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Magazine Notlces. Aitlütoh's Journal.- The September number of this excellent periodical is at hand, and, as usual, lts pages are crowded th interestlng and instructive pteoei. The serial of "Saints and Sin uurs"isbrought to the fifth part. Aruongst the essays we noticc "A nap at French Schools;" A Kesiiiiió of the lite and works of thHt mtirical old French poet. Clement Maml, A Siberiaii KxUe Eitrhty Vears Ago," 'IJ Ml. Lamb'i Humor, CBmMrhrt tnc, " "Jfan'i Piaea In Nature," by the Rlgnt Rev. the Lord Bishop of Carliale; 'M. Littrc nul the French Languagc," "liona parte," l)y I'rot. ,1. K. SeSej; "StrmMB Players," by Dutton Cook; "The Curiositiesof Criticism," "Sitieerity in Blography." "On the Editor's Table" one notice reinarks on the spread of Malarious Dií "Mr. Sückney's I'olitical l'roblem,'' "John A. Appletou." As usual, the volume is coiicluded by notes for readers witli icviews of books. Of all this rciuling nutteer it seeuis to us that the article describlng the way iu which M. Littré toiled over that wonderful volume of au Stymoioglca] French Dictionary, is the most Inten we have had tlie plcasvire of IWllÉg lir inany du.. The Art Magazine for August.- Long btfore the time the Gennau pocttoldus'hrt is long, life is fleeting," the masterpieces of art, either in sculpture, patattHL musie or architecture have had wonderful interest for us from the time we had to stretch our childish shortness to view the object, to the time we bend our aged form In weakntss over the always pletture giving treasure. When we are unable to view these ywiiinrfiil ptoeet whtcti mnaln with us so long, we gladly turn to the image of them, either In casts or engravings. Ilcrein Ann Arlior we are denied the raptures of beholding the origináis, hut w mny look upoii Deautliai engravings Iu the Art Jliignzine. It frives us faithful repreMDtktions of the geins of foreign galleries and art exhibitions. Iu the current iiuiuber ut the magazine pobliêhed by üaaêeü, I'cttci-, Galpin & Co., of New York, we Iirt turn upon iï full page engraving of one of the Koyal Acaileniy paiotlngt of 1881. It is the RenounolDit the Vanities by ortler of Savonarola, by Topham. As we turn the lea ves we pass clear cut pictures of Peaoe and War, au old soldier tellinrto iuteresti-d hearers, like the Moor: " Of moving accidents by flood and field ; Of hair breaüüi 'scapes i'thc imminent deadly breach." Uo Gage d'Amour; the qoaint old St. John's Gateway at Oxford; the old Clarendon Press building, standing out in niggedoutlines; Fen-Land, a strong cliiarooscuro paiuting; Romeo and Juliet ; Knirüsh birds, beautiful sketches of game birds and warblers; a portrait of I.éon Coüniet; a delicate little statue ]ieee clianningly treatcd, of " Lost Itiches." The whole ís concluded hy a realistic copy from a paintIng of the Miser. All aloog tlirough the magazine are descripttons of the artists ¦¦"¦i thrir ehef-A'nmrtm. At the close one bucomrs iu otni ¦¦ - - - ah i ne yearly subseription to tUis magazine is $3.50, and single numbera ure 33 cents. Harpert Magazine for September is an unusually attractive and entertaining number - an argosy richly laden with the treasures of summcrland. The number opens with two exquisito engravings the froiitlapleoe - a fuJl-paft illustration by Abbey, of one of Herrick's poems - engraved by Smithwick and French; the other an engraving by Cole, of Mrs. Jesse Curtís Shepherd's beautiful drawing illustrating a poem by H. H., entitled "The Little Kingl and Queens." Theu we have an intereetins, breezy, Rldeing, entitled -'The English at the Sea Siile," describing several iauious watering-places - South port, Brighton, Hastings and Márgate - with twelve illustrations by ( Keinhardt. Another sunnner article of rcmarkahle interest is Mr. E. II. Kopes's on the Thousand Islands. The subject has the enchantments of Lotus Land; and among the illustrations is an excellent portrait of Dr. J. G. Holland, eugraved by Cole. The association of President Gaiticltl with Williams college add a tinn-ly ¦a., ..fa f,,rfiiii.,íímií-,i;M11::f;:ll.:s titIc;; the illustrations s a renmrkubly fim.'"',,','' trait of Dr. Mark Hopkins, engraved by Kruell. "The girls' sketching camp," by Olive Thora Miller, is an amusing record of a vncation spout by some yoting lady artists of New York in Maine during the last season. It is eharacteristically ftlntrated by W. A. Hogers and Douglai Volk. Three illustrated poems n this uumber- ''Pomorrow at ten, a Newport idyl;1' "The wiuow Lees Sou Will;" and "On Star Island" - are also happily suited to tlie midsummer season; so too one of the Bhori stories, "At Deaeon's TombIy'l,I'by the author of "(Jeniini.'' W. II. Ueard contribuios anolhcr. of htï artisfs reininiseences," entitled, "Adontram Algcroy," a luimorous sketch, lllustiated by hls owu drawing. Prof. Herbert l'iitflc, In liis "The Gemían Empire," makes clear :uul Interesting a subject upou which tlie thou;hts nf a nmjority of' American ra ore conlu-cd, f not altogfther vague. Ii is ni admirable paper. readers will be lUrpdsed by the BtartÜD revelations made Ui a paper by E. S, Atwater, entitled, "The vvheat liêlds of the northwest." AöoprdiBft to this wrltera estímate, Lord BeaoónaBeid wai Dot an mitnistuorthy propbet when. in ls;j he predicted that iupremacT aaagrain-growlna country xvonlil mioii !.(" uu ilncd bv l illiailli. The .statement made in Mr. Atwater'a artlele will eommand universal attention, froto the importancc of the subject. Uesldes the brllliant serial novcls by Thomas Harily and Miss Coqatance Fenimore Woolson, and the short story ilready nientioned, there is a brief story contribüted by Anuie Howells Frechette, entitled "The chances of war, and how one of theni was nüssed." A poein,entitled "Tlie eh&mberof slleoce," by Julia C. R. Dorr, is worthy of note. I be editor1! easy chair and other departments are fully lapplled with iuttres-ting and timely matter. Real Kstate fur Sale. ATK OK MICHIGAN, County of Wanhtenaw, m. In the matter of the estáte of Nancy Leiand, deceaatd. Nouce Is hereby (tlven, that in puisuance of an order granted to the unuVrsiKned, adminittrator oí the estáte of said dt-coased, by the Ilon. Jude of Probate of the County of Wahtenaw, on the aecond day of July, A. 1). 1881. there will be eold at public vendui:, to the hlghest bidder, at the east front door of t8e conrt houw. In the city of Ann Arbor, in the connty of Wanhtenaw, in naid state, on Tnrsday the twênty-third day ol Auyuiit, lwil, at ten o'clock In the lorenoon of that duy (subject to all enciimrances by morlaffe or otherwise Uring at tbe time of the death of said deceascd) the followlni; describid nal estáte, to-wit: Th eaít half of lot eiht and rilne, in block thrcc, eouth ot Hnron Btn'ft, iind rane f Ijtht, east In the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan. Dan-d, Julj2d, 1S81. UmM K. E. LKLAND, Admlnistrator. Commlsslotierü' Noticc. S TATK OT MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, s. 'llie underslened haviur bail appointed by the Probate Court for said county, rtimmi-icn to ri-ct'ive, exauiiiu.' and udju"t all claims and áem&ud ol all potioai ai'ainüt eelute of Jobn UeDli'y, late of said county, deceated, hereby iive notice that rlx months frora date are allowid, ty order il said Probuit Cuurt, for creditor to present their claims againat the i-stte orr-aid deceased, and that tncv nl meet at the office of the J udge of Probate, In the city of Ann Arb ir In said county, on Saturdny, the twelfth !da of November, and on Monday, the ilitr leenth day or Pebrnary next, at ten o dook . ., of each oí said days, to recelyc, examine and adjuel said claims. Uaiod, Augiml 12Ui, 1SH1. 1062 55 KLIhTbPD, f """"'- QOFFIN8 AND CASES , t'ULL STOVK AT MARTIN' 8 AU orden promptly attended to


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