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The Relief Committees

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A íi-w daya ao, Id therarprtae of evcryonc, Detroit relict connnlttei their charge of tbe relief téná oí tint city. sime that time tbere have been rep afloatto the eil'eet that their relgnatloii UOM fnini ii want of harniony bet" een llie eommltteas from the different cities ( Michigan. Oovernor Jerome caltefl a conference l the nlicl ei litteca of I i trui!, Port Huron, Kust Saginaw, Sagtnaw CKy and B:iy City, which net at the mayol i dilici; in Detroit on W ednsadaj aitcmoou, Oct, .'ilh. The I'ost and Tribune has a full report of tbe conference. WTecan gire no better aecoant of tbe preaent and past worknir ot these BoaimiUees taaa ty ap pending tbe fotlowtag extrests : Jerome was diosen cbainxi&n of the meeting and W. L. Bancroftsecreiary. . JKIIOMK icvii-ut'il iln: progresa o the reitef work down lo the time wlicn tin: Detroit oominiltce ti-mhi i-il their n ¦siiriiation. ('011tlnulnsf, be nid that alter oonsultatiéfi witti the Detroit eooamlttee and wiiii Senator Oonger, be decMed to walt a little time before takiug turthcr aetion. Whlle Ka bad been waiting be haal been ptessed mo-t :u iitlv trom different qnartefs te iiKikc deatlvs move. It md beeome plainly apparent that tome prompt aetion ihoaltl be taken lo eantrmHu tbe work of dtstrtbuting relief. He bad Hen in UH New Voik llenüd a report oí a ( fen betwaen tneexi cuiive commltte oí tbe New York as.-ocialioii and the iimyor of Detroit, al whii-li t-oiiliTciiee .luim S. Neubeiry, ol Detroit, and Jolm 1'. Baiiborn, of l'ori Buron, wi re preaent, & eontrovany bad apparenüy ariaen which resuited ia tite coinmittee'a deoidteg to wltubold furiher 11 ii 1 1 1 tbe wolk flioiiM be coiisolidated, ui lenst thorooglilj hariiionied. Ie had invileil tbc repicvlltalivcs of t In' lilleient relief aniniiiiill'inl lo meet umi willi bim lo w bat OUgM to be ander the ctreumstances, it tliey bad i rlear. ell deüiied dea. of the matter ; il' eoui.-c that lelievcd bim ot a I eepoiislbillty. It wal Hnperatlve, bowvi-i-. tiiat wiae general plan be promptly leeMed opon, in order lo prevent tbc withloldiug oi eontrtbntioni all ci tbe couniv N.i loeal t1wlini;"'IridoiiU'jlit to stand u the waj oi ueuwli'aUng apon plan hat woukl give tbe aipst general aiiiinion. He bad 110 plajO to pretent, bat -aiil ie believi-il that !n lore the lirst meeting oftbe eoiiteri nee WM Cülli'd the Detroit niuiniiti e MibatiuiUalJy acreed upon wou nc of aetion ; be tberetore ciilled upon lic chairmau oftbe Detroit organizado to tate wiiat tbe pmpoeed pin was. KKMKK oh .IAMBS MCMII.I. A N'. .Mr. McMillan suid that Mnee tbe first onleienee held the subject had been norfl thorouirhly oonstdered than at that laie. Al that incelintbey bad uaited lor 'orí Hurón II 11 til !l was too late to BCCOrOlii Diocn. l'be Detroit jieople were williig to co-opeVnte in auy reasonable plan, Dxl be eoii.-ideied il absolutelv neres-ary o coiiHoli'late lor the wurk tu be. done. Vlmo-t daily they bad come in contact vith peopie rrotn the biinrt dtetrtet They iad reeeived letten trom their agente nd froin peopie trom all over tbe country, ml the coinmoii expressiou was that B entra! commlttee sliouW be appolnted at mee. It made mi particular ilillen-ii. e vhere. lictber trom l'ort Huron, Bay itv ÜL Detroit. The Detroit eommittee lmi"in, Tile i!e-i nh] "¦ e n o ' ati-taction woiil.l be tor tbc 1,'overnor to appoillt thls central comniitti'e (iiitside of iiy oi the aMociattom mw nrganiged. l'h'cv vrhh to accomplish the most good vitli the enorinousainoiintol inoney ubicb lad heen Bowing Intó Detroit and l'ort luron. The Detroit ooramittee had reeived more than $190,000, having abollt 1100,000 on hand at this time. He umlertood trom Senator Conger that I'ort luron bad abollt the -ame ainouut. Tilla vas a very targe sum of money. and toother with the immense amouilt of elothng and supllies also on hand. it should be liMiibuted onder the control ofonecoranittee. He believed that they ghould not solicit more from tbe peopie of the United faltes tmtil the money now on hand bad . ipended, and they tlien should cali ,i, the peo), Ie ot Detroit and the Btate ot Michigan Ir more was needed. If they could snpply the wants of these peopie. by ill mean it should be dono. He was not rilling that the peopie oí' Michigan should nake themselvee appear to the rest of the worlil as beggara. With the money olí ïand and wliat tlicy could fret from this -late. they ooald inpply the want ot theae leople as lar any "eoiDinittee OOght to supply them. Tlicy could not, ot' eourse. tViey 'couïn SèJÉfti ,ÏÏV,V ,1','lííür „. v. i-ii-t them throngh the winter. Certalnly a great deal in tbat direetion had already jeen iccompllsbed. (,1 N. WM. 1IA1ÍTM 1 I -aid that the Port Huron e nitlce bad 15,OO0 iu the purebMt ot' sied wheat md boaght between aaren mul eigh] iImu-alid biisbels. Tbey had mi arralijfeil it that when one man gol 'bis wheat put in lic li uiieti namest and team to some other man who bad lost bis. They bad purchased 1,'joii bii.-lieis of graai seed and3B0wre coming f ram Chioitfro. They had striven to -upply the neeessilii s ot Ibe peopie, to clotbe Ihem w hi re tlicy werc naUed. tobeal tbeir woiinds and help them put ill eroptor the next ycar. Bavlng dollS tluit tbey weee tiirniiifi thejr attenthtn to mpplylng the peopie lor the winter as far as possible. llaviiif: done all Ibis they hardly telt like givlag up their efforU now. They had mui about $75,0tH worth of eontributi'd suppHeinto the Country. They bad spent 4O,UO0 aifd oontraeted liabilities far in axeesaof tbat. Hr. lloward, the ebainnaii of their oommitree on lambier, had contracted liabilities amountlnff to $211.000 In contraota to be laid on delivery. Tlu-y had arrangr ed to gire to each teníale head o' a tamil)' live dollar in inoney with whidi to purchase suppliiü tint the eommittee had not thuught ot. Tbis liabilitv woiild aniount to 1 1 om ?7,."00 to lflO.O(HI. Tbeir eutii e lia bil i tiet already coiitracted amounted tn 78,000 out ol'100,(K)0 011 hand. Their work WM COMUntiy jroing forwiird. MR. MARTIN 1H1ZKI. then told in the followlnt; w ords whal l)etroit had done : Tbe aecompaiiim; tatemen! in detail ot tbe operatiom ot ooi aent ill the H disliict in which they have been WOrkiUJt, COmprUing some 2,100 families, shows that thls eoinmittee have aided in itaitiug U MwiuiUs and 1 grist mili, at the eXpeUM of some $7,:.'id ; Imve distributed some 21,280 bnsheli oi ccil wheat. valued at $27,660, have onleied distributed l.iö.ooo feet lumber, and :ilti,000 feet (alnglor, valued at íU.s."ii, hay and oats at $;,ü00. I,()o0 barrels llour, :7T barrels pork, Ñ barrels suirar, ll b.irrel.crackers, Is barrels oatiueal, Ü71 barrels corn, 70 barrels rice, 80 barrels syrup. In ndditiOO to the above tbere have been purcha-ed and shipped to the ditl'ciTiil pointS new tinware, viz : J0 doaea 10-quart nailS ; 108 do.ell basin-, ; 1 dni 11 teapots; ü iio.en steepers ; '¦ doxn colfee 't dooen half-pint cups ; lti'J doi n pint ; ¦1} dozen di-h pansj lti dbtb pan i B doen ; 18 docen deep bread pansi 86 doen Muaré pie paus ; 39 doten pint dippen; w fross tablespooosi SS grois ; I8doien I iiart coltce pot ; '.M dozen wa.-h bowls : 27 dozen quertdippersj 4 groas plates , '. kits carpenters Utolsj .". dozen planes ; B dozen liles ; 150 pairs sa-h, glazed; B0 cases bedding; 58 mates; 17 eaaks orockery; :!1 dozen knive.-, forks and ipooui ; 18J washtubs ; . idstead-; lili teiits and poles ; l."i tables 71 dozen chairs, new ; 'Jlll cases bools and slioes ; -l oases sotoektegei 88? itorea, hollow ware, etc ; B8 loen tin paila aiu: ketllcs; lis doen tin enps; 5] doeli sboes ; M doen spades ; 30 do.en -bovels. 89 lioen aes; N 1)1 ¦oadaxes ; 98 dozen liamniers ; 7 dozen iiiijie ; Mlozen cbisels !ll dozen tingle crass-cut saws ; N dozen hand saws ; ;il7 plowl ; 80 nSJTOWl ; K wagons ; 15t sets harness ; 5 cultivators 300 kegs nails; 4,580 ponnda ooflee ; 4.6X pounds tea; 1,500 poands tobáceo ( boxes pipes; 45 ycast cakes; 61 boxe.s 8)iccs ; 54 cuses matches ; 7 cases candles 59 barrels beans; 'J10 boxes soaji ; :t,:H nounda sulcratus ; drug and medicine, P8S3.18 ; 88 gal lom liquors; 216 boxea herring ; 3 1;irrels ; 2,580 yarda ted tickingj 1,100 pain Wankete ; 560 clütlihii - liHts aiul cap. Tbe u aikütion to st-veral lmiidred of unclaüsifled pootls


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News