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CHURCH DIRECTORY. I!.i.t- Church. Rev. S. Haskell, Pastor. Sabbath services, io1 A.M. and 7 P. M. Nun.l.iv School after morninp service. Prayer meeting Tliursday eveniag at 7 o'clock. ('alholic Church. Rev. Father Fierle, Pastor. I,ow Mass. " a.m. Hitfh M.iss. 10 A. M.Velpers, 4 p. m. Numi.iy School, aV4 P Congregatlonal Church. Rev. W. 11. Kyder, Pastor. SiMjnth services, io1 a. m. and 7W p. M. Sunday School alter mor-iint; services. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7VÍ o'clock. Episcopal Church. Rev. Wyllys Hall, Rector. Drill Mili services, io!4 ¦ M. and 7' p. M. SuiKl.iy School, 24 p m. Hcligious services Thursday evening at 70'clock. (iornmii Melholist Churoh. Rev. C. Helwig, Pastor. Sahlath services, lo'J A. M. and 7' p. M. Huaday Hchool, at nine o'clock a. m. l'rayt-r mcctiog on Wednesday. Ludieran Church. Rev. ]ohn Neumann, Pastor. Sabbath cervices, io a. m. and 7 p. tá, Sunday School alter morning service. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at T% o'clock. .¦tlmilisi Episcopal Church. Rkv. John Alaiíaster, Pastor; Sablvith servic es. io4 a.m. and 7?. M. Siiiul.iv Schoitl after morning Service, l'raver meeting, Thursday evening at "j4 o'clock. YmiML l'eople's Meeting, Sunday evening 6%. Prcsbyteriau Church. Rev. Richard H. Stekle, D. D , Pastor. Sabbath services, Io a. m. and 2% MSuiulay Schoot and B ible class after niorning ser"Whyei n,. -,11,11;. , ur„, „ _. o „,o]ock Yoiinj4 l'ciíple's Meeting. Sunday evening ri.' I Hitarían Church. Rkr. J. T. Sunderland, Pastor. Sabbath s trvic s nt io a.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Schooj at 12 m. Stpdents' llibll Class at 9:15 P. M. Zions Lufheran Church. Hkv. H. F. IIelmi, Pastor. Smbbath services nt 104 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunilay School imtnediittely after niorning service. Keligious services Weduesday evening at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. JESSE A DELL, Tiraduate of Ontario Vcterlnary College, Toronto, vetehinary" surgeon, Office, No. 5 North Main 8t.. Op. Conrt llouae. Tioltl all dlueaxea ol Horsvs, Cattle, and Other Dim"ticutPd Anim-ila. Cali froro other town( can le made by telegraph, which will ave muco time. ANN ARBOR, M1CU. 1088 50 WILLIAM BIOGS, BUILDER SHOP: CORNER CHURCH AND ORLEANS ST. Aon Arbor. iozi-ts W. 11. JACKSON, OFFICE : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Entrance by Firet National Bank. J32tl WILLIAn HEKZ, Iloime, Siga, Ornamental and F RESCO PAINTEE. T iix'ring,, Gilding, and Calcimlnlng and 'work of overy dt'ecriptton done i tj the beet fltyie, and warrinted to irive stlraction. Nhop. o. 4 Hit U h-.IiImí:iom Street. Aun Arbor, Micliiiiim. -Il WILLIAM W. NICHOLS.j DENTIST1 has iteitovBD to nis NEW DENTAL ROOMS OVKK JOK Ti JACOB' STORK. 563tf ÓSCAR O. SORG, nOUSE, SIGN AND II! l'UVMMi AIBO PAPER HANQING. NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY STREET. All Work Done Promptly and Neatly. 1029-81 THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan, MSASTS &EKZM MIM BÜ51KES5. CAPITAL, $50,000. Organlzod nnder the General Banking Law of thla State, the etockholdere are iudlvldaally Hable for an addltlonal amonnt eqoal to tue stock held bj them, therihy creatlni' a áuarantee Fund for the l,.iiIH of l'iONÍtorw of $100,000.00. Thrpp por ont. Interest Is allowed on all P'vlnfi D.-poaits or ono dollar and npwards, accord1 "e to tbe ralee of the Bank, and Interest componnded seintanuaally. to luna on anlncnmbored ral ustati' and other good securlty. nirédort- Chrlatlan Mack, W. W. Wlnes R A Beal Willlam Denbel, Wllllam D. Harrlman Daniel Hlscock, and Wlllard B. Smith 0 111 ¦ rn : Cbribtiak Uícx, Pres. W. W. Wikm, Vlce-Pre Chas. S. Hibcook, Cashln. 15-966 OET THE BEST Fire Insurance & 42,000.000 -%¦ fleearlty held for tb protection of the policy baldera. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the following Hrst-rlass compa nies, of Web one, Uie jtna, has alone pald $55,000,000 re loases in slxty yeare: í1""1 "í,11""" $ 7.400,000.00 lt')-tiiii uinicrwrltcrc 2 W0 iH)0 (XI Franklln, Phlladel]ihla 3L00a '.'tu. 11, American, N. Y 2!Micmii) ..melón Aiurancu Corporation 15,8ii (m mi Nallona, Hartltml 1, 200.000. Wl North l.rrmM. Uu.nlmrK Ï (IM).(JOO.ilO 1 hu'iilx, Krnoklyn„ a WM) iximi Underwrltere Ageucy, N. Y 4,'8OOÍOUo'(O Lo.-scs liberaüy idhuted tad jirompUy pald. Pollclee Isetied t the lo west mtesof premium. mi- CHBII8TIAW MACK. The ANN ARBOR COURIER BOOK AÑD JOB PRINTING ! And ROOK-IiINDIM). All jmlPrs pronipty attAnded to, and work neutly done, at jiri. ¦¦ lh ,i,,fy coiupetltlon.


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