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i ¦ 'L 1 ' , 1 '- ' S. Í.'.V,-,, -.. .. ,17 -,TlIEi CHICAGO & K0ETH-Ï ESTKBN KAILWAY Ie the OI.DfiST! BEST CON8TKDCTJtD I HKST EQUIPPXDI and haBcc the LEAD1NG RAILWW - or tiie - WEST AND NORTH WEST. It i the shonet and best roata beW aod ull poluta in Nortiern Illinois. !m, DakoU, Wyjaiag, Hebrasia, Callibrola, Orejee. Ar;z:aa. U:ah, Colórale, Iiaic, UonUca. llegada ; COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, IK KH, LK.VUVILLK, SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Csdar E:p:is. Eo: Jíoíbcj, Colimes:, aai all poiat: :: tho To:r;::ric: izi tho Wost. Al3 for Síilwacies, 3rsen Ba?, ! tosh, SnotSTS!!. üir;so:to. Faal 3u Lac, Watcraa, ' toa. Seesah, Ileaastu, Bt. ";::. liíaasapolis, Huoa. Vol, fargo. Sismarci, WÍL::a, Liír::!c. Owataaaa aai all po:at la li:ucs:ta, Cauta, Wiicoasia aai tas K:rtiT::t. At Conndl Bluffs the train of the Chicago & NorthWuntern and the I'. P. R'ys depart from, arrive ut and use tb Mmejolat nnfon depot. At Chicaiío. rose connecMolia are madt.' with tho I.aki' SMuri-, Michigan ('t-iitral, Baltimore & Oliio, Port 'ayne and Pennt Ivimia, and ChictfO A (.rund Trunk iiy'c, and the Kankaakee ml Fan Handlc Hontes. Close Connections Made at Juncüon Points. It In the OMiV 1.1 VK ni mi. i nu Pullman Hotel Dining Cars ('liiongo aud Conncil lïln Í1-. Pollman Sleepers ¦¦ All M-lu TrahiK. lriöict upon Ticket Agenta MlttBg yoa vik tniB road. Kxamlne your tickets, aud refnte to buy lf they dn not read over the chicado aud NtrihWejMem Itailway. lf you rtili the Rest Travelin Arconimodtitionp fot "ill hnv vour ticket by thi route tAD WII.L TAKK HO OTHBK. All Ticket Agenta iel] ticket by Line. M H IV III ; ITT. 26 v. i'. .v Qaai Han'cr, I in HALLTS Qatarrh Qure. Is Recommendod by Physiclans. HALLS Patarrh Pure. is tndorsed by Clergymen. AVill Cure Auy Cnsc. OfflMOf A ï . ate ar i A Co. CbieagO.111 , I June 4, 1880. . itmtrt. F. J. Chtncy & Ca . Toledo, O. (ienl lemen - I take pleasure in informinp yon ' that 1 have ued Ilall'n ('atarrh ('urf It has cursd mu I w&a Tery bud - aDd dou't hesitato to fay thai It will cure any cano ofCatarrh if taken properly Yf)Urtruly,J.B. WEATI1ERFOKD. Worth glO A Iiottl-. E. Mt'KUT, J.ickon. MIeh. writm Haro had Catirrli Hiiü's ("rttarrh Cure cured m r it worth $10.00 a bottle. Jlall's ('atarrh Cure la old by all Draggltts at iiottlf. Mamifacturcd and snld ly F. J. I-HUSKY ACO.SolePrCprietor, TOLKDO, OUIO II.iT. Rrnwn Co, Cur. Main and Hnmn Streeta, Aun Arbor. 1W7-WI LOOSE'S EXTRACT Red Clover Blossom, Tlie (ront Blnoil Purinor. Ciirn KCrofula in all II forme, cáncer, ealt rheiinl, eryelat, rheumntinm, nnd resíllate the ' Lmse't lied ( U'.lt IMIü Hern-'iy sorfl CUTQ. Bloasoqia ï)c per pound or f l.iX) per piut bottle. Kor na!r hy all vboleaal aud retill trunut, "r addrefi .1. M. Loop ('o„ Monroe, Mlch, S-HendforCIrcnbit. 1uriW8 NERVOUS DEBILITY! A Cure 4. unrantcr.l IB K. C. Wllt'H NEIiVK ANI BltAINTREATMÜNT: a K;erinc for H) lerla, li.'.-"ilie-,('omTllíion, Nervoaa lleadnche. Mental Depnsatoa, n: Memory, Spematorrhcea, lmpitency. Premature (Hd Axct, oavMd bf over éxtottloo, self-abnae, or over-indnljfencc, whicb to miaery, decay and üeath. Orï"e box wil] curla, Each hoi cnntains one monthj tn atmeiit. One dollar a box, or six boxen fur fue dolían: Bent by mail prepaldon recelpt ui prtre. Wo t'uarantee iix boxe to enre any cn!-e with each order received by uilorsixhoxe , arrimpanied with five dollar, we til iend the purchaper onr written gnaruntee to return the money II the treaimeni nol effect acora, uaranteonly when thr trutmrnt 1 ordared illrect from ti ii'HN i wks'I' &()., Sole Proprietora, 181 A Kt W. Maaimn St., fhlcaeo, 111. Rold bi Meaaem.llrown A Co. A.BaH!tt Wholwmle Arent Uetrolt.MIch. nul


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News