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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Clmrtii. Rev. S. Haskbll, Pastor. Sabbath services, io' a. m. and 7' r. M. Siuulay School after morning service. Prayer meeting Thuraday eveniug at ¦}% o'clock. ( atliollc (luiicli. Rkv. Katiikk Fiekle, Pastor. Iw M.iss, S a m. 1 f i j ïi M.iss, ni'.j a. M. Vespers, 4 l'. M. Sunday School, 1% v. m. 0- glll ¦¦ 1 Cliurrli. Rkv. W. II. Kadhk, Pastor. S;ibh;ilh services, 10I4 aiu 71 '¦ ¦ Sanday School il'ter tnorning services. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7' o'clock. Episcopal Cluirch. Rev. Wyllys Hall. Kector. SabbatH ervices, ioL, a. m. dnd 7Í-.J p. m. Suiul.iy School, j1 y m. nelitfious services Thursday evening at 7% o'clock. (jeriudii Methodist ( lnirili. Kev. C. Helwig, Pastor, services, loV$ A. M. and 7Vá '¦ Suiul.iy School, at nine o'clnck a. K. Prjycr meeting 011 Wednesday. Luthena (iinrc'n. RiV. JüHI NïUMANN, Pastor. Sahbath -ervices, io4 a. m. and ¦jVf P. m. Runda; School ufter morning service. Pr.iyer meeting, Tliursday evening ufr 714 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Cliurcli. Rev. John Alaiiaster, Pastor. Sablulli services. ioK a. m. and 7 ' r. .v. Nuiul.iv School after morning servjee, ) meeUoff, Tharaday evening at 7 o'clock. lfrraDg leople Meeting, Sunday evening byt. l'rt'sbjlcrian Clmrcii. Rev. Richard II. Steels, D. I)., Pastor. S;ih!i.ith services, loVi A. M. and 7 1'. M. ¦ 1 ..¦ ¦' ' ' K.M,, daas aitcr morning eil'rayer mcattoff, Thursday evening at S oclock. Young leo[le's Mtkliuu. Sunday eraiag ö. Unllariau Cliurcli. RttR. J. T. Sunderland, Pastor. Sabbath si-rvic-s at ioV4 M.aml 7 v. m. Sunday School at 12 M. Students' itible Class at 9:15 r. M. ions Ludieran Cliurcli. Rkv. H. V. HiLSEK, Pastor. Sabbath services at loyj a. m. and 7 p. m, Sut1d.1v School mmediHtcly after moniing service. Kellgiout services Wetliicskl.iv evening at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. WILLMn BKa.V BUILDER. SHOP: CORNER CHUKCH AN ORLKAXS ST. Ann Arh..r. Hi 7:) V. 11. JAl'KSOV, " T "KT nT =ii r" I J t-_i_isj J_ J.s - L- OFI'ICK : OVER OACII & ADCL'8. Entrance bj Klist Nailounl Bank. 732tl W ILLI V M 11 ii K Z, Boom, Sí'd, Ornatncninl and Fresco Painïer. - u - Paperlnif, Qiazlug, (llldlni;, nd C'ulcImiDine nl work of every discripilon lone i 11 the best style, and warranted ti liive satirffaction. Hliop. ... 4 Wt 1-I1I11-1..11 Mtrct. Ann Arbor, Michigan. WtStf WILLIAMW.NICHOLS,. DBNTIST1 HAH RiaÖVED TO Hls TïEW DENTAL ROOMS OVRR JOB T. J4COBV BTORS. 663tf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, II iii 1:1111, immi .CNSUL BANSINS BCSINE35. CAPITAL, $50,000. ' undorthe General Banking Law of thls iui-r, the atockuoldorfl are indivldnally Hable for an idili'.liiunl ainuiint equal to the stock held by them, Iherehy creatluc a narantee l'uuil for the I r M ( Of DrliitslInl'N of $100,000.00. Thrc por criit. IntereHt Is allowod on all HdviagH UepoditH of onu dollar and npwards, accord. lugto the rales of the Brink, and interest romponndud 8eiii annudlly. Money to loan on anincurabered real estáte and otlier goud secarlty. Dlrtctori -ührltlan Mack, W. W. Wines. R. A.Bea) WUllam Deabel, Willlam D. Harriman Daniel Hlscock, and Wlllard B. Bmltb Onteer : 11111-TMN Mack, Pree. W. W. Winih, Vlcc-Pres Chas. B. BiacocK, C'UKhler. 15-966 GET TIli: BB9T Fire Insurance 42,000,000 -% Security held for the protection of the poücy bolden. CHRISTIAN MACK Repretenu the fellovring tlrt-elasa conpa nies, of whicli one, the tna, lias alone paid 3.),000,000 lire losjes in si.xty years : Jtna, of Hartford .. $7 400,000.00 o-ton Uiid'Twriti-r 2.5(),liOO.O() Krnnklin, Philadelphia . . :!,.tllO ÜOO.ÜÜ (terman Amurlom, N. Y 2,8OO,li0iUin Londoo Anrance Corponitlon 18,800,000.00 National, Hartlord . 1 2iji odo.U'j North (Jerman, Hamburg ï ikkmmjo.ik) Vlin'iiiz, Brooklyn ... 2' X) (KXI.00 Uuderwrlters Aitency, N. Y 4,600,000.00 Losses liberully ;id ju-u-d mul promptly pud. Polidei issiicd at the lowcst rutes of premium. WllTS II ltll 1 VN MACK. FBRDON LÜMBERYÁRD JAMES T0LBERT, Prop., Manufactarer aud Dealur in SACINAW GANIr-SAWKD LÜMBER, LATH AND SHINQLES. Wc iLTita all to flve us a cali, and examine oni ¦look beton purchasln elsewhere. UJ8O AdKNT FOH JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLIJS FIRB BR1CK. JAMES T0LUEUT, I'rop. T. J. HKK4 H. Hupt. feb.U, All klml of )rlutinK and Job work wlll bo done at Thb Codrier office In better tyle and at cheaper rate tban at any otlier house.


Ann Arbor Courier
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