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As the. Michigan í'untml II. 11. 011!; runs special trains betw een Yji.silanti ani Jackson during the sUte fair, are the pío pie of the state ti nfer that Detroit ha no interest in that event this season ? The venerable Thurlow Weed, in a touch Ing note to the New York Tribune of Ik luth inst, cnclosed a check of $,500 for tli foreít íire sufferers of Michigan. Uood fo Thurlow. The arctic steamer Rodgers that left San Francisco about August lst, in search o the Jeaneatte, has beeu hrard trom. Sh is in Petropanloviski- pronounce it if you cm - Kamsehatka Senator Beek denies the report that h ever said he would vote for a republican a president of the senate. He says he wil not vote for any person outsid of lii- nw party. But few believed the Rtorv at first it was so unnatural. A peak in Montana 11,000 feet high ha a monument on it witli this Inieriptlon "Thls mountaiii is hereby uained Jamt A. Garfield, in honor of our beloved Prcsi dent and because of hopef ul news of his re covery reeeived this day." It is situatei Tffiie first ioíitical gun oí the yenr ha been fired. It carne f rom Muine. Inchoosing a successor to Win. P. Frye, who re signed as representative in congi. accept of the U. 8. senatorship, the republicans elected ex-Gov. Dingley by 5.173 Pretty fair start ol). Five niurderers were banged at ooi' tim in Little Rock, Ark., on the Uth inst., um yet capital punishment tlocsn't Metu tu ie ter the criminal class of that state f rotn comí mltting other murders. No less than six murders have been reponed since that dat in the daily papers, froni that state. Levi Bishop hus kept the record, and sutes that títere were !:i mimlers and ¦ut temptsat murder;" n Mirhigun, from Jan uary lst to September lst. And still some people will not be able to see why that fac should be made an excuse for more niur ders. Capital punishment is only murder legalized. n inmkmuj m aiumm capital talk of purchaeing the greater portion of Long Island, N. Y., to improve It. They wil Iniild hotels and cottages on the beach, and cut the land up into small farms fitted for market gardeuing, all of which they propose to sell on long time and easy pay ments to poor people. The Detroit Post and Tribune says that the board of supervisors of Montmorency county audited, at its last session, a bilí o $1200 for service in organizing that county at the last session, of the legislature. As there are said to be only 50 inhabitants in the county, it looks some as if their lobbying was nearly as expensive tothem as the rebellion was to the nation. At the international law conference held at Cologne, Germany, a short time since David Dudley Field, of the United States, offered a resolntiou in favor of an extradition treatyand reftuingthe rightof asylun to assassins or attempted assassins, assertwere not mere political offences within the meaning of the treaty. It, met the unani mous approval of the ifscmbly, and was adopted without adissenting vote. Americans are evidently receiving new ideas. (ieneral lnstructlons bave been lsaued by the postofflee deputment to postmasteni that wlien ay one is aanoyeü by postal cara from any particular place, or Irom auy kuown pernon, he may direct tle postraaster at the polnt nained todestroy all posUl cards addreed to lilm. The saine request may be made of the reccl ving post maaiers. The dlrections to the postmaster should be In wrltlnu and ttled for preservatlon.- Allegan Tribune. If the above is true, we have lost faith in the government, which usual ly lias a good reasonTor any action it takes. In the liit place it Is impracticable unless the postmaster or his clerks read all the postáis which a man receives. It niakes a sort ol poke-your-nose-into-every-body's-bu.-i !!¦-¦ . oflBcer out of the postofflee official, and for whatgood; who can teil usf The thing looks like a hoax. A ml now even honey in thecomb is manufactured artificially. The comb is inold.d so perfectly out of parafine wax that it takes a sharp eye to detect the imposition, the cel Is are iilledwith glucose, and the same peddled in cities for the genuine article. What will be the next thing to imitate is a mystery. Hardly an article of comme ree or consumption but is subject to mitation or adulteration. What will become of the people if this accursed business Is not checked, is also a mystery. Pope iperita truth wlien he said : "Wherecommerce long prevalía All honor falla." We have often wondered how it was that ccrtaln music and book publishers were enabled tO9end their publications, to all the papers throughout the country, for cheap thougli they were, so many of tbem must cost a great deal. But picking up a journal yestenlay, containing a 35 line notlce inscrted witli local matter, with large display lieailing, of a 30-cent sheet of uiu-ii-, our wonder iu that directiou ceased. That notice at the very least any paper pretentls to charge, 10 oents per line, was worth $;).- 50, and was in reality worth $7.00. That's how cheap pubüeations and cheeky men get thviT work in on publishers. Goed, .linrp newspnpcr men will do this sometimes, mcrely beeause they are too lay to write anythlng with which to fill tip their columns. But does it pay ? They might better "til! up" with miscellaneous items written with the scissors. A writer on fungus growths says their cost to the agriculturist is many millions of dollars. They blight hls fruit trees from the seed; they blight hls grain crops more tttïtmamjjtu; they blight lus fruit from the blossom to its end, pursuing it with ¦ lctirinined hate ; they mildew his beans and peas; they impair his corn and potntoes; they poison his hogs and discase his cattle; they destroy his loved ones often with insidious dlsCHM ; and then rot out his store houses, his dwellings, and even f asten - ngupi himself chainsat last, asntground )ii wliich to ripen their spores for dcadly work on others. No pest is so dead ly, none so insidioiis n itó workingg, none go varied - meeting us everywhere, under alniOKt all 'onditions. Insignificant in thomeaehrai hcir very obscurity gives them the best opjortunity for doing u's injiiry.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News