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The Ust ilay Of the fair. N.nv rtableyour home plnnto. The post effice at 7::!() p. in. The gnusmar apd warl schools prereclM ed yesterday for the fair. Company A has received new state uniforma to shine in at Yorktown. Circuit cotirt nteets o the 86th of Oct .iiid tlie jury must be in atteiidance on the Sist " ____ Kane & Gooderham have a fine asaort ment of trusses and portable baths at the fair gTOQBch. Capt. Maul.v, tliroiigh a letter to the Register, rather usos op the editor of th 7 pallas tlan. ¦ m The ,-upei visors meet on Monday, Oct lOtli. All bilis aguiust the couiity must b led befaré the 1-Jtli. One member of the next circuit cour jury is Mr. Freeinan. colored, of this city H U ulily qoaUSad to net. The air iru SO heavy 011 Thursday tha the balloon ascensión was not so nearly a success as on the day before. The ballon is reported to have come down at Nora, on the T. & A. A. R. K about twelve miles from this city. Rev. Jeuk LI. Jones, of Chicago, will oc cupy tlie pulpit of the Unitarian churcl next Sunday mornin and cvening. Next Monday night is to decide the question who will go to Yorktown, forty members of company A are to be selected A Detroit deinocrat who has two son tliat vote the republican ticket says : " It' this donimed eddication thet's roolnin' me boys." Several new front walls are benig substi tutetl for the unsate ones on South Main street addinsr mucu to the looks of the street. The ladies homeopathie hospital aid association will meet at the residence of Mrs White, No. 45 South Ingalls street, October l.lth, at 3 o'clock p. m. Not very fair freather for the fair this week, and in consequenoe manya fairdam.el lias been obligcd to fare the fate of disappoi n tinent. - Saline Observcr. W. K. Otülda, of this city, sergeant-atarms of the Michigan home representatives, bas gone into the employ of John Koek A Co., In their new palatial.furnlture eniporium. S. C. Andrews is moving bis stock of goods from Jackson to this city, and will occiipy a vacant store on the east side of South Main street. The telephone company of this city has been compelled to substitute for the old short ones, poles tall enough to suspend the wires above the tops of the trees. The old ones are now being removed. The usual numberof freeshoivs and traveling curioslties attracted to onr city by the Uúr have given us a wMe berth this year, yet we noticed in tovrn on Wednesday a traincd bear and a cáncer doctor. There will be an excursión to Lansing via T., A. A. & Q. T. and D. L. & N. R. R's. on Tbursday Oct. 13th. A visit to the capítol building, agrlcaltaral college and reform scliool is lield out as an inducement. o ¦ Tlie subject on which Hon. N. W. Cheever proposes to speak on next Sunday evening, October iith, is "Lessons from tlie Assassinntion of President Garfield, and the Lifa and Education of Guiteau." The ad'Inss begins it7:30 o'clock, p. in., in the dub rooms. -¦ ¦ John Schumacher is now occupying his new hardware store in the new Keek block. He now bas the largest stock of hardware in the city and this was finely displayed at the opening on Monday evening last. Kverything ]oint8 to the prosperity of Ann Arbor's business men. If strangers cali on you for aid for the northero sufferers or some other "benevolent cause," give them the " g. b." We "otice in some localities Jow-lived scounilrels are imposing upon the people, by sohciting aid for some "good cause" and then pochet tlie proceeds.- Saline Observer. Bfflne little time ago Ex-Minister ChrisHancy liad his room broken open atid robbed of $r,,000 worth of jewels, whichhe held i..r safe kceping, and now he has iswed Mreml thoniand cards to be scattered broadcait thronghool the land, descriptive of the stolen jowds, in order to lieml oft' MJ attempt to si-11 them. " Simday nightlast, about 11 o'clock, ¦l Fannie Struble died from an ovcrll('8e of morphine. It appears from evilenee it the inquott that Mrg. Struble was "i tlie habit of taking morphine for headMle. 8ome are inclined to think that it was :, oase of suicide, but this isdeniod by 'liose who ought to know. On Monday evening was witnessed the "Peiling of John Keek & Co.'s new furni" MUfcltahaúflt. The building in itself 'liefHH-st miam structure in the city. 'lic large rooms wcre brilliantly liglited ""I Um fine display or furniture through ""¦ lMg au,l l„,1Vy plat Kluss Windows wractod theattentioiiof everyone. Numöe "f vUitors were continually coming ¦ ' íg. Tl,e lower rooms contain a ! "¦ todl of Oitferent kinds of furniture. roomaboToü ruied wlth parior and r'"";";:1-""1" ytiSpS.,ow. "gwhatAnMAihom.anulïuhu-inirtirms Tho fourth nnnlvcrsary of the Lcxli reform club will bc celebnktcd by a lxge and enthuilastic teinperance meeting, on the lnwii, at the residence of Mrs. Uilbort Alleu, on Lodi plains, Sunday afterUOOD, at 2 O'olock. Addresses will be dclivered by Rev. John l'atchen, once the preacher in that loeaBty, by John Behumacher, of this city, and utlicrs. The following table shows tbc standing of the league base ball clubs at the close of the seasou of 1881 : Clubs. Game wou. Lost. Chicago „ _ r6 ... . 2.S Provldence 48 .'.'.'.'. .'.";!7 lïulTalo 45 3(j Detroit díLL- -._ 43 ïroy 3a j Boston Hi. .,,. 4 Cleveland 37 ........".. 1 ! ......... -1 7 Worceuter 30 M The Mmir,, e Comniereial of last week had this item: "The familj' of 8. B. Lewis left Tuesday for Ann Arbor, where they expect to remain for two or three years. They go for the purpose of more easily giving their children the advantage of a collegiate education. Miss Hattie Lewis will enter the sophomore classof the universily. Mr. Lewis and son George will remain here to carry on their business. Owing to the unfavorable weather last Sunday the address of the Hon, Noah W. Cheever, which was to have been delivered in the reform club rooms, was postponed until next Sunday evening. lüctober 9th, eommcncing at 8 o'clock. The club rooms1 will be well lighted. and those who attend will iind good musicandeverything necessary to make the evening an interesting one. A man who claimed to be a "Duffy" had his buuip of lillia- oonsiderably milt-d by the imblbing of too much poor whiskey, and wasvery anxious to show lus pugilistic skill, yesterday in front of the Register office. After considerable high tumbling, and skillful dancing, In the course of which many new and original st ]s wcre introduced, thisunruly menilier of the illustrious Duffy family was taken in hand by the pólice. Mr. Wm. F. Clark, who has been for the past ten years editor of the Huron County News, Port Austin, Mich., proposes to wrlte and compile a history of the great fires of Michigan, giving special prominence to the late; fires. This volume will contain a brief history of the earlier settlemente of these counties and an account of the lires of 1871 as well as of the late fires. Such a book will be nteresting to all sympathizers with the sufferers and will meet with a ready sale. The Ypsilantian has not recovered from its disapx)intment over the selection of Compuny A, as one of thesix compantevto ITO to Yorktowii. nv ntthr over the nonappointment of C'ompany F. The editor of the above oigan has manifested all the symptoma of the ehills of disappolntment, passed through the feverof jealousy and s just entering upon the convalescent stage of blackguardisni, as is shown by his reïii.u ks concerning Capt. Manly in the last issue of his paper. ¦ - The ladies of the Episcopal church are making great preparations for their art loan exhlbltion. It bids fair to be a success in every way. The opening day is Thursday of next week, closing the following Tuesday. The exhibition proper will be in the newly-finished chapel, and refreshmente will be served In the rectory. On Saturday evening Prof. Tyler and many distinguished clergymen from this and other states are expected to be present. The entertainment is something new and every one should attend. Captain Manly has challenged company F of Ypsilanti to meet company A of Ann Arlxir in a pnmpetitive drill nny time bctween Oct. 2d and 12tli, "or any time after the return of company A from Yorktown, at Orchard Lake, Whitmore Lake or any other convenient place, with forty men, rank and file; the committee of judges to consist of offleers of the regular nrmy whose decisión shall be final and no grumbling." The editor of the Ypsllantian now must either bring out his trained pets for exhibition, or "chew the cud of sweet and bitter fancy'' in silence. The Southeastern Michigan keepers' Association met in the agrlcullural society's room in the basement of the oourt house on Wednesday morninsr, October 5th, at 9 o'clock. Several questions of importance were discussed, but as the memben wished to attend the fair in the afternoon the meeting was adjourned. The regular annual meeting will be held in the same place at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 15th of December next, at which time new officers will be chosen. Five delegates were chosen ¦o represent this society at the meeting of the state association In Battle Creek on the 8th of Decembnr '81. Four Ann Arbor girls and one from Ypsilanti are visiting at Farwell, and the drove of feminine lovcliness has been too much tor the editor. He is "mashed." Irrevocably, clean gone "mashed."- Evening News. 'Twas our girl that did it. The only way an Ann Arbor girl cati make a "iniish" is by stepping upon the thing mashed. Their feet are as good ns land rollers for crushing.- Ypsilantian. The editor of the Ypsilantian has evidently been " mashed" by an Ann Arbor girl, and got left. That, we think, will explain the severity of hls attacks on Ann Arborites and the general sourness of his disposition. The following testimonial to the Rev. Woi. George, now stationed at Dexter. taken from the Dundee Reporter, will doubtless be read with interest by the people of our neighboriiig village: "By the appointment of the Detroit conference which has been in session at Port Huron for the last week, Rey. Wm. George will have charge of the church at Dexter the cnsulng yeiir. During his reRldence here of two years as pastor of the M. E. church he has given the best satisfaction both in and out of the church, and his labors have niet with success. He cardes with hiin to his new field the best wishes of a host of friends. Dexter will receive in Rev. George an earnest Cliristiuu worker who will curry out the work." The balloon ascensión on Wednesday was no huinbug. Professor Hogan, the aeronaut, said that he was from Jackson, Mich., and that he was proud of it, a fact for which we are thankful, for if he should ever happen to part company with liis soaring carriage, his body would not furnish us even a cadáver, so we would have no use for it at all. About twelve o'clock, owing to the extreme scareity :imong Ann Arborites of those loquacious members of the human family termcd blowhards, it was found nccessary to form an attachment to the gas pipes at the corner of Huron nd Fifth streets in order toflll the balloon. 'his done Prof. Hogan with an escort of bout two hundred representatives of the outhful aristocracy of the streets proceedd to Ihe fair grounds. 8oon af ter Teaching ie centre of the grounds, balloon, professor and all was sentón their heavenly mision. As he soared away ammig the clouds we wondered that, f he should besuddenly irecipltated to the earth, to whose charge is premature death would be placed, ¦hether to that of the agricultural assocition of of the man who promised to meet lim in heaven as he was leaning terra ram. Weie we to make an ascensión wc would ratuer have Elijah's ballon tlian that f Professor Hogan. No Intoxicating liquorscan be botighton lili; fair grounda this year. Tlie rcsult of this decisión oftlie fair commlttco, however, is similar to tliat of llu: ttwlutlon adoptad !y tlie rcjrcnts in regatd to dancing In university hall, witli onc slight dlfference, the students buikl a paviUon for dancing in tlie rear of tlie hall whilo a beer stuud i erected in front of the entrance to llii' groaBdjL Yíe thhtk, however, thatthe attempt to keep liqnorai far as possible froin the fair grounds is a step in the right directíon, mul the temperance people of Aun Albor sliould encourage this move by seeing that the attendance is not lessened by the ref usal of beer loving people to attfiid a telnperaitoe fair. The following jurors have been drawn lor the Octeber tenn of Circuit Coart : B.njamiii G. Lov joy, Manchester; James Kelley, Northlield; Hadley H. Webb, Pittsfield; Silus Pratt, Salein; James B. Lyndsley, Saline; Arnold II. Kuhl, Sharon; Byron C. Whitaker, Scio; Win. Crlppen, Superior; Edward Monroe, Sylvan; Ira Baekus, Webster; Win, W. Vandyne, York; Edwin Butts, Towu of Ypsilanti; Kdmund Hewilt, City of Ypsilanti, lst district; Albert 'l'odd, City of Ypsilanti, 2d district; Nelson Garlinghouse, Town 01 Ann Arbor; Edward Gruff, City of Ann Arbor, lst district; J. A. Freeman, City of Ann Arbor, 2d district; Marais Miller, City of Ann Arbor, 3d district; Thomas Wardle, Augusta; AYni. Mauslield, BridgewatM; Wm. Hyan, Dexter; John Mohsuer, Freedom ; Frederick Trinkle, Lima ; C. 0. Warner, Lodi ; John W. Howlett, Lyndon. The editor of the Ypsilaatian is fearfully and wonderfully made, al least, he gets his Ideas concernliig Ann Aiboï asauclutluus and Institutions fearfully and wonderfully mixed. If there is a single student umoiif; the meinbers of the Hose Co., we have yet to learn his name. They are young men but not students. Here is what he says about our boys: "The Ann Arbor Hose Co. issued a challenge to the Ypsilanti fire department for a race for $50, to take place at the county fair in Ann Arbor. The challenge was acccptcd, provided the Ann Arbor steani lire engine should compete with the Cornwell fire engine of this city, durillo the fair of the eastern Michigan agricultural society for $100, both of the contests to be governed by the Michigan state fireman's association rules. The Ann Arbor company has just been in active training for the tournament at Coldwater, and is composed, not of practical firemen, but of athletes trom the university, and their ssuing 11 cliallcnge to a company who never set tlicni-chcs up as tournament competitors, was the mcrest, sheerest 'bunkum.' Not to be outdone, the challenge WaS aCCepted O" ' nbovO terms, ot' MIMM knowing that the Ann Arbor steamer could not Compete with our steain Are engine. It apiears like a competition on the score of 'buiikum' and the thlng is equal all aroi'.nd. and seems like a rratuious advcitNcincnt on both lair?."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News