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A Vexed Clergyinan. Even tlic patienee of Job would tweotoe exhatisted were lie a prencher mul endenTïrinj: to Interest his audlence whlle ilicy were keeping up an incessaut couehing, making it Impowible for liim to lo beara. Vet how vtty easy can all thl be hvoïded by simply usinjr Dr. Hing9! New DNeovery tor CoiisuiiiUoii, Coughl anl Cold Trini bottelt given away al Eberbach v Son's drug store. 1050-1101 WgfTOTMlCH. For the Mtkéfol and IWtleM wlio e;innot sleep, and who ire norvous, weak, and lespoudent, without apptlte or energy, hops and malt, bitters iets like a charui, itrengthening, nóafishfng and ettring. l'ry a freo sample bottle. ltul Drainage. The criminal carelessness er wilful nufled of builders in erectinr bonaea with srperfeet phimbtng and bad drainage Is iniitfnl WHiroe of iiseaae, and thousauds are carried off annually with Malaria or ryphokl tVviTs trom this cause. The J.imi Malaria and Li ver ['ad and Body and Koot BW wil! cure these dfseases. Tbc whole j-ciitmi'iit for the one dollar. For sale by IrugirisU, East Saginaw, Jui. H, mfl. Mk. V. 1!. Mookk: ÜKau Sik: - Aboutthe tírst of December [ w8 taken witli a very severe attüclt of rheumatistn in both of my knees. ' I wae ¦((¦ommendcd to nse DlNC's CaKFHOBtkd AhNica. I c-an chi'crl'iilly recomnend it to every one trouliled with rlicniiiIÍÍ8Q1. II. B. I1KADY. naMs IiiU'klen's Árnica Salve. The Best 8aite In the workj for ('ni. BrulseP, Sores, ulceré, Salí Rheum, Fever Sons, Teller, Chapped Hands, CMIbtaln?, ('orns, and iill Skin Ki 1 1 j t i i-. s. and posiivcly cures Piles. It is uaranlced to srive perfect aatisfaction or money refunded. 'rice, 25 eents per box. Kor sale by Kbcrtaeli A Son. An Kstablished Heniedy. Duunk' Hi.ixnt las been widelv known and U8ed as a cougli remedy for flfty years. No óther cough nfHÜcine has stood the test half t lii lenu'ih ot' time. The people stand by tliat whicb s good. Du. Baxtkk's M wdrake Bitteiïs nre )tirely vcjratable - the product of the bilis mil val ley s. W MiKASTKI). IlKNKY $ JOIINSON'S rnic m Oh, I.iniment i ivarranted o picare all who im'. it. How to Batan llealtli. It seeins strange that anyone wili suffer 'roui derangement brouiiht on by impura blood, when SCOVILL'S SAKSAl'A tILLA and STILLINGIA, or BLOOD 3YRUP, wilt restore healtb. It is the est blood puri6r ever discovered, effectïally curinK Scrofula, Syphlitic disorders, Veakness of the Kidneys,, Malaria, all Nervous Disorders and Debility ïilious Complaints, Diseases of the Blood, ver, Kidneys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It orrects indijrestion. A single bottle will rove toyou its merifs asa hoalth renewer, 'or it acts like a charui. BAKERS' PAIN PANACEA cures ain in Man and Beaat. Use ex tamal ly nd iuternally and find relief. DR.ROGER'S VEG&TABLE WORM SYilll' instantly destroya worm.s and removes all seeretions. A Coiigli, Cold or Sore Tliroat liould be ptopped. Neglect frequently reuks in an Incurable Lun,j Ihxmsf nr (nitmptioa. Brown's Bronchial Tk h ¦i'v tCLjgivt relief in Atthma, Bronchitis. Cottörar, ¦,-..:, :,„SIIUU,. fotamd 'l'liroat Jh'srase. For thirty ye&rS" lie Troches have been recommended hy hysicians and always give perfect satisfacion. They are not new or untried hut laving been tested by wide and constant ïse for nearly an entire generation, they ïave attained wcll merited rank among the ew stapte remedies of the age. Public Iptakat and Singers use them (o clear and trengthen the Voice. Sold at twenty-five ents a box everywhere. 1007-59 HlOP BITTERS ( V ll.dh Inp, nol a Drink.) CONTAIK8 hops, nrciir, mandrari., IPAMIIJ.KIV, I I TIKt UF ALL OTUKR Itl'l 1L&8. THEY CÜBK All DineftiPBof thcStomarh, HowpIh, Blood, I LiVir, KUlncys. juid l riimrjrOrKani. Nrrvousueu, Sl'-",ilevitn('ssn(t eupecially SIOOO IN COLD. Ê Will bp pald for % caoe they win not r-.ire orW hulp, ut lor ftiiHtMiiir impure oritijuruui fuuud In tlurn. Aikyonr drnfTfrist for Hop Bittert and try I tL.iiL beforu you lleep. Tnko nu oiher. I D T. C. 1 an absolute and irreaÍBtlble cure for I DrunkeuneM, ur of optuui, tubacoo and narcotic. HMBHM Sknd fob Circulas, ¦¦¦¦¦fl Al! koot mld by dmijiïtU. ¦ ÏI.ip BlIUn Mfg. Cn,, RortMtr, N. Y., & T"rntA, Onl. I i".,--,: ivombaunS m Testimonial to Mr. Fellows. WK. the nndor1(iecl, Clergymen of the Methocll Clwrch in Nova Scottla, havini; nmi the re{aration kuown Fe!lnw" Conipounu Syrup of lypophophite., prepftred by Mr. .lamet 1. KcIIowm, "hemlst, t. .John. N. H, or havinif koowa wherein IIh i'tVectn were benficlal, belteve it is recommended. lime tí. Heuningiir, .Inhn MeMurray, Prrf. of Conference. Kx-Pre. of Conference. Wm. Santent, Hlhhorn V. WHrtall, lohu A. Maher. Alex. W. Nicholson, lohn W. Howte, Crauuwjck Jont, Sunhin K. ilueatlK, Rowlanil HoftOO, John Johnson. 3-The proprletor hai lettern from varioiiK ptrta of the Dominion, the t'nlted btait, and from nand, varifying the assertiotn hereín eonUlned, which will he thown at hl ofnee, on applioitiou. Itiey relate to the cure or Diaeasei of the l.nng. Heart, Slomach, Sx. lEij.ouvconi'orvDMiui' OF pttPOPHOSPHITES peedily and permanently curen rontrestlon of Ihe .nnL'!. Bronchitis, Conpumption, Nervout Profftfftion, Shortnen of breath, I':ilipiutiin of the Uenrt. Tremblini; of the Hands and Limba, Phyoiral and Mental Dcurefelun, Luw of Appctlte, Lu" "f Knerty, Lom of Memory, and will rnpullv lmpro the we ikened functioun aLd ortrant of the body, which depend for health npon volnntary and invulentary nervon action. It acte with visor, (jentleueni!, "d mihtlety, owlng to the exqnli-it harmony or lu Ingrediënt, aklo to pure blood ltaelf. BV AM. I)KH;(.1NTS.


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