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'nro's Main gtreet has pavod glitters now. Komeo refuses to Jola in the general " helio! " loSat s the name of a new post olHcein Grand Traverse county. At the Jonesvillecotton milis .",(XM) yarda nüclotb' per dáy is the stent Port Hurón uid Bay City "helio" at eaoh other througii the teleplionc. The creek in this atate isn't fuil of Beu is no tortof neek at all. Úm'&SÍÍ Austin 'ristodclivcrlh.. :uinuiil lui i-B., , thm MUau .....ij mm 'I'hc t'iinncrs nf Kent coniity have onanie ized Uic " Wefteru Michigan Fannera' Clnl). The Era of Befrien Sprimrs, tye the St Jo. rivcr "typWes heaven. W'Vll. .e 'er tip. N'olmdy n-iip.ll .-„itli fiuin tteGfWRJ K.ipnls mees hut those who het oa the wininr nag. Boyg coinmenoc to smokc ovpr al lliil-idiile before they are big enough to "-¦ trouaera. (iniss r..ike will hcnwfter have a ni'' station igenl in the pereoa ot' M. L Sinitli, 04 Galesburg. The heat and dry ucatlier have imiiscI {,'reat loases to farmers in Oalf land and Oenetée connttes. The Oyvtal Spiinga lish hatclierv huil.! ings h.-ive Ix-cn sol.l lor $1.:1O. A' clown riglit give away. Ja. 15. Simonson, one of liolly's nn.l proininent busliea8 men, dled Snini.hiy. aet 7 tl years. Capt. Oeo. A. Flart. of Co. II, Uuilng, hw restsrned. Too Itttle remu'nër.-itioti for ' g)Dod mal of time. IJronson will ROHM Ut with heil in cuse of hereal'ier, inst;ul of rulaing i their lunga by.ysliing. The M. C. B. H. aceideut at Ju.kson In October, 1879, ha6 caused au exuenditure t ofSioo.oon by the oomfmny. (les TiicktT, fivasteral years -hei 11' oí Livingston eounty, died rect-ntly In L'ontlae, at the home of liis daughter. Albion has a new ron bridge over the Kalamazoo river, on Eaton gtreet It Is 87 feet lonff and will beur Op 91 tons. At the Pewabic mine, neur Hnnoock, a boy nained John Harriiigton feil a dNtaiu ¦ of 100 feet injo a shaft, wlth bilt tligltt injury. Jas. Caplls has boen appointed uroaecutingattorneyofWayneCo., by udge Ctiain oen, m the place of Michnel Flruane, dei'iusimI. The New Vork Sun tliinks the Detroit base hall club will stand sixtli in the list when :ill the games hall have een played What does ihat incair? Soniethingin CompétRton. The faro trom Horend to Adrián was 85 cents lietore the advent of the Butler road. The price is nou 4: over cither joüul r ¦ "" '" '' r Wl d.-ivs imiirison inent, torerectinfr barbed uire "f,.,,,.,. ,„, ... „ street. lanc or alley in the city. Portland is to have a ktnr unlon school building, and has let the contract for the sume tur $8,877, exclusive of the heatlng apparatus and school furniture. Kev. Jas. HeinlngWAy, of Iladlcy, Lapeer couhty, dled on Baturday last aged93j ears. He had been a clergyinan in the Methodist chin ch, for a penou of G9 ycars. A Monroe county matron, Mrs. John Tatt, has made 200 pounds of butter per week this suinmer, and bas struck somethlng far richer thau a bonanza silver mine. The body of Neil McKinnon, recent ly f rom Canada, was found to the lake at .Mnkegpn, last Monday. He had been murdercd, roblied, and placed in the lakc, without the least doubt. ___- _ __ A strike has been In progress among the Oscoda mili men, for a reductloii of the working time from 12 to 11 hours per d;iy. Last Monday the hands were all set to work on the new time. In cleaning out the race w hich carrics the water to the w ooien milis, at 1'ortland, the vuikmi'ii rminn nuncireaa oT otts oi :lrions lengths in the botton) ofthe racesfftèT the water had been sluit off. .laphet Cross, the veteran jeweler, ol Adrián and for years the ijublishcr i a democratie-green pack pape there, bas made an assienment for the benelit of bis creditors. Lialjilrües about J13,(H)0. The Ogeinftw Herald, pnhlislicil :it Wfegl Branch, tells of a KH-years old boy living atOgemaw Sprinj;s, u ho attai-ked h'i.s inot lier Wlth an ax, and bcing locked up, u.;!." trom the sheritl'. liad boys up at ( ;_'(- niaw. The U. &. aupreme eourt has issued a iiiaud.uniis afraiiiít the villaje of Lowell for iwrt paylng E liza l'oung $3,000, a verdict rendered abont a year ago for n broken lieg in a detective sidewalk.- Pewamo Plalndealer. Detroit bas -rrown ([uite rapiilly, notwithstanding the absurd deas of olfl fogiea that held her back for yoars. Bh claims now a popnlation of nearly lS0,D00, whlle no 0Uftez aj;o than 1S.M; siie h'id bul 7, (KMI inhabltanls. The berrv picher? in portions ofthe 0O.UOty realizo con.-iderable suinsby thcir iodus try, selling, in som. cases, $"o to flOOdur'uiü the season. lilacklicrries have iofd n Chicajro as high M$0 nnd 8 a busliel.- Allegan Tribune. The people. of Dundee are endeavoring to get the school board toauthorize the taking ot'n vote apon the ereclion of a new si-hool house, to cost $10.000 o r $12,(MK. The Keporter says the present building la "too -mail, Inconveniente cold, itajigerous, oíd." A feiidoxisting bet ween Win. TilttJe and Mark Orr. two farmers Of M.'iylidd township, Liipcer couiity, resulted itt the shooting ot' liobby Tuttle, a little boy 11 }'ears old, it is suppo-ed. liy Oir, on the Jstd ujt. Bunday. Orr is in jail but denles the shootr big. ('hauncev Ranch, a son of John K. Uaneh, station agentof the K. it 1'. M. rail raad at. Wixom, is probably the inosl youthful tclegraph operator in the world.' lic is ouly six years old, and lenrncd the Mor-e ulphabet when only four yearsold. He can read or send any message wlth the aoouraCf 't an old timer, it is said. A Pontlac correspondent ofthe l'ust and Tribune says : " It is reporter] that Tl mm. is Johns, who was robhed and alniost killed hy Romer Andreus, ifeULng thoroujrhly well trom bis Injuries. The yount desperado, Andrews, nou sci-ks to lm pilca, te oite Win. Nouland. and inipiidentl.v made propi)s:ils-ompouiiiling the felony, by rc.-toribg the nioNcy lic stolc trom his victim. He was sentcneed on Fridav in the Oaklanil circuit c ttotrnl years in thé prison al Ion la." The Jachada ('iti.rn gvm 0t bttowing respectiug the preparatioiii tor the ooming staic fair ín thal citj : "There are nou Iiki horse stables. IIHI caltle stalls and S50 pens for sheep and swlnc; a neat and convenient poultry hoii-u and two carriafie sheds, ute open and one eneloscd, eacll '.' lx l'.Hj Icet ; ampie ticket offices and check rooms; business offices and private apártmenta for ladies. The speakers' slaml has liern put in a convenient spot, and attaclie.l lliercto ure reportéis' rooms, uilh teleplionc and lel, - graph offices, washrooms, water-closets and every eortTWiiemee. Agricultural hall is bciag alanrad and IhrtittHl Wlth -kylihts, and tbc mal II hall heen douhlc'd in ea pHelty by the add ilion of a transvcise SOCtion well llghted, boanled up anil palnted and linisheil wlth snioolh liaud-rails anil even Boort and stands, on purpose for at) art ;alIcry, ubich, when linishi'd and lltlcd up. uill niakethe liandsome-t exlnbition hall ever seen at a state fair In Michigan.'1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News