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Stanton Clipper; Tliree of our young "loods are camping out at Clifl'ord Lafce. 1 li' nanies are Chasoppenheimjohnwliilcs ellandashleymiller. naw IleraM : The Tittabawaswe Boom ¦inpiiiy raftod 18,984 plece on Baturday, and n total for the weck of 134 Wüt. Forjlie seuson thus far, ihey have rafted 1,857,277. Shlawasaee Journal: Detroit lathelSUi city in the iinioii in point of population urand Rápida U the 58th, Hay Cttytbe97tfa Kast Saglaat the liuth, Jackson the 137tb, ,;'1. !'','"" ""' l93ra' 1""1 8lnwClty , Adrián Press : The Ann Arbor Courier gives us a su re remedv against the cabbawe worm, white hellebore, whiob is harmléss to the human race. Farmers, take Mr. Beal s aüvice and givc your cabbage worms hell-ebore. The Vennontville Hawk, which is a liveIj rc:u!:ible paper gets off the following ¦ ' Death from iightuing stroke is said to be ab-idiiitelypaliiless. We don't see how they know. VVe don't bclieve any person wlio ever died tuut way liad a chance to teil how it feit." Dowagiac Times: Jay Gould, Gen. firant and other capitalista areconatructlnga line "I telegraph trom New York to 8an Franctocgi acroaa the country. The line rana Uxrough tliis county, liltting Catiopolis amidahipa, following the hlghway to Three Hiren and W on. HastiBga Banner: A nöiy industry whlch likely to fiord oniieta protíi to HatUnga and vicinity has sprong up; it is no lm tlian the shipmentoí froM whieh aro being sold at the late ol sometinies ono hundred dozen per weck. 'J'hey bring trom one to tuo dollars p(;r dozen.. Adrián Times : Si nee the eompletion of the nalional i ¦en si is last yeiir, ¦ great cliange bas taken [tace in the èxtentof populaüon and üje manufacturlng and business rel?uii9Pc8,?.í tllN % 'ri11' action et the board a new count, was on the whole a cotmnendable move. Monroe Commercial : Geo. üchreeder, an intnate of the county poor house, died at the age of 77years, on Monday morning. Rev. B. T. Hutchins read the funeral service. His remains were sent to the medical school at Ann Arbor, they bdni tlie iirst appropriated from tliis oounty, undar tlie new law which providea for the unclaimed bodies of paupers, for this purpose. K:ilam;izoo Telograpli : "Dr. A. T. Motcalf, of Kalamazoo, has an article in the last number of the Western Magazine of Dental öciepce on the need for the separation of operatlve and mechanical dentistry, is rej)lv to tlip itrithini oL . oor respondent who opposes the doctor's resolution at Ihe meeting of the medical asaociatioD for abolishing the chair of demonstralor of mechanical dentistry at Ann Arbor." The Reed City Clarion talks about a brotiier editor in this wise : Brother Rose, oí the Big Rapids Pioneer-Magnet went on the Evening News excursión to the White Mvunurtm ,..J the cast, Wc OTrel Tui a momentsuspected tliat lie attended the Conoord school ofpbiloaophy until w saw this asUietic eliusion in Öaturday'sdaily : May the country go to liado May J shrlvel np wlth aluin I will go and puuch my liead If Reed City gets theasylum. There is one paper that carne upar beinosent out without any allusion to the weath" er. luit it could not hold out, so it breaks forUl tlmsly: [It is the Clinton News] "In iinr..i'l"7-v UlM, NV(lk w omitted to say anydevote at least ihrve qnartoYa'bTna''Wnïlbfi tothat subject and had selected some inteusely expreaelve adjectives lor the purpose. AVe are ututble to give the exact altltude attalned by óur thermometer ns it M in a molten condition when we went to press." Alponii Argus: Large quantlties of fresh white fish and troutare brooght down trom Al pen a and Other shore points tbr the Sagiiiau- and lïay City niarket and for shipment east. The Arundell brougbt down litty toiis yestcrday, eaught fmostly at the "Ducks," attbeeutrance to Georgian bay in Canadlan waters. 'J'liey are broughtacross to Alpena by lish tugs in tlie niglil and sUitio.l ntAaniwu" !'"¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦' " ¦'- "y - price paiu tor tTiem at Alpena is tivc cents per pound. A very large nuinher of men and boats nro engaged in the traée, and a nnmber of thoü'and tons are eaitght eacli year. Hattle Qnak Journal : "J. A. Spaulding, of Kiumctt, lias a euriosity in Uu; shape of a merino lainb, whicb, by a eur'mus freak of nature, was born witli only threc legs. 'J'he two liiml legS are perfect" hut one of the front ones re missing. It is perfectly sinootli when t )i ; linih slionld lie. This lamb is now ten wceUs oUI, and verylively. It runs about in the lot with the rest nf the Hoek, and is alilc to keep its plarf with thetn. N'iiiitimes it is very tVisky, and will amuse itself lor some time running at the top ot' its Bpced about the lot. The sliow people when here, visited .[r. Spaulding, and made bini au oHcr for it Whlcb he oecHnd " l'.lissiitld Ad vanee : J. F. BI i ven showed us a sample of wheat tVedneaday eyening, raised on bis farm, many hcads of which measured from six tospvcn iiirliosinlenth. Some tour year ago Mr. Hliven found a head of witeal by the roadside, the straw of wlllcl) was of a bluish color. íleshelled il, the head eontaininglM kernrls. The rexl fall it was plantod in the garden and about live quarts were roaped. This was again sown and severaJ bnahela ganiered. Last year over 500 bushels were harvested. Mr. Jilivcn has not threehed ihis year. but e.vpecta a yield of over 40 hushels to the acre. Mr. 1!. has no name tor his wheat, hut pronounces it tirst quallty white, and eertainly the yield is Immense, liut for the severe cold weather last winter 50 bushels per acre wouhl bc none too bigban estímate for this si-ason's erop. Jt pays to ruise suoh whoat as that. Adrián Press : Mr. C. T5. Hotham, eonfidi'iiiial clcik of tlic abstract ofllce enjoys a life of single blessednesg. lle takes his meals at the (ïilson, and orcuples the entire up]er portion of the abstract ofllce as hls abode. The front room is neatly carIticland lurnished while the rear one is one mammoth bird eage, and the cana ry songsters that havegrown op under his fostcring care nuinber ncnrly a' hundred warlihrs. St range to say he prefers their carrolins to the ciying ol Cross baliies. A wlre petition divides the aviary in two parts, one of wbioh contains a regular Gilmore's band of eoneerters, while the other is de voUmI tocagea, and broud bii-ds. Jürds and liooks, air th i)Heht of the host, and we imagine htm breaElng ont now then wlth salisliuil song. as he realizes bow I'unny mot freeore a bachelors rovelriis, CtierrUy, merrily passé hls llfe ; Hottilog kuows hi' oi eoanoblal dcvlltrles XroaDlsOOM chtldreu, uni clunioious wlfe. Dundee Reporter: Al the citiens meeting held in Dri-u's liall on Saturday evening, ifw&i decMed to have a loldler reii n ion ot all ohl soldicrs of ihis and adjoiniug tou ns. on the Itli, iust.. tlial heilig the ilav set liy ('o. D, "th regiment. Au executivi- oommittoe of live, consisting ol'L. 13. Srnitli. S. Kauson, A . Clean, .1 . H. alloway and 11. A. Wilkcrson. vera appointi'il, witii aulliniily touppoint all ni'ci'.-s:irv suli-i'omniittecs and make all ueedful preparations for tho occasion. It is InteaatKl to be a gnmd reunión of all the old soldiers of tliis vicinity, and a oordlal invitation is extended to all soldiers and citizi-iis lo particípate therelu. It is to be a bwkel picnic and everybodj l( requested to bring a basket ol pTSVisiOSi Tables will lic ereeted and i'.ilalilcs [ilaccil opon tliem, and all are to enjoy a good dinner. Cooil speakjng and music will i'iilivcn Iheday. everybody lay anide their work ana roñe, and a gooi time niav b cieclcil.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News