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East SaoINíW, Jan. lí, 1881. Mk. W. B. Moorx: Dkau Sin:- A bout the lirstnt' Deeeiter taken with a vi-ry strt; atUck oí rhcumatUm in botb oí my knees. I was mendwl to use Dt'HC's CajíPHORatki) Aknica. I can clicerfully ncoininentl it to every one tnniblol witli rlicnmati-tn. ¦ ' 'iHAi.v. lirjjt-r. Bnektaa'i Árnica Salw. The Baw u.vh n thc worltl for ('ut-. Bruis.!irr-. 8h1 KlK'imi. Petet Sores, Trtter, Cbr.ped Hand, ChilbUlBo, CofM, nul all Skin Eruptloill, ftlíd DM. tiv.-ly ciirc-i I'ili-s. lt is jriwiranti-cil to gire JH i ictinnormoncv rrtiimlecl. Price, 23 itnts per box. For Míe by Bbrbaeli & Son. Ai;''- un! ( Marañen M&ke from 2Ö to 50 per week lelltag pooclsforS O. lü'i' -ut A ('.. 10 Baiclny gtreat, tí York. Seud for Iheir catalogue and term. 100o-.Mi A Cough. Cold or Sore Tbroat should be stopped. Ncglect frequentere sults in an Incurable Lung [h'teate or nmption. Brown's Bkomohial ThoobBs nrr nrtuiíi M 'ú'' n-llrf m Alhmu, fíroiirhiti ('"iitjk, ('ittnrih, 'oiifump Ttiionthisrates. Kor thirty years the Truches h:ive been recomuitiulid by pbyíiicians and always give perfect satisfcticn. They are not new or untried but having been tested by wide and oonstant use for m-arly an enlire (feneration, they havo a'taincd well nierittd rank auiongthe few hiaple remedie of the age. Public n and Síngeri uc them to olear and ¦treogthen the Voice. Sold at twenty-five cents a box evnrywhere. 1H)7 59 HEZ fe [POWDEIvS Maüe íroin lrofr.nor iluraurdn' Aclil Fhnlphnt. Kenini-nlcl by lrallnC phyílrlan. Mokt'x ]k1it bfacnit, k, ¦!., lid la healtbler Uian ordiuary ÜHklliR l'ulerf In can. Sold at a rranonabln prl-o. Thf lloriíonl Almaimc tud Cook lUxik ent Tree. Rumford Chemical Work. I'rovldi-iict, R. 1 and83Lake8t,Chlcco. 102M-7 HOP BITTERS! (A Medicine, nol a DriuU.) CONTAINS HOTS, BICIIC, JIAXÜUAKK, iiami:i.ii, Andtiik Pt'rkst and Pt I TI 18 Ut ALL OÏ1IÏU liM I KlDi. THEY CUE AI! Dí8ciieBof theStomach. BowpIb, BlOOd, I Límt, Kldmiys, ftd l'rtuary Organ, Ner voubuu8,s , --ciftliy . .iliiU. SIOOO IN COLD. -1 w bepftldfor a caaethey wlll notc;irPoB liflp, or foranythlntf Impure orlajuriout fuuud in thiiu. Ask your drnítírlst for Hnp Bitters anti try I tiiena before you slecp. Tako uu otber. I D T. C. la an abnotutearxl lrnrttlhlerurc for I Drunkcniíciii, use of nplum, tobáceo and Darcuiu 8. ¦¦¦B SKND rOK ClHTTLAB. ¦¦Hfl All hovt toM hj dronlsU. I -. N. Y.,ctToranti,Ont. I ivombounS _xííwll Testimonial to Mr. Fellows. WB, the undersigned, Clergymen of the Methoáirl Church in Nova Ncuttia, having UKed tbe lirt'inra::un known a Fellowc1 Compomna Srup of Hypophofifhite!, prfiiared lty Mr. .lames I. fcellows, ChtMiiii-t, St. John, N. 1! , or havlne known tñrm wbereln íts cllecta weN beuflcinl, bulievy it is i'ecommendcd. Jama O. Henningfir, John McMarray, PriH. nf ('imleruuce. Ex Pres. of Conference. Wm. Sarircnt, Hlhhard W. Wcddall, John A. Mntir, Alex. W. Nictiolsoo, John W. Howie, C'ranswlrk Joet, Stephen K. ilueetia, Rouiaud Murtón, Jobo Johnson. .3-Thc proprietor has letten from varlons partí of the Doroluton, toe United sutuf, nd from Hugland, varil'yíng the a(MTtioii9 herefu con whlch will be fhown at hin office, on applicatlon. 'i'he relate to the cure ui DUeaees of thu i-ULgy, Hcart, Stomach, 4c. pello ws' co!?iiorn svitri' of ni loriioMMii i ís Speedily and permnentlj enres Congestión of the LmMi, BroDCBiH, Cooramption, Nervoní Proetration, SUurtuesH of breath, Ftiltpitatiou of the IIcKrt, Tirnibling of Ihe Iland and r.lmlK, Phypiral and Menta! IMvreaaloo, Uxaof ápDetie.Loaiuf Bnerirr, edfñcti,n;-ai,Wnlr1i';.';.lv,.l.',m,,t5":;;, for heallh upou voluiitury and itiv!t-íiu.v . actton. rt act wlth vigor, „¦.¦nllci -¦--, aud lünRT nwing to thu exqulsite barmoiii ui iu Inrvdlenu, nkin tu pur bluod itaelf. MOM) BY ALL lUtl .Í.IHTS. __ j THE GREAT CURE : i RHEUMATISM I Am lt la for all dlMim of the KIDNEYS, ¦ LIVER AND BOWELS. i It eleansea the jrstem of U arld polson that oauaes the dreadful nuffenna wluch ouljr the Tictuus of Bhciuuktúm orna reaJiae. . ; THOUSANDS OF CASES of tho worst forma of this terrible (Ummo hmve boen qulckly relieved, la a sbort Utnt ' PERFECTLY CURED. f hMhttd woDdc-rfulfuicfiCM., aud ma immenae f I salo iu evory part of tho Country. In hun' ' dredaofoaaoaithasoured whereall elao had ', ,' failed. Itla mild. but offleient, CEKTAÏN , , IN IT8 ACT10N,butharmleaainailoeea. ' ÍVI t rleanr, HtrrnKtbrn aiil iWriNm 't ' I.lfO toall the lmportantorgaaaof the body. i I The natural aotion of the Kidney la reatored. ' The LI ver ia cloiniod of all duoaae, and the ,' BowelB move freoly and Uoalthfully. In thia , waytho worat diaeasea aro eradioated from ' ' theayatem. ', Aa lt haa been provod by thouaanda that ' la the moat efföotual remedy for oleonainff the ,' '( ayatemof allmorbld aecrotiona. Itahouldb uaed In every houaehold aa a SPRINC MEDICINE. ', AIwiit cursa BILIOÜ8NE8S. CONSTIPA' TION, PrLES and il TEXAU1 Diatun. ', Ih put itj) ntrj Farm, üitin r-anil, 'i one parkae of which inakeaCquaru nMHllclne. ' i Alao In Uqald FFM,vcry Cncntrale4for , ' the coDTniencw of thue whorannotreadiljpre, '. parelt. Itacttvxtti rqual tffletency n eitÍLerform. i orr iTorTouR DRcnoiST. i-kk k.i.o , ' WELLS, UICIIAIiUSON X Va.. Prop1, 1 (Wlll 'ni! :!'¦ ilrr po" -iald. llt nl.isoT, TT. ' kar- LOOSE'S EXTRACT Red Clover Blossom, HM (reut llltmil Tiirillcr. Carea scrofala in all lia fornr, cáncer, ralt rhium, orywiyela, rheuuiuticm, and regúlale the bowe's. Loóse Kd ('lover l'ile Komedy- edre cnre. Blossom 50c per pound or fl.00 per pint bottlo. For ale by all wbolesale and reuil druKista, or addrea J. M. Looac A Co., Monroe, Mkh. - Send tbr Circula. 10Ty,


Ann Arbor Courier
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