiers are dohi lots of hard work in favor of the propoMd history of tbat county. If they sucoeed In getting one and it proveí to be as big a thing as the recent Van Kur'n county hi.story, there will be a good chance to ascertain the true amounl of unailulU'iali'd pi'ofanity l the square inch in llial counly about the time the books are qelirered. A irnxl ooiiaty history at a reaÊftnabU Drice is all rigbt enough, hut when you see dütercnt (sinooth-toiifiiiedj men appear on the scène for eacb part of the work, and u pnjrillat todo the delivering. you may put the wliole thing down as a fraiul every time, and you will " make no uiistake." Three Ilivcrs Tribune: Men wlio want lo get oheap homes will do well to lócate in the borthera part of Michigan, instead il rWlltg, at far j;reater cost, for trannportation to the treelcss plains of the western states. The land in the northern part of the state is tinibcred mostly witli bewb and ma ple, and is wcll adapted to the jfrowth of wheal and potatoes. It is said that the lincst pciiatdcs groWQ in the United States coinc IVom the urand Traverse reglón. (oimI land can lic bought at fiom ild In $PJ per acre, and the country is stttling up vcry rapidly. The cliniate is Ircc trom mafarlal Inffbericea and éxceedingly pleaaant. A visit to the countles of Antrim, ('har levoi and Kmmet will convince the UlOSt skeptical Iliat imrlheni Michigan is a gOOd place to gO tO. (irand Kapids Evcning l' : One of the incidente in oonnection with the late TaleHarvard boatrtce was the reunión of the Valeclassof 1SBL Thcrc are ten of the cl.iss still living, and nve of thein nut at the race and tnlkfd over Hit! days of sixty years and nurc Ix'loic. ThtSf. vt'tcran COUeglailS witll sixly ycars between thein and tlii'ii' 1 oinmenccnient ilay, ere cilijects oTgref interest to the undergflilWtlH. none of winmi took W8I' inleie-t in tlic race, oi' BUMM thoniughly onjoyed Yalc's Iriuuiph tliau the graybearda who have been alumni for a lifelinie. It is 0OD1rortlng to us youug lellows. who may have 10 Btay in this vale for sixty or elghty yeais 'vel, to lililí VOÚUK lieaks living in old boülee; and to knoW that there may be as kien ënjoyineiit oí Ufe in U1 age us in yuiitli


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