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A dcliglitful ruin vislted us yesterday aftcrnoon, doing untold good. The only thing to be regretted about it, was its briefness. We are thankful fur sinull fuvors, however. , II. E. Gidley lias purchaaed Uie stock of Millinery and Dress Goods at 23 E. Hurón street, and will continue the business ut the oíd stand. 2w J. J. Goodycnr has a complete stock 01 goods at 5 South Main St. Anything in the drug line you can jret at Gootlyear's. Go to Goodyear's drug store for your drugs. Drujrs, uiedicines, toilet rtlcles, etc., at J. J. Goodyear's, No. 6, South Main St. For Sale - A mare and colt or would exchange for cow stock. W. F. Bird. MMJ "POR SALÍ OR TO RENT. Two blocks s.mili of the nnlvaralty grouniU, house m lili llirrr loca auid baru iu4 frult. Bnquire un the premist of lu:tf f. B. STKKKK THE AI ABBOR BAKERY E8TABLISHED IN 188J, BY DEACON REUBEN HALL Who made regalar tripa wlth lila dellvery wagon as fur weat as NUei, and theti dld not meet wlth aa many pople Ín lili long waary drlvea, as hl succesnor of to-day durlng a single forenoon, wtille deliverlng (6odi. Look for our Advertisement in a few da) .s. HALL á MOSELKY. . 1081-86 OINSEY & SEABOLTS BAKERY, GROCEHY u FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep conatautly on kand, BREAD, CRACKER8, CAKES, ETC. FOR WHOLE8ALB ANO RBTAIL 'ÍK A US. We iball alo keep tapplj of 8WIFT DIUBKL'8 BK8T WHITK WHBA1 FLOUK. DBLHI FLOUR, RYB FI.OIK, BUCKWHBAT FLOUR, CORN MKAI., FBXD. c, c. At wholeaale aad reUl). general itock ol CROCERIEi AND PROVISIÓN cocitantlj on bul, whlch wlll be iold uu af reason able termí M at ny other homo Ín toe clty . Caín pald for Bntter, Bggi, and Country Prodtic. general!;. IVOoodi deUrered to tu} part of tbe cltj wltl ont extra charle. yr K1NM1Y SBAbOLT. EVERY ABTICLE The best of its kind, Bought for cash F rum lirst hands By competent buyers, And guaranteed As good as represented. Only one price to all, Marked in plain figures. All are invited to cali. Correspondente solicited. 2L. S. SMITH fc CO., Jewelers and Importers, Cor. Jefferson & Wooflwarfl Ave's DETROIT 1054-71 wisconsini AlUrK 500,000 ACRES Lrill J O ON THE UNE OF THB 1HIUN1 CENTBAL H. H. For full partlculars, whlch will be tent free, ad ¦Ín s CHARLES L. ('O1.1IY, Land Commliaiontir, 105I-10KHMllwankee, Wl. K.lalr Of KuiiM.m S. Suiltli. OTATE OV M1CU1UAN. County of Waahteoaw, ¦ At ncaaion ol the Probate Court for tbe County of Wahtenaw, holden at the offlev in the city of Aun Arbor, ou Tuenday, tbe iiinth day of Aagudt in tlie year une thou8Aud titfht bundred and ei;tity-oiiu. Prviwnt, Willínm D. Harriman, Jude uf Probate. In the matter of the eatiite of Rauíoro 8. 8mlih,deilcreaic-d. Willard 11. Smlth, Johu Wilion aud II. H. Stnet. i'iiTiiKir of the laat wlll aud tentameut i'f cjiitl decuaeed come iniu court aud repreent tbat they are now pre{)ared lo reuder thelr aunual accounl &M uch executore. Thereupon it la ordured, that Monda, the ftfth day of September next, at teu o'clock in the Coreuoon, bu aai)fued for uxamiuluL and allowing aucb kccoant, and tbat thu aeviaeea, leicatees aud helra j ftt law oí nftííl deceaved.and all other peraonl L-dtc-d iu Huid enlate, aru rvquiri-d Ui appear at a '¦¦ccioii ot eald court, thvn to be holden at the Pro. bate Ottlco, In the Clty of Ann Arbor, Ín aald couuty. nd show cauee. Ir any tbere be, wny tbe aaid icconut uhould not be allowed. And It le furtber urdered, that iald executora irlve notlce to the [leraona interented Ín itaid eetate, of thu pendeney of ïald account, and tbr hearing thereof, by caualnt oopy of tlu ordr to be publlahed In the Ann rbor ''"unir, a uewitpaper priuted and ctrculatlug In aid county, two ancceaaive weckü prevloua lo tald day of uearlug. (A trne copy.) W1LLIAH ü. UARR1MAN, Jaáice oí Probate. WM. O. D0TY. Probate Reidater. 1052


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