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TMNSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKER Y, GROCER Y 1XS FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wm kin-u i-nn-ii.ilv nn hu ml BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., FOR WHOLESALJS AND KSTAIL THADK. Wc hall alio keep supply of 8WIFT DBUBEL'B BKST WHITE WHEAT FLOÜB, DELHI FLOUK, KYE FLODR, BUCKWHKAT FLOUR, OOKN M KAL, FEED, Ac., Ac. At Wholesale and retatl. a general stock ol GROCERIESAKD PRO V ISION8 conntantly on hand, which will be sold on as reaiion able terms m at any other house in the city. Casn paid for Botter, Egg, and Country Produce centrally. ISGoods delivered to any part of the city wlth out extra charge, yr KINNBY A 8EABOLT. THE ÁNN ÁRB0R BAKERY. We have secured the services of a first-class baker and pastry cook, and are furnishing a quality of bread that has never been excelled in this city. We are also making some of the nicest articles in the line of pastry, many of them entire novelties in Ann Arbor. A good assortment of groceries and provisions will be found at our store. All orders for goods in our line will be filled and promptly delivered to any part of the city. A liberal discount will be made to clubs. HALL & MOSELEY, 10348e Nq 23 N{)rth Main gt Estáte or Michael Yager. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of At a acsalon of the Probate Cotirt for the Oonnty of Wasbtenaw, holdcD at the Probate Office. In the city of Ann Arbor, in Wednesday, the fllth day of October, lu tlio yi-nr om: t h.iLixaiid i!lBht bundridiind Ight7-oa PrMOt, Willlam D. Harrlman, Judt-f of Probate. In the matter of the oetutc of Michael Yager MOMwd. On readintf and nliuK the petition, duly veriflud, of Lewl Yujíer, praying that admlnistr.itlon of BHld eitutu may he runted to John Adam Schmld ox some other euitable pi-rson. Thereopon lt is ordered, that Monday, the thirtyflret day of October instant, at tn o'clock in the a8l)rnüd for the hcarln; of nald petition. and that the heirx at law of sald deceased.aud all other persons iuterented lu said estatu, are reuulred to appear at a sesíion oí xaid court.then to be holden ut the Probate Otllce, In the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if anv toere be.wuy the prayer of ihe iwtltioner ihould uotbe trranted. And it is further ordered, that said pi-tltlnnvr Rlve notlce to the persons lnterested in aid estáte, of ttie pendency of said potition, and the hearing thereof, by cauHintr o copy of thiB order to be published in tho Aun Arbor (Jourier, n newspaper prlnted and circulated in xaid county, three U0CMlY wivks prvviuas to eaid day of hearluK. (A true copy.) WILL1AM l). IIAKHIMAN. WM. Q. DOTT, Probate Re..0 " ?L& Q0FFIN8 AND CASE8 I FÜLL STO UK AT MARTIN' 8 AU orden promptly ttendedto.


Ann Arbor Courier
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