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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Iliiptist Cluircli. IlRV. S. 1ÏASKELL, Pastor. Sabbith services, m' .. A. m. and 7! r. M. ,v School ittei mnrnin service. Prayi t nutting 1 hursday evening at -U o'clock. ('athnlie C'lnirtli. REV. Katiier Kierce, Pastor. !.„„ Mass. g A. M. Hl M 1. "'.'S ¦ Vr'P", 4 !'. M. Smuhi SchOOt, ' j P. M. f'oiiirrosntioual Chnreli. RV. W. II. K.VDKR, Pastor. Sabhnlh services, io$ a. ni. and 7% p. m. Nunday School after mornintc Service. Praver meeting Thuí sii.iy e wing St ;' o'clock. Episcopal Clwroli. Rev. Wyllys Hai.1.. Rector. Saliliiih service, io"í a. m. nml y' í r. H. Sunilav School -l, ]1 ¦'¦ , , , , , Keligious services Thursday evening at 71 (o'clock. I (trinan Meflwdist ('lnirili. IIkv. C. IltLWlc, Pastor. SaMxOi services, 10V4 a. M ana 7 ' .. r. M. .Sunluy School, at nfne o'clock a. K. Praytr meetini; oa Wi-.liuil.iv. jitlieran riimciiUkv. Idhn Nkumann, Pastor. Sabbatli -ervices, io4 A. M. and 7' r. M. Siintiav School Rttat mornintí service. r muctiuí;, Thursüay evening at y% o'clock. Motliodist Episcopal CliuroliRjtv. JollN Ai.aaster, Pastor. ¦ÉfeM trvicc i", a M.wd]Up.M, ifter mtrnin(ï service. Pl ,,. 1 :nirsil.iy cvenini; at 7! o'clock Y.Mini; People! Meeting, Sunday evening 6%. Prosbyterian Clmroli. lUv. Un nin II. Steei.e, I). I) , Pastor. Sahh.itíi si'i -¦ vt „ M Sunday School and Blble dass .iiier mornino . . vice. Prayer mectiiiu. Thursdav evening at S o'clock. Young Pt-ople's Meeting, Sunday erenÍQg6M. l'nifai'iaii Clini'ch. Rek. J. T. Sunderland, Pastor. BsMmkíí senrk m at 10VC a. k. and 7 p. m. Sunday School al 12 m. Students" Blble ClaM at 9:15 r. M. Zioni Lutlieran Cluircli. Kkv H. I'. Belsek, Pastor. SíbSalh services at 10V4 A. m. and 7 p. M. Sunday Schixil inmoliately after morning service. Kcligious Services Weilnrsday evening at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. JESSE A DELL, Gradúate at Ontario Velerlnary College Toront", veterihaiüy" surgeon, ilic.-, No. B Rortk Main BU Op. Oomrt House, Tn'ai uil t1saM of Honaa, Catlle, and Other DoraeMIcated Animilí. Culi from other town can bu madi' hy leLyrapb, which will Kave much tinu A.V AIÏKOK, MICII. 1OT8 50 WIIXIAM BIGGS, BUILDER SHOP: TORNEK IICRCH AND 0ALBAV8 ST. Aun Arlx.r. ÍOÍI-TÍ W. II. J4CKSO, OFFICE : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Entrance ly Fir# Nallonal Bark. 782tl ___ WILL1&H IIERZ, Ilouse, Sign, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. - u - Hipfrinjr, Olazinff, (Jildinir, hiii! Calehnlllng and w(rk o? eviTv descrlptloa done in the beet ¦iylo, and w irr uitt'il lo uive .-ati-f.ictitm. Nliop, o. 4 Wst WaHhiiiüton Htri'lt. Ann Ar'ior, Michigan. 638tf yiLLIAiyíwrNICHOLS.j! DBNTISTI HAf RHOTtl Ti) 1110 NEW DENTALEOOMS 11VKH .IOC T, JiOOJjV STORK. 5fí;Ítf OSCAR O. SORG, liorsic, SKi.V AND ffflll Hl ALSU PAPER HANGING. NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY STREET. All Work Dono Promntly and Neatly. 102!) Hl _____ THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Aun Allior, llirhlicHn, T&AN3ACT5 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $5O,OOO. Organtzed under thc General Banking Law of thíe iKU-.ttie atockholdere are Indlvfdnally Hable lorn ddittona) amount eunal to the stook held by them, thereby creaÜDL' a .uarantee Fuiicl for the benent of it.-Liu.iiiir-i of $100,000.00. Three per rent. IntereHt is allowed on all SuvinKH Deposita of ono dollar and npwards, accord"i;t the rulee of the Bank, and interest rompounded "'""i anniiilly. Ildnij to loan on onlncumbored real state and other (ood nucurlty. Mriorf-Christlan Mack, W. W. Wlnes. R. A. Bea) Wllllam Deubel, Wllllam D. Harrlman Daniel Hlscock, and Wlllard B. Hmlth Offlrera: :iTiii, Míck, Pree. W. W. Winïs, Vice-Pren Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashler. 'J15-986 .i: 1 TUK BEST Fire Insurance ÉT $42,000,000 -ton Secnrlty held for the protectíon of thc pollcy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Rfprepents the followlng Hnt-claM comps nies, of whld) one. the .Ktim. lius alone pald .55,000,000 lire lOHM in sixty years ¦ Kuny, ,f Il.irtfonl { 7,400,000.00 Bofton Undcrwrltera 2500000. U FrukllD, Hliilailelp lila .'VtOO.OOO.Ut wmn American, N. 1 20i)(0.0( l-iMKion AMaru e Corp mtlon... ir..Hx,((o.iK) NhiIoiiïI, llartlord 1.2IK) (khi.ik N'inti Qmun. Huntmrg ïoohikhuk Hi. ii, ix, liruoklyn ,800,000.0 ' H'li'iwritera Aituucy, N. Y 4,6OU,0OU.U0 Letke UBerally ndtasted and promptlj pud. Polldea iwued at the lowett ratesot premium. _lui"73 CHRIHTIAX MACK. The ANN ARBOR COURIER book andTöbTrinting And KOOK-IUNDINU. All orderH prompty attenOeU to, and work neatiy done, at prfoM Umi defy coinpetltlou


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