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Herald: "Miss Bertha Noyes of Paw, l'aw, is gpending the Vacatlon with her Coiisin Hattie Noyes. She expert to visit Ann Arior and M.ison iicfmc returnlng home." Herald: "llus oor reform dub playedoutf It looksso, as they liave given up thelr hall. It Is now occuplcd by Wood Bros. for their nierchandlse. Wc "thiiiK il '- :' ier Dan move on ttic part ol i.ur Inbabltants to let it go ander." The Prangen of Waterloo, Obelsea, and Unadl'lla u'i'll hbld'thél'rHarvëïfFe'tóf; or picnic at North Lakeon the lotli day ot August nci. llon. J. J. Woodniaii is expected to dellreran addreA, other speakers 11 bc present. A general Inyltation is extended to all. ('hip Basket.- Considerable sickness reported, but bo terloui cases. The nnion school f.'1-oumis are being gradad and graveled. Geo. Poster has received and accepted the appolntment of vÜIuge mar ¦hali c. II. Krni])l' has commenced the erectlon of liis new building, irhleh will cost ahoiii $3,000 when cofnpleted. W. F. Haten has üxed op, painted, and óth rwlse beautlfled liis reside 'i'ii ; Good Templan are lo meel eveiy Friday nipht hereafter. Siducy llarrinjíton is' yciliii': heller of lus inllanmiatory rheiimallsm. .lames, elilesl son of Jacob Van Huson, died ai Jackson July SOth, and bis body wai breught bere for Interrmenti di: i i'.i:. Leader : "ReT. W. C. Allen wishes us to return his iban ks to bis Dextei congregatioti for a donation ol ttfty dollars. VVell, c knew the Dexlerilcs would DOt long perrait themselves ont-done by their Country couslns.'' ' Leader: The nnv pastor Is exccedingly Industrióos; the Baptist personage looks to mar Is houiciiiiess, the "ld bain, tliat's simpiy awf u1. li wimlil ruin the appearai]c-e Óf a paliiec built In the Elizabcthan sU Ie." Tboughtthwe must have been taraethtng the matter with the Dexter boys last week Tuesday. The Leader solvea the mystery: "'l'hree of the best players in the Dexter ninfl were absent, whicli probftbly had snmething to do with the result.1 There's always something to blame, you know, for adverse resulta. Chip Basket. - Rain is the needful tliinfj, just now. There is to be a frrand conoeri si mui ui red ribbon hall. John Tuomey has gone back west, to bis home. Justiee l'age bas had his bands full slnce he carne back, attendlngto cases. Lester Talmer is the nnv superintendent of the Baptist Snnday school whieh is to liavc a picnic soon. 'I'he 7ih animal ride of the younfc people to Whiimorc Lake ooourp Auir. 12tb. Mrs. A. H. Beal and daughter Mailic have been gpending tiic p:i.t weck with friends in loledo. A. Y. Case and l'iunily have gone In Ann Arlior to live. MILÁN". l'hos. Dexter is buildings new house on Main street. The Primitiva Hethodista are takingsteps looking to the erection of a house of u orship. 'I'he warm weather bas been vcry debililaiiiiii lor farmers thisyear, and thej' complalu of not having their usual rtrengtll. An 8 years oíd son of John liray was resoued by a son of WlUlam Needham from drowning in the river a few days liitce, aml was rewarded for his braveiy. MANCHESTER. Enterprise: "Directorsof the several school distriets of BridgewBter meet at the center, op Saturday evening, July .'Oth, to dlscuss the feasibility of making aohangc of readers In the schools of the township.'' The followlllg is the list of teachers engaged by the sciiool board lor the coming year: Principal, J.W.Hoblnson ; assislant in I)l;Ii sciiool, i. A. Sbartau; grammar rooni, Miss A. IC. ShcUi-11; second primary. Aliss Alice Kiohmoml; ff rst primary, MlssFannie Case; grammar assislant. Miss Iva Haynes. Enterprise: "The trial of John Wuertbncr for selHng beer to minors took jilace .lllxlici' Pi.rLiiiw on Mntiil'iv l'r,i cniiim atlorney hitman, ol ïpsilantl, appeared tor the people aaststed by vlllage nttorney A. I'. Preeman, of thli plact1. E. H. Ñoñis and V. . Westfall were Mr. Wiierthner's atloineys The trial oecupled Ibe eniirc dav, and was wilncssed liy a numberof our citlzens. Wuerthner was found guilty and was flned $2." and cosis, and ten days n the county jail. He Immediately appealed the case totbeclrcall court." Chip Basket - Unge promises from the polato erop. The li rst load of new heat thisyear was brousrlit in by John Visner and boaght by V. P. Cash. Wm. FtehfUN is building an loc house 80x90. Mrs. W. W.'l'ull le has "pen cd upan ice crea in pa rio r at lier store. During the year endingwith July, the re were 10,154,46(3 II. s. of w heat aml 238,5)85 Hbs. of other grata ihlpped from this place. Mrs. ('. Morcy bas heen to North Adama rlslUng ilu past weck. Jos. and Lazell hac 1 n vlsitlng in Ccdar oprings the past week. Beymour Coon r.'Uirned IVoni Louisiana rccently. and uill reinain unlil Sc]ilembcr. The animal ini.ssion Sunday service ol' Ihc Liilberan clmrrli nccurs on the i'lst, when ïuinis'.ers trom abroad ill be present, SA1.1M'. Obserrer: ".Quite a number of farmers iu this vicinily have threshed thcir w heat and in even case the yicld bas been botter Ihan was cxpeclcd, bei lig from 1"2 to 'Jl bushcls per acre.'1 Obserrer: "The past spring Mr. N. II. [sbell, "f rill.-licld. assisii'd by Mr. Ni'wton iSheldoii, ol' Anu Arlior (who is an adepl ai tree planting) set out on the farm ol' the tuinier, 400 peacb trees, and, nolwithstaudin the severe droulh durint: the early pari ol the season, only Iwo ot' tbc wholc DUniber died. Who can beat tlmtV" Chip liasket. - Corporation tax now due. The new hlock will take 50 car load ol' brlck. There were 70 barrels of drled aprjes Bhlpped by one arm last weck. Mrs. Walker, l'onneily Miss Susie Walson i.-il ing friends here. liiisiness issoüvely Ihat every man, team and boy is busy. There will 'be busbels and busbels ui' htckory nata thisyear, hurrah.boygl Theoatcrop will lic uiic of Ihc best ever harvcslcd in this section. Sheriff Wallaoa hasdeclded to re liuild. ( co. II. Cobb will keep (!ross Bros. booki hereafter. The Obsorver suffEests tbat the upper story of tbc new blocR be Becured for a town hall. Mrs. Dr. Kcit is spendlng some time here with friends. ¦ I'S! I. N TI. Rev. Mr. Scotl is oll' on a vacation ol I wo or three weeks. The city printing lias been auardcd to the Scnliiicl lor Ihc coming year. Fred lliimphrey and Will Iloney have returned trom Denver, Col., beeauM ol' ill hcalth. Deubel Bros. are putting in a l'orty ton Ml ol -cales al Ilieii milis so that Illey can Welgh car loads. The slatc eoiilrael for furiiisliini iaper been agahll awanlcd lo Ihe peninsular paper conopany ol this city. Pripei sooaewhat in atlvancc ol last scasmi. Thos. LeCoinpl, ol l'illslield. a inciubei ol the law class in i bc universii y, the Commercial saya, was arrested a few dnys sincc for crnelly beatlnx a pony He was drtvlng. A chaiici' for bis legal lore, now. (irovc Spencer claims lo have shipped from oue lo Ihrec car loads of cattlc cvciv weck lor ihc pasi live years. And forthermore claims tbal more cattle are shipped from this station than ny other station on the line ol' Ihc cciilral road.


Ann Arbor Courier
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