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E. PROFESSOR, 1111111 HiMlii froiu l'rofcKiior llorforü' Acid PhosphHtc. Keeommeaded hy lemlinir phyiclan. Makra lichter hlarnit, ik. ¦!.. and In b:ilthier tlian or.liuary liuklnj l'owl'r. In can. Sold ftt n rp%fonMlp rrlc. Thi llonfunl Almitnac Mini Cook Kook ent ttmm, Kumford Chi-miral Worku, Provi1nro, R. I and 1 Uk at., Chlcaco. MIM Ayer's Agüe Cure, POR TUK SPEEDY RELIEF OF Tsrcr s:i Ae--o. lnio:=::teïi Fover, ChiU ToTer, Eimlttent Tmr. Dumt Ajeo, Porioücil e: Bllicts Forer, o::.. ui lilecd all tbo ifftctiosa Irtich f.:c Mi malarioni, xjrtt or mUsmitic pouons, "¦T II bea wldcly nied durlnjr I P twonty-fivc yrars, tn the trratrnent of ¦"X these dlMrcu-ini; dlaouocf. nnd wlth j'Wh nnvaryiug HCMM thnt it tui ¦¦- jS ¦.,,¦ ad reputation of heing inlal Hble. The chakos, or chilln. our' broken hy it, do not reinm. nnlil the dlpeaae Is conracted apnin. Thie hac made it an ICMpMd rcmidy. JUUL triMlfli annriflr, fr "¦- " ¦' -¦¦-- ' tttr nd the Chills and Fevcr l the BoQtb. AyerV Aue Cure oradlcatct the Doxtona poltoq from the I7ftem,ud Iwvet the patiënt ai-ll .h buforc the attack. It tbor so Ihat noliiverC'oraplaliitj, Kheumatli-m, Neuralgia, Dysontery, or Debillty follow tb Cor. Indeed, wbcre DieordiTy ol the Liver and ituueN hf occurred from Mitwniutlc Polaoo, it removes the cause of them, and thry dlaftppMr. Not only is it an effectml citre, hut, if taken occa!nally ')y p exposed to malaria, it will i "non and proect them from attacK. lavelers and tempi)mry residents in Pever nnd Amic locaïitiep ar' enabled to dciy the diteane. The General Debillty, whicb i o apt to cnntie from oominnud eipoenre to Malarln and Mtaím, has no ppcedicr remedy. For Liver Onnjilaint, it is an excellent remedy. PlíEPAKEI) IY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Practical and Analytical ChemlsU. Sold by uil I)niL:L'ivf ná Deáteri in lfedidnM. 10an-lU7S-eOw TÜTT7S" PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS. CLERGYMEN, ANO THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lossoi appetite.Nausea.bowelB eostive, id, with i dull seiittation in the back part. Tam un fer the shoulderblade. fullnese nfter catino, with a diainclination to exertion of body or rninil, Trritabilitv of temper, 1 .ow spirits. Loss of memory, with a foeling of huvlns nnglected some dutjwfuriup8S, Dizzineaa, r lutterinK of the TI part, Dot before tho eyc ktñ, rTeádaohe, Kestlessnesaat iiight, highly colored Urine. IF THESE W AENINGS AEE DNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASESWILLSOON BE DEVELOPED. 'l'UTT'S PILLS rerperlilly Riluptedto siurli CBtej.oiie dise eflfecti suchachHnge fif ft;elin(i as to aMtoriisïi t!e tiifTcriT. Th. -y Inrirmr llie AM-lllr, and rame the body 'lo on rifh. th :i th ntnn Is noiirlihpti. Hiul tiv lii' .: l'ttnip litloii'in the lÉk.-.l .¦ Kim. Hmular Xliwta reproduc-el l'rlee Ji i-'-Mf.. M Ilnrr; üt., !l.ï. ïüttThair oye. flliAV lTilHurWiirsKKBscliaüeeii tci a(il.nnBY lii.Ai k iy it Hiiiiile itpplloatlon of ilns iyk. H iinpnrts k imlurnl rol.n , net Instulilnt-)iisly. ulJ liyDrugf lata.or Mol I 1 . Office, 35 Murray St., New York. f Br. Tl 1 I'S IM 11, ..r Vl„,hl, l„r,.rm.ll,.n ¦¦ k I .ful KfM-lpt. wlU Iw üilM Hl o pplictliu. J 1IXÍ2-S4 Tho Leading Toy & Faaoy Goods Eouse OF MICII. Whtn visiting the City of Detroit do not f;iil to HEYN'S BAZAAR, ."orrncrly Russell House Buur, whlch is now located at ij Woodward avenue, forme r staiul of the old ALHAMBEA DOLLAR STOBE. These two well-known places of public patrnnage have recen ti v been Consolidated umler om mannífement, anrfwe desire to cali special attention to our large and wei. sclected line 1 Toys, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Platcd Ware, Whitney Children's Carnaje:, Velocipede:, Espress Wagens, &c, &c. h WP wilt enntinnr to ;riÉ t nornnnr priecs. An carly chII is respectfullv solicited H. HEYN & BR0„ HEYN'S BAZAAR, 92 WOODWARD AVE., DKTRO1T, m;il. I í7hTdYwhs VEGETABLE BALSAMIC i ELIXIR Is a ure cure for Coughs, Coliis, Whooping-Cough, mnd all Lung Diseaset, yrhtn taken in leason. People die of consumption imply because of neglect, when theM timely use of thi reniedy would P have cured them at once. I . I'iflu-one yenrs of Ij stant use prores the fact that no t i cough remedjr bat ttood the te9l H like Down Elixir. H Friet 3Sc. me. nd tl .00 per botUo. For Sale Everywhtn. Dr.Baxter's Mandrakei JUitterSB Will cure Jaundice, Djspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indigestión, and all dUeaset arising from Biliousnets. Price 25 ets. per bottle. For St ETíwliere. iiKxiiï . roanon ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT I'or .Van anti Beast. The moot perfect liniment ever I compounded. Price 25c and 50c. ¦ For 81 Erarywhsr. % ¦ fBi A P% on Ion rrrdlt and ¦ 1 8 L n ¦ ei; termi. in u mild 1 r MM rllmu, free from J I bllm hcïTï mom hllirht. Ing froitn, aud ¦ MILUONS OF ACRES r!"lor Mie In tlio II ¦% A COLDEN BELT A j IV ol Kansas, by the t ¦ I V wJ%M UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of as rlcb Noli hs lio aun ever abone ou, wltta Kood niarkets cat and west. For JerWjftrf nnd Hluslratcd Honk, With Mapê, Sent Frr-e, Addrcê LAND COMMISSIONER, Kansas División, KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI. 104.5 5R wïscoNSiNnüünë .'.OO.OOO HRF.S LrillLr'O DN TUK LINK F THE U IM OSU ( IMItVI, K. It. Kor fnll prtlonlarf, whloli wil] hc (.ent froe, ad¦ IIAKI.KS 1,. col.liY, Uin.l üoramli nir,i-Hki Milwauki'i', Wir-.


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