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, A Freneh phygician publfehed a pamphlet ahowlng tbe terrible "efl , -mu. king 011 tlicliciiri." Hm w bare known more terrible effeett I b produced on tbe heart ín tive minutos oy a little naaiden In ¦ alteo Aresa than by twenty year ofstwdy and untiiing derotioa to the 1i aiitifnl are the adtnonitions of liim whose ufe accorda th h ti .-irliings. "My Tormenlíd Baek s tlic X( hiiiiMtion of more than one poor, Imnl-working man and womaii. Do you know why i iclies? It is bccausc yonr kiclncys are over-tasked atul nced stren'gtliening. and yonriyatem needi lo !¦ el. of bad huiñors. Kidney-Wort is tlie medlike a charm," saya a well-kiiown pb knew it lo fail." Liqaid or dry sold by drui:giít.- Boston J'o-t. Tlic laying of tm.k oa new milroads in tlic l'mli'i ,lsI CMglll ii]) wiiii the pi ide la th .salíperiod in 1880. RaUroad Quette nports 1,788 miles tliis year, againlN 1,018 reported in the corresponding time In 18S0. Tlie total mlleage in 180, was 7,180 miles, aeeordtng tothe Oaaette. Free of Charge. All ]icrsoiis nlí'erinrr from Cotlffh, -. A-tlmm. Bronchitis, Loss of Volee, '.r iny iillW-tion „f tlie 'lliroat and Lungs, ure rfMr,.'-tl lo cali at Kberbadi A Iriig store and get ¦ Bottia ol Dr. - New D acore ry for i onaumptioo, hicli will eoiiviiice tlicm ol' il wondertul merits and show what a regular dollar-sie bottle will do. Cali early. Vou agen Mrs. Langtry ?" anked one of ber London admiren, addn i him-eif to an American tonriat "oii.yes," M ll'e an.-u, r "And whut did you tliink "i herf" "Well," drawled the American, "I have nothinfAgiD lier tliat I know ot. I was thinking all the time; that il was her dresamakaf wito vraj to tilum. " Kum IV. ni UiomUal Works. This is one of tbc prominent manufnc(uring contara af Proridence, 1;. [., wbaai repuUitiou is world wide. Ji was organi.ed with h limiicd capital, hut by energeUe, peraereriug Lnduatry in manufacture oí thelr standard preparatlona, tlioy have grown toa magnitude hieh i lim'e. short of the ïimrvclluus. ïhey inamifaeiuic in enormotuquantlties, Prof.Honiford'a Phosphatic Bakins Powder, made froni hi Acid Phoaphate. This Powder it packed in tin caim of the usual sies and i accordinjí to tbe directiom of Prot Horsford, the well knOWO antltority OH bread. The iianies of the Inventa! and manufueUirer of the Powder are a agui; - nuperiority aad healthfaineK There it no accounting for taste, as the fellow said hen lie heilltl i trieud had mairied hUdiroreed wife, bol t doesseem ttranm thal all there is to da in this world, for all the oppoiiimities for good, that a man ihould makc it his business to colli ei spldera, Captain Holden of Marietta, ()., is an enthumst in ipidera, and in the pursnit of f Í i - singular faney he has CoUeCtèd nearlv ;.¦, HM) specimens, etnbracing 1,000 .-pi eies, Irom all parts of the WOrML TIn-v are wrangL-d la glass 1, otiles, with labeis giving name, collector and locality. CaJitornia furniahed 5,000 specimens and New England as niany more. One npiwloi ia represented by 108 spvcimena, trom uil part-, ot the Luited State, showina how niiieh effect enviroment bas in rnoduying form. The cnllection is supplemented by a fuJI Hiul complete catalogue ol the literature of the subject, comprülng about 70,000 referenees on 10,000 cante. This valuable contribution to the study of this littlcknown braneh of natural history he hopes to eomplelt: and pobflak at an early dav. East Saoinaw. Jan. B, 1881. Mr. W. B. Mooke: Dkaii Sir:- About the first of December 1 was taken with a very wvere attack of rlieuinafiMu in both of my knecs. [ was Kcommended to use IM nt's CaKPHOSatkd Akmi . i ean ohi-eifullv reeominend it to eveiy one troubled with rheiimKtism. m. E. iihaiiv. Physicians claim Hops and Malt Bitters are tho best. Do Not be Dwiu'il. In these times of quack medicina fidverntt eviT uhere. it ia truly gratifyin to tind one remedy that is worthy of . and wtiiih rean_ a.„.... .. .'., ,,- iled. Electric Bitten we can voucb for as being a true ind reliable remedy, and one that ill (to as recoramended. Tliey invnrialily cure ItomaCh and livcroomplaints diseases of tlie kidneys and nrinary diñlCnlties. We know w'hereof we speak. and ean readily Mty, rive tliein a trial. Sold ut til ty cents a bottle by Eberbacb tv Sou. How tÖ Secure Henlili. It seeins stratige that anyone will suffer from derangewent brought on by tnpure blood, whon SCOVILLS 8ARSAPABILLA and STllJ.IMll.V, or I5LOOD SVKl'l', will restore health. It is the best blood purifier ever discivered. effce'ually curing Sorofdla, Svphlitic disorders, We of the Kidneys, Erysi) Malaria, all Nervouu Disordur and Debility Bilious CoinpUinK Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It correcta indigestión. A single bottle will proye toyou its merils asa he.alth renewer, for it acts like a charm. BAKERS' PAIN PANACEA cures pain in Man and Beast. Use externally and ipternally and find relief. DKTKQukk1 ki.iji Aui.h uuu.M SYRUP inetantly destroys worras and reinoves all secretions. A Cough, Cold or Sore Throat should be stopped. Neglect frequently results in an Incurable Lnnij Diseate or Conainniítion. Brown's Bronciiial Troches are certain to give relief in Astuna, Bronchitis, ( 'oiírA.?, Catarrh, Confumptiveaivl Tktoat Dümte. Kor thirty years the Troches have been recommended by physicians and always give perfect satisfaction. They are not new or untried but having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well merited rank auiong the few staple remedieB of the age. ritbUc Spthen and Singers use them to clear and strengthen the Vote. Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. 1007-58 Mothers! Motiiersü Mollieisü! Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your reat by a sick child suffering and cfying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If sn, go at once and get a bottle of MES. WINSLOW'S SÜOTHING SFRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imraediately - depend upon it; there is no mistike about it. There a not a raotber on oarth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regúlate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like rnagic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preseription of one of the oldest and best femile physicians and nurses in the United States. 8old everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. 1007-58 PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! A Sure Cnre Found at Lasf . No Ono Reed Sufivr. A snre eure fo"tlie Blind, Bloeding, Itcliingand Uleerateti Piles has been discovered by Pr. Williams (an Indinn remed ,caltd l)r Williams' [odian Ointment. Á single box bnacured th' worst ehronii and 30 years standing. No one need suffer five minutes atter applying this wondert u! ¦OOthing medicine. I.otions, Instruments, íind Electuarie-' do more harm than good. Williams' Ointment abtorbt the tumors, allays the intente ftching (particnlarljr at nlgM after getting warm in bed), aci a poltiee, gives laatant and palnless relief, nel is prepared onlv for l'iles, itehing of tlie private ]arts, and DOthing else, Etead wbitthe Ilon. J. M. Cofflnberry, of Cleveland, says iiboiit l)r. W illianis" Indian Tile Ointment: "1 have usetl i of pile cures, but it adonis me pleasure to say that I have never found any thiqg wíiicb gara roca Immediate and sermanent relief ai l)r. Wiiiiam' [ndian ointment." For sale by :ill druggists, or malled on receipt of pnce $1.00. .!AS. E. DAVI8 co. Wholesale Drngt'ists, Detroit, Mich., Agenta 10M81 Kor sale bv II. J. BIown & Co. Affcnts and Canvassers Make from $'-'5 to ."0 per week telling goods tor K. (.. lüdeout c. Co.. 10 Barda] ireet,New York. Send lor their catalognt and tonus. KHMJ-.Mi


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News