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Starve Island

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Those who have passet! down Lake Eri In the vicinity of Put-ln-Bay may have obscrved a diniiuutive islaiul á short tUatauc below the fonner place. In the distano Kcllcy's Island is plainly in view. The whii-IUias probahly nevcr buen pumiahaTi An Every 8atund.y reposten, wlio wa conjf ortably seswd on hnrricane deck of the City of Detroit Moflday, wliile tua steiimor was passing near l'ut-in-üay Jearted the followincr facu from the genia! Capt. McKay in refereuce to the various island. "'l'hat little island yonder,'' began the OW niarinor, is caUed Starve Island. Some 20 years ago this sectionof the country was very thinly settled. and a man named CunRlngham locatcd on yonder beautiful spot kirown as Kelley's Island. At the end of two years CunningbMn founü a partner to shaie his proíperity- a mar. in whom he placed the utmost contidrnce, but wlio eventually proved theveritable false frieiul, One day these two men went out prospecting after minei-als. They embarked in a row-boat and soon reaehed Starve Island. Watching his opportunity, Cunnlnffbam'i partner jumped into the boat and pushed off from the shore, leaving his benefactor to starve to death. Since then the place has been known as Starve Island." "Quite an aj)propriate name," remarked the scribe; "but what became of Uie doomed man F' "Well," said the captain, "after a few il:iys liad paiaed 1)V OuuulughaiU managed to construct a small ra ft fiom some drift wv1 wliidi lic chanced to piek vip. On leavIng the island the wind and current were in his favor, and lic loon ixmched the]ai])p()sitc. ilc kfpt. his secret and iiade nis way to Saiuluky. Tlicro he purchasdl B donble-barreUed slmt;iii), an,i before many days landcd safdy on his Island. He at once started for the cabin, where be cxpeoted t liml his now deadly enemy. He advanccd very cniitiously through the ihTbrusli unta lie reached the olearina f hen he beheld the object of his wrath working in a cornflelil not far distant. Ilis eneuiy's buck was turucil, when suddenly a, twig snapped beneath Cunningham's feet, whicli caused bis antagonist to turn iiround Xho villain, who naturally bflieved liis frieud dead, was terror-stricken for a moment, tlien turned to flee toward thecabln. Quick as flash CaajlingbaU) lnourlit his gun to bear upon him and emptied both chambers. The unfortunate man feil dead, riddled with bucksliot. Ctabnlngham jrave himself up to the autliorities at Sandusky. Havinpr no ready money, beaffreed to deed to a lawyer nanied KeÚey liis entire interest in the claim, then kiiown as UunnlDgham'a Island. The auoraey dcIVmlcd his dient successt'ully. That is how


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News