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ÍKkf.p rr OX 1Iani. No Farmer or Tesmtter sliould lie without Hknry & JOBXaOH' All.Mi'V NI Olí. LlNlHENT. It is inval iiable In e8's of hurta either oi man or b Ungen .'imt Public Speakers should use Downs' Elixir, as it removes hourseness and IncfMMM the power of the voice. If 3'ou deslre rosy cheeks and a fuir complexión, jMirilv the blood by the OM 0Í Baxtkr's Mandrake Bitters ,1 XPROFESSORtI [powderI Made from frofeuor UoraforUi' Aclil I' howpliii! '. Hecommended by leadinfr phyulclanli. Maken li[htr blucult, rak. ft., and il hralthler tLmi ortlinary liakloc l'ow(lr. In cana. Roliï at a rpanonablp prïo#. Thf Hortfürd Almauac aud Cook Bouk ¦eltt free. Rgmford Chemlr! Yolc. Provldpncf , R. I and si ljêku St., ChlcaKO. WiH-W ] THE GREAT CURE " tor RHEUMATISM A. It la for all dmn.i of th KIONEVS, LI VER AND BOWELS. I It elaaiUM ttas syitam of the aorld poiun tht oaases the drsadful luffennx whleb ' only the viotima of Rhoumatum oe.n remliae. , ; THOUSANDS OF CASES of the wont fornu of thia terrible dioe i have been quickly relio ved, la short time ¦ PERFECTLY CURED. Í hjihd wonderfalueH, and an ünmenM i , sale inevery pwtof the Country. Ia hundredaofoaBeaithaaoured whereall Ue had ¦ fUd. It is mild. but efficiënt, CCKTA1N . IN 1TS Ai'TIO.N, buthamileMlaaneaaea. lVItolrafmeii, StrMithfu and ItmNmt 1 TJf toall tb important organ of the body. , The natural aotlon of the Kidney is reatored. ' The Li ver la oleansedof alldiaeaae.and the . ' Bowela move lVeely and healthfülly. In thia , waythe wont diaease are eradioatod from ' thosyatatn. . 1 Ab it has been proved by thoutands that , la the moat effeotual reraedy for oleanainy the , syntm of all morbid secretiona. 1 1 ahouid be ¦ naad in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. , Alwaya cures BIUOUSNESa, CONBTTPATION. FILES and all FKMALX Diaeaaea. In put up in Dry Vrg-Hable Form, In tin rana, i one parkaire of whioh ni.k-gftquarta meUolnA. ' Also in LIqnld Form.rrrj Conrr ntrmtcdfor ', ' thooorenicnri' of theboeannotreadil7pre parelt Itacltvithequal efficiency tneitherform. ' GET IT OP TOUR DRUQGIST. rRICK, tl.OO , WELLS, KI IIAItltSON Afo., l'rop'n, (WllliendtbPdryport-paifl.l IHRM?lTO!lt TT. ¦Jft IB I ' cnpral IpbtJ1tY,Slek U lIMf Hendarhe, Bllloaflne, , (¦¦Vil Dyspepnia, 1 ixUupm.í.m.. , and Livrr f'omplnint tururod spoedlly and i'riniiti.-iitly nnd wlth the least exp.-Usr .' tfflll "nl need to take HOPS AND JMAI.T BITTERS, which ¦ nrt .jlrwtly on the Siomurh, l,lvr, KldnevH. and the lllood, renu nliiifi tbc syntem and dtwtroylng dlSPASP. g m mm you always continue worklng l AN ilay and nttirht without aliiing 1 ' Wrtil „atur. ' IIOlANDMALT ' BITTERS nourish, nt rr nl hen, and Mupport thf cutiré system. Mnot cali exprnsfvp Éflfltofi when , aíck. but use HOP8 AND WALT BITTERS, and save timp, iiioiiey nnl uffprtnff. IV If NOT a BeTemge, but a Ned I ir i ui. Remcmber the ñamo U composed of 4 word. m TPflnC MARK "heaf of b"Ipy W I nnUC IfIHIm, blown In bottle. Hl. ( K lalxl. HEI) lette. Ank lor Trial Battle. # . ! 1005-1057 THE I nPROl I I EVAPORATORSl niakr bettcr _kw SI m Md JELLY. -PÖSHlr with Icm f uel and labor than any nther apparmtn. WiUcondiueeSonrhnm Juloe or Maple 8p futer than any evaporator In use. The beat apparatus kaown lor makinK Jelly from sweet eider. Thoeands In ate. 8nd f or dcscrli'tivo circulan of Erapcraturn, Cane Mills Ac. AMBfi Want.' 1. WT. fXjOI MACHINE CO., UeUowü Falta. Vt 1(151 -63 PERDON IiüMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., SACINAW GMG-8AWBD LÜMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We tnrtte all to glve o a cali, ana examine om stock beforc purch&sin elaewbere. ALSO AQKNT FOR JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SELL8 FIRB BRICE. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH. Hnpt. feb.l.'79 SURE REWARD! CHEAPHOMES IX 9IICII1GAKÍ. HALF MILLION ACRES OF FARMING LANDS FOR SALE Bl Grand Rapids & Indiano Raiíroad Company. Railroad Completed Through Center of Lands. Do not (.' Mest or Soiifli nntll jou loarn what Mlihlgan offers Intelligent farmers. Yon can do botter wlth legs inoney nearpr homo. Lands rlch, dry, and gently rolling. Tlmbered maliily with Silbar Miiplo, KímIí Klin, BtnwWt, Ash, liM'oh, Homlock. eto.. and are wel I watered by lakes, riters and gpiiag lirook-i. Stront,' soils, Une cropa, hralthy cllmatp, scliooU and hnrclies, intellig'eiit popiilntion, inainly from Eastern States and Canada. For HookH, Mups, cti'., ad.lress W. 0. HUGHART, Land OftllnMoai, GRAND RAPIOS, MICH. titi.k perfí;ct. 1051-107 $500 REWARD ! WK wlli pny thc hovr reward for any case ol Liver Complafnt, Dyípepela. Slck Headache, Indlíf-(1]on, t'oïiciipalion or Co-tlvem-hí we can nut cure wlth WeBt'e Vegetable Uver Pille, when the dirwtlon are utrictly coniplled wlth. They are purely Vegetable. ii n.vcffall togivesatlüfartlos. Sugar Coatt-d. Urc binen, ÉtDtltphn 3o Pille. & cent. For sale b all dm gift. I ewure of connlerfeits and lmltatioiie. The tcnalne manufnctiirfd onlv hy JOHN 1:. WKST & (O . Pili 181 & 183 W. Mdlion St, Chicago. Free trlal pnrkaüe sent by mnll prcpníd on rccelpt of a 8 ceut tanip lum-UOl


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