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Internal Revenue

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Froin the Chicago Times and other papers wc glean Iliis liarvestof fncts concernn; the payments of internal revenue. As theamount of revenuea state pnysdepends on tlie qnautity of whisky, lieer and tobaeco made n that itata Jlu -hiiran Deed not feel sorry that th doei not figure to wy extent In the revenue coluinn. 'J'lireu .status- Illinois, Ohto and New York - contiibutcd m-uily tilt y percent, of the internal revenue of the iWlllwimil durlOf the libca) year ending with last June. The southem itetes, eomUned, paid about $7,000,000, a little more than the tingle itata of HünoU. BTew York, the Kuipin' htate in everything elw, takes third place in the pa i:int ut' iiitnnal revenue - $lT,'.:i:;.2(i7. A RaJtÜBore apei daima ÜuU Maryland alone pays mure [lian twiee as preat an internal revenue tax as all the cv England statei ( ibiaed, excepting Massacliu.-( tts. The internal rarvnue taxes of .Maine, Xcw Hamp.-liiM', X'criuoMt, Hlunle Mand, and Coimecticiit add nj) f 1.234,001 ; while Maryland alone pJ8 $'.?, Ki,-lti3- more than doublé tliat amouiit. Virginia - impoveri.-licd bytlie war, half it.s territory cut away hy the ertation of West Virginia, her iiulu.striis itroggling slowly into proi-ptrity. and tlir .state loadod down with dtbt, pays $0,003,105 - about live Üme m much a iuü v. hole of New Smv land, exclusive oí MasaaohugetU; nearljr Hirco times as rich and populóua umi prosperous M.i-.n husettt is called ou to pay. I' 1 1 i - sho ¦ ry wiilc a wak e Nevv England is. Maiylaud iitirnal reveíale taxatlou tlimi Ioa, Kansiu, Michigan, Miuuesot - itiites uto wliich a great uiany New finglandera emigrated. The con ectnos-s of ihese figures c-aniiot be duubted ; tHey are oilicial ; but the inHr(-IH ! sought Co be drawu irüin theui - nauurly, tliat .Marylalid imysiuore tax tlian New Enjilaiid, Massac)iusettsecei)ted, and that Virginia does nearly three times as well as Maryland - is mialeading. The üïth Illinois distriet (Peoria) ]ays more internal revenue tax tlian Virginia and Marylund tO0Mhw; as aiso Joes the first Illinois district (Chicago). In the tornier the colleotiou dnring the last ñscal year was 111,12.3,131; in the latter, 9,!)i' These figures are surpassed iu the L'nited liy one district, 0 ñnt Ohio, and these three districts together iay 8 cent. of the internal revenue tax. It duw not follow, however, that these places stand the burden of the tax, because t is the ooaMBwr, not Hm DMUfufactafer, who actuiilly pays it, and the consumption of whilkj, tobáceo and leer is evenly distributed throughout tbe country.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News