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Rev. J. T. Sunderlaml bas gonc to Boston. Will F. Hutcli and family have been vlsting in Bay City. Jndge K. E. Phinney of Monroe, was in the city last Friday, the guest of Dr. W. J. llcrdinan. Miss Mabel Beal, of Dexter, returned to her studies lust Monday, as a student in the high school of this city. CbM. E. Hiscock has returned to his duties as cashier of the Ann Arbor savins bank, after a short vacution. Airs. J. M. V'hitaker, of Lima, hns returned from a four weeks vlsit east witli her parents and otlier friends. Milo Pulciplier, the gentlemanly telegraph Operator at this placo, ha been confined to liis home by illness for seyeral d:iys. Mrs. Hale Bliss, of Chicago, accompanied by her little son, ia visitiiig with lier busband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B1Í9S, on Fiftli street. Drs. B. F. Cocker and J. Alabaster this week visited the Michigan conference of the M. E. C batch, whlch is now in session at Jackson, Bi-hop Foster presiding. Mrs. Dr. J. H. Nelson and little son, of Beuicnt, Ill.,forineily of this city, are spendng a few weeks with the family of William Norgate, and other friends in the city. Mrs. Dr. Qarinon will return to her home in Hastings, Nebraska, this week, accompanied by hermother, Mrs. Asa Burnett, who will spend a few weeks witli relatives and friends in Nebraska and Kansas. Dr. W. J. Iierdman left last Tuesday for au extended trip throughout the western hmiub uiiQ iu'i d win hi absent untll the muidle of October, visitiug Arizo-1 na, New Mexico and California previous to returning. Henry E. Cocker and wife, of Cleveland, were visiting the former's parents in this city last weck. They have gone back to Cleveland and are packiug their goods preparatory to removitig to St. Paul, Minn., where Mr. Cocker has permanently located.