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These Items are f rom the Herald : " Tlie Michigan centra] railroad is building a ¦6W elevator bridge In this place, 80 t'hal the team uill return on the uune track.'1 "Rev. Dr. Holmes delivered a very imposing out-door sermón, last Snnclay afterQoon on Main street. Thora was a úirge attend&nce, and it seenied to be dl appre"Theie are still a few loads of wool eouiintr into markt. The amount af wool purchased hre toli seaton, ulll toot up SOO.OOO pounds. Wc wouH liko to bear from a town ot its si.e that can beat It." Chip Hasket,- The (Jood Templars lodge ofthU place lias a meraberabtpof 76. Ross McKernan, au old gentleman and resident of l.ndon, died on Thursday of last weck. Lotsofthc boys went to .lackson to see Barnim. Rev. .1. L. Hndaon baa returaed trom lus western trip ïmich ImproVed in health. Mis Maty Qy and Mis May .Mitchi'll, of (iirard, III., have been visiting at Rér. E. A. Gay's. Jas. Grey and Miss iMnggic öcott, both of Scotland, were married hy Hev. E. A. Gay, reoentty. While eatberlng whortleberrles reoently Dr. Aekicy's tv was iiittcn by .¦tsniiki', liut prompt attenlion suved her lite. SomebOtly trled to lm the residence of ex-Marshal YViMit a few nights since. DRXTER. "Geo. Ilollis who stuck a butcher knife into liis lenee last week, has since been a great tofierer, He is likcly to bc laid up lor gome time with bis wim'hkI." These tenis are from the Leader: "Rev. VV. O. Allen of Webster Uongregatioual church takes hls racatiou Augmi lt. And the friendsof Webster ";iv' hun $60 to help blm lliroogh," "Om oí i exter'a yonng men went up to Ctmltna ice creara purion wiih two younjr hl. llCS, (111 'l',H .Ml.,y ....l.iu.r ,111,1 ..„1Í...I t..7"! (lisb mul spoons lor Ihree. Mn-tliavc liccn a ' J)(itch treat.' '' Chip Basket.- The trampa are numeróos and theyall like the Leader man. Qeo. J. Parc, justice, bas retiirncd fVom his i western trip: WW Tulte spent Sunday oi last week In town. The wheat erop is turning out better than the farmers thougbt . for. New iiiaehincry lieing put in the i ter mili. The Leader sayi: Dextèr was tbedullest place this week tliat weever saw. T. McXamaia is on a trip around tlie ' lakes. ' MANCHESTER. " The school boaixl have txteaded an i vitation to a gentleman at Wayne to take ! the place of assistant in the high school, at a salary of$4."U." . Tliese from the Enterprise : " The ! vest lias been very short this ycar as inany of our largo farmers have twine or wire binders, with wblch to cut their owo and their aelghborg' crops."' ' " We learn tliat a young lad residïng in tlie country went ín swlmmlng at Watkins' lake, a short time since, and was albUfën'wé should ucFge t was a snapper turtle.'' "Dr. Lyncli ltft a few heads of wheat at this office, fromtlte farm of Win. Hall, in SharoM, bilt mi one secins to know tlie name óf the variety. It is a beafded wheat, full litad, plump berry. lic flret discovered one head in his field, and by taking paina lo save the seed and sow it lie lias DOW quite a quantity of it. He scntsomc headi to the agricultural college at Lansing, but they could nol teil wliat variety it was. We presume it is somethingnew." Chip Basket. - The couneil has ordered a lot of sidewalk repairad or rebuilt. 'J'he wheat and bailey season over and oat harvest in lüll bloom. The next meeting of the farmers' club will beat the residencc al S. M. Merithew, ín Bbaron, on August 5th. A wind mili i.s wauted over the wel] at the corner of Kxchange Place and Clinton Btreeta, Mra, J. II. llollis hasgone to Lansing, lowa. Dr, Sheldon has been visiting his párente near Coldwater. Kev. N. A. Saxton is visiting In, Oh ja ('hailey Kenseler is elerking tor a Toledo Ann. SAI.1NE. From tlie Obsorver: "A lady "f this place claims tliat one of lier hens laid three eggi in 24 houi-s. We have nothing lo gal "SIS montltf "!" i""" siiïe-walks were llu: 'ruk:,' m lilis villaje; now thcy are ilic 'excepUon.' Thanks to our city lathers."1 Tlie fire engine house is completed, and it looks as 'neat as a pin.' Tliu. eoglne hu been (!X))ected to ariive lor several days, but has for soine reason been delayed. Chip Basket. - Fred. Derindinger has jone ti) Dakota. Saline hasn't had U c eiu-iuii tbis scason. The thresliing niachiue has commenced humming. Good butter very searce. A neat scarcily of masons and raipeiiteis hercabouts. HÜM Jlatlie and Carrie Jewett bavc returned imin liaitle (,'reek. County Cleik Clark and t'amily sent Siinday bclorc last at A. M. LelSaron's. The farmers are selliiifi mucli of their straw to the Ypsilanti paper mili. Cono Scliallcr u ti lay the brick for the mi'W stores. The Baptist church is to be repainted. Considerable sickne-s s repo rtcd. YPSILANTI. Chas. Klv bas gottt to ('harlcvoix, moving liisgrocery store, also. ¦ A band loiirnanient bids fairto be one Of the attractions o! the fair next f:ill. The ladies ui' tbc l'rcsiivtci au church liave nlrcady raised sutliciciit funda uilli whicli to repair tlie church. Ypsiiantian j A. McElcheran retomad tliis week trom his visit to Kik Hapids, and aniMMiiices htl 4mMw to close his repair sluip at once, lic internis icmoviiig to Elk Kaplds. Stephen Yutes has beun 27 years a trate keeper m the Saline plank rond. The conipany now propose to give liim the Detroit tolt gate, move luuri thereln, and pay liiui $35 per moiitli heraifter. An attsmpt is to be inaüe to prgaQize B Cougregational ehurch intblboity. lieginnug with nct Siimlay regular services w ili be held at the opera house, by Rey, . II. Qrannli, formerïy of Bt Clair. l.'cv. Geo. 1'. ïüidull, late of Fllnl, bnt for niany years pastor of Üu Presbyterlan chureli of this city, has reoelved and ai'ceptcd au appotntment to a profesaoinhjp in an eüucutlouai Dstitution at I'lacerville, Cal. Many friends will hiin well. In an article beaded "W'hat hall bedonc to liuild np onr Town?1' the Coniiiiciiiiil tajt: "Duriirsi and getal iwed kt oompetiii!; freignts. .Sec Imw hkuvcIcmisIv t. has woikcil in Alm Arhor, .- Vc may Offer big Imhiuscs, imr capitalUts nvi'-l all thcii1 loiisi' change, but without cheap frelghtt, in vain- money snnk. Yi wisc, putyour wits to work mul solve t yon can the best plan to secure a OOrapetiDg niail." Commercial : "It is wiih atncera regret thal c record the (ac) that at the eloae i thla paatórste year Rer. Mr. Bonrna will vaCate hig jiasturate hcrc and becomr a Kttdeut of' Aun Albor. I lis liealth the entire paat year forbiSs his oontlnuance na a pastor, c'spci ially in i Held requirinjf the labor and eflrort the VL. !:. ehurob of thU oUy Deed, and In laet every large church. Ile has made a host ui Iricmls iliirin' his brief loiourn, anil all hcartily pmy lor liis rWtOfi alion tO liculth." Dr. Luclua Madox, of Clinch county. Georgia, recently boJcI to the proprletor ol ¦ Clnclnnaü pleature gardes lor $ioo and the expentea t{ hlsjourney to and fro a centiiry plant wMcli had been in his po;g. scssion 40 years. Thrcc weeks after Is laie 1 1 ¦ - plant bloomed, produclng more than 11,000 llowcis, and in one uight the ne w proprietor made atoul ÍJ,0OOby exhib iinr ii lo n multltude of cnrloua vlsltora


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News