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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Clmnli. REV. S. 1IASK&I.L, 1'astQT. S ihhitn services, io1 a. m. nd 7! T. M. Sunday School aftsi mornlng tervlce. Prmyer meeting Thursdny evenin at 7 oVlock. Catholio Cliiircli. RKV. FATHKR KlKKLK, Pastor. S M. High M U . ¦ "'.. A. M.V- . , r. V. Suiul.iy School, X V. at. Congregational ('liurcli. W. II, KïUlii, ';istor. Sahbath wnrleea, io1 a. m. and Tf f. m. School jlier morolng srrvi. . Prayer ateeting Thurmday evenlng ;it 71.joYlock. Episcopal Cliurcli. Kïv. Wyllvs Hall. Rector. Sabbath services, io"i a. m. and y p. m. Sunday School. 2'. t M. ReliglOlU services TKursd:iy evenlng M 7' ..o olock. (jcrman Methodist ('lunch. BEV. C. Helwig, Pastor. Sabbath si-rvlces, 10 a. m nd 7'2 p. m. Runda; School, at mne o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting n Wednesday. (jit Iteran Clmrch. Hrv, John Nkuman'n, Ptator. S ilih.ittl vPrviccs, 10H A. M. and 7' P.M. Minday S,i,,. ui Lifter mnrnipi; ervice. Pruvor meeting, Thursday evening at 714 o'clnck. MoUio(Jist Episcopal Clinrcli. Kkv. John Ai.abastkr, Pastor. S.ibli.ith terrice. io',J A. M. and 7 y v. H. Niiml.iv School after mornin service. Pravei meeting, Thoraday evening at jVj o'clock. -,,uMi; People'a Meeting, Snndaj Itf. Trcsbyterian Clmrch. Hev. Richard II. Stkule, D. D., Pastor. t KiGle'class afrerflitííi....í] Prayer meeting. Ttiursday evening at S oVlock. Yoiii Meeting, Sonday cyningoM. 1'iiitarhin Clmrch. Km. . T. Si'Npeui.and, Pastor. Sabhath ien ie at m", A. m. and 7 p. M. Simday School at 1.1 m. Student' Bible Class at 90J r. I. ions Liithoran Cluireh. Rkv. II. I'. Hklsek, Pastor. Sabbath services at io4 a. at. and 7 e, m. Miail.iv Sdi ¦! immediatcly aftcr morning service. vices Wedncsdayevcningat 7bVlock. BUSINESS CARDS. WIlXSeVM liM. BUILDER SHOP: CORREE CHÜRCH AM) OBLEAHS ST. Ann Arhor. 1021-73 V. 11. JACKSOSi, IDeittisT OFÏUCB : OVER BACH & AUtus. I'ntruic ¦ by Kirt National Rank. 7.'!2tl W L. I A ÍM IIÉRZ, - , Sii;ii, Onutmentftl and Fresco_Painter. "i'pc 1 HL-, Qlfusing, (Silillnsr, and Calcimtnin:} and wofk oi v. ry deacHpttoo donu io thu best Btyle, iind rarrsntei to i-'ive natisfiictfoD. 1liI). Xo. t V.t WaHhliisioii Mtr.-t. Anu Arbor, Michigan. 38tf y I LIJ AM W. NICHOLS, DE1TTIST 1 tiSJSij? BAI ItKMOVBD TO HUI NEW DENTAL ROOMS OVER JOE T. f%OOBf' STOK (E. 563tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Aun Arbor, IlirhlKan, T&AKSAGTS KM BANKING BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organizad under the General Banking Law of thle Hl ite.the atoclcbolden are Indlvldnally liable foran additlonn] iiinonrii tqual to the Htock held by them thereby creatlus 11 ;nnrnntoe umi for the 1l-l'(lt Of !UOHitOrH Of $100,000.00. Throf per ct'iit. Intprest 1s allowefl on 1 Riivingu Dopoaltsol uw dollar nd upwarde.accord ltiii to thornleaof the Itank.and intrreatcompoundei Ki;inl annually. "II to loan 011 twlurumbured r'4l 'tati' and other 'ood aeenrity. riin-r' .11 Mark, W. W: Wlnes.K. A.Bea vVIMiam Deubcl, WIlHaro D. Harriman DanUl Uifcuck, and Willard B. Smitb UfllrTH: Chuiktian HikoX, I'rcK. W. W. Winm, Vice-Pre Ciuk, K. HiHrooK, Caphler. i:t tui: iiit Fire Insurance tiST #42,000,000 - Sniiriiy held f&r the proteitlön of t lic pollcy holder. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the followlng (Irst-clasi copipa nies. df wliich 011e. tlic .Ktna. lias alone ]):iil 5S,OOO,0OO Brje Iones i" sixty years: Ana, of Barttord I 7,400,000.00 11,1-1,111 Underwriten a.SlK),0U0.Oi Krunklin, I'liilmlflplila :,:a)j..i Ueruan American, N. V 2,800,000.01 Londou A--iira]ici'C'ori)Onitlon 15.H(IO,Ol).(X) National, Hartford l.aoo.000.0 North (.¦rm.m. Hainlinri; Í,OUO,000. Phretrlx, r.rnuklyn 2.K.' hi.ih Luderwriten Agency, N. Y 4.600,ouu.UO Lomos liberally adiustwl and proraptlj ]i:i'nl. Policiee issneu at tna lowest ratea ol lifl 'Illitllll. 102149 IIÜISTIAV MACK. FBBDON LÜHBBR YABD JAMES T0LBERT, Prop., ii'actnr;r ard Üt-alcr Ín 8ACINAW mumm liinbbb, LA.TH AND SHINGLES. LTltB 'il: to i'lv,! uk a cali, and examine ou ¦Inch before parcluwtDK ohBewhero, KiPfi AditNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO. AN! Sttl.l.S KIltK IiHICK. JAMES T0LBEBT, Prop. T. .1. KKK4II. Nniit.'7H All kln.lH or prlniiim niKl Job wat wlll b. doq et TBsOoUBIXBoOoe In betterstyleand ut clHiipcr nili'K tli:ui at any othcr Iioiihp.


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