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Country Journalism

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ín NU excellent nddress dellvered at the recenl n tlng of the üth congressional disirii prese associatfon, J. W. FitzgeraUl, of tlie Ovitl Union, paints au nstructive' al most puthetic picture for the benelit of hls im-tiiivn of the newspnper "craft." He toiches upon the vital polnt in thelr husme-s, which s the practical inving away of the lnflugncö of thair wn ],v .-.i ..alumínate puffs. Weeopy the folldwlng, as appllcabte to vast majorlty of country jniii-iiHli-t-. "Many of the D gaged in the condiict ( these newspapers work hard and rite ivoll, and make brlght newsy pupers, and yet wondi-r as thev tuil and plqd aïong why il is tbnl SOCCeSB does nnl i-rown tlicir eftbrt Whcn u man snhscrihes lor Ilicir paper he is nuidc to I,-,-! mt )„. bas COIlterred au everiasüng benefit upon tliom even il' tliey do hut mske 25 QenU profli upoii his siihscripiion, and oftvn, to show llieir -alimdc tor the lavor, il he has anytliiiiír tliat he desiics bougüt oc sold the cokimns of thelr papen are at tbeir 'lisposal jnst as loiif; as he may desire il priiiif ]M-lr ¦ froni Uiat man's faniily, no iiiattci how alisurd, or mUethet OM iir -til verses, ni be rare to lind üayliglij in print, while ohitnaiy notlcesof aoy leiiffüi will bepubllshed fiee, shouhl any inember of tlnil liousehold die." "Vm will fnid this class of papers continualiy pufling the hu.-iness men ol tbeir lown. ICvery new tock of goods that arrivés ;els trom a slickfnl to half a colntnu local, wliicli at live or ten cents a Hoe wo.iUlrun froni .'! to $:, hut it the editor ot thit paper calis upon the nu-rehant -o pulfed lor a spool of tluead or a Faber wiih uli c-i to write another notice, he is requemd (o üotne down forthwith wilh the ca.-h. He Kivea a r,U-cent notiee for a tiickel Qigar, and a 1 notice for a hox of 'I .cui : .-tiHH-herrics. We retnember that last Uil when apples w.-i,. ,, plenty that larinet's werc feeding them to Ihe htígí or allowing them to rot upon the groiwO, the claas ot Qewgpnbera of whlch we speak would give a dollar notire any week for a pecL of the 'finest apples tlicy had ever een. The butcber, the baker, the shoejuaker, landlord-, dre makers, and milliners are all pulled and notieed, and having in that wav reeeived all that they desire hy way of notiee in their Rvenri callings froni the newspaper, they very eoollv mtwrin the man wbo has been ticklina thoir vanity and advértlsing their ware" gratis, that advertiskig tfosen't pay, and that tliey caniiot all'ord to help him hy wav ofdonation. He is made to teel that uil advertising bestowed is given only for the imrpose of keeping liim alivp, iiiil noj bebausa jt pys; and many a poör fellow, rinding long in tliis rut, begiu after long years of unsucoessful toil, to feel as f an adveittsement placed In hia paper .loes not pay, and he soon places (lie estíbate apon himself and nis business Ihat others liave, and continúes to rattle away, Jike a bom - eadaverous, leau and hungry, looknig more likt a dog, in the high and eleSKH lAfe.V'Pteb1ïsliVrs are a Rreat l.ij...-jí'Vfí tlie honest, well-meaning publisher.s, and lood lor sharks, rascáis, and unpi incipled, irresponsible sdvertMng agenta. For wliat tliey should pay for two or three squares, they can contract trom i.alf to a column of space, and then, perh.ips, pay in nickel chroinos, pewter gpoons, or, is is often the case, not at all. "The mercliants wlio stailed in witli these publishers, and wlio liad at the go-in abotit un equal amount of capital, have in niany cases built themselves palatial homes, and have, by the progperity wblch has blessed thelr business, placed themselves and their families beyond want. Jlany of those en(taffed in trilling trade have grown rich, ulule the newspaper man, who hasgtvei) liis voice and liis energies for ycars to defend the place and build up all its industries, stands to-day not far froni where he was wlien the race began; and notwlthtendlng liis halr has illrered o'er, his step become uncertaio, and his arm otHteédy and weak, he is obliged in the evening of lile to totter on n tlie management "t a business whlcll, without his constant, wati lilul care, day liy day, would not ptovitle. Ihe bread of lile. 'We know niany iuslances of tliis characler, and cannot bul fee!, as we look the ground ovnr. '¦ h l because the uewpapeï man is not half iaid lor uliiU he iies, or because he gives $¦" ten i'very $1 reeeived."


Ann Arbor Courier
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