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A gnrprbfag EfTwt. OU1 Doctor Ames had an obstínate r-aá tf dysep-ia, un. I lutvin tí exliausteil lii remedies ;iinl skill idvise.d liop and nial blttera, The pHtient iinpiovcd rapidly a ni now well. Kirc nmple bottle ;ii al drnjr -toi m 1 : r II Hki. Mk. . l. Mcxikk: Deak Sin:- . ImhiI th' lir-t "I 1 c-emher I wu uikt-n tli 11 vi ry severe nttacl o rln-iiiimii.-ni n tioili of my knee. I "M recommefttled to u-e l'i (fi - ''amimidkATKD AllMn. I i-.-m clieciTiilly ri'..iiuiiienil i( to every OUC Croublwj wilh rlieumati-in M. Í. BKAUY. m-.- Kucklen's Árnica Salve. Tlic liEST Sai.vk i) llie vsurld lor ('ut, Bruise-, Botes, i'lcí ¦-. Bult Rlieum, Feveí Sures. T.m.i, Chcpped Hands, Cliirblaln?, Cora, :iii'l :ill Skin Kruptioii-. lid potltvi-]y Pilis. It pfMltaMÍ tu filvt perfect s.-iti.-t action or tnoney refundeU. l'riiT, 30 cnt per iii.. For salí by EberbACll V Sun. Pliyíicsn. claim Hops and Malt Hitters are the best. Reacaed Krom trut ii. Wi limi J. Coushlin, of SoinTiille, Man., nya : " In t!ic fa 11 of 1876 1 Mi taken with ¦ riolen! lili'i 'liii' ui the lirnjrs, tollnwci] ly asevere cour h 1 as n weak at urir timo as to be uuable to li-avf iny bcil. In the sumuiur of JSTT Iww, ad mitteJ to the city ho-pital. NV'hile ihprfl tho ilo;'t(irs sail I hui) a liólo in m Ii Tt luri' as biz as a half dollar. I as wi ('ar KOM iit OM tliat a report went aiutitui that 1 was dead. I ave up hope, hut a tVl.-lll tukl ineolllK. W.M. HaI.I.'s H.U.SAM KOU HIK Li NOS. I K'K a UiUle vvli n to tny surprioe and gratkfication I q mi nioncfd to ïc:] better, and to-dy I re'el ín bet ter spirits, than I have in the pattthree yeais. I write thirt hopiog cvery one ifflicud with diaeaned l.un;s will uiduoed lo take Ik. Wm. Halls Mai.sam kou hik Cuwos and be a mviitoed that ooDtiiuiptinn cao fie uure l." Si,:.] by Dmiatisu. rtóP78 Du. Haxtkii's Mamihakk BlUWÉO ré I luperior itoinbiimtion ot ln ks, roots and barba mt attaiaed ly ;my otlier tii.-uiutVcturen of bitters Kei -p in the -lalilc anil alwayí ut hand Ill'.MIV iV lOllNSdN's AllMIA AMi Oll. I.immknt, as it is the best reniedy tor Ilurts, Iirui-es, Sprains, &c . For ('ouijlis. (ulils. Cronp, A-lhina, umi all Luilg Allection. use Diiwns' Ki.txiu, uliicli has .st'inil tlie test uf tilty year-, and lias nut heen tuunil WStlttng. i rmfh, riii or sén riiroat should ho KtnppacL Neglect fru()iiuinly te sulis in au Incurable Luhij ('na tumptinn Bbown'b Buon iiiai. Troi b es un cfrictin lo iin rrliif in Atlhnui, llrinvliitix. Gought, Catarrh, Coniamptin tiltil Thront Dixensis. For thirty years the Trocfaf h;.ve l:i:n rerunnneiiileil hy ihy-icians and alwavs üive p'ileet -atislaotii n. They are not new or untrie.i but liavii g been leste i hy aide and constant use tor n'arly au entire Renerauun, tbey liave a'tiincd well merited rank ainoi-n the 'uw siaple reine. f the aee 'uhlic Sptakt rs and Singm ane them to clear and stre.ngth ii tho Yniir. Snl.i at twenty-fivt! cents a lrx everywhi.r.' Iun7 S'J PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! A Siirc Cure FoiiikI ut I.ast. ,o One Xet A SllITlT. A siiic core for the Blind, Blecdlnjf. ItchIDg añil rirerateil l'iles has heen (liseoveleil b Dr. Willuuiís (ati Iiidiim renieilv ),calleil l)r Williams Inilian ( )iiitinent. A .single box haseiue.l the worst elironic eases ot ITi mil :W years stamlin. No one need siitter live atilinta! alter applyinr this woiulertii! sootliiiijr medicine. LoUoits, Lnstruiueuts, nal Electua ríes do more liarm than good, Williams' Olnfinelit absorba tlie tninórs, illiiysthe inten-e Mfchltlg ( p.-irtieiilarly at light after frettinp warm in ImuI), as i poltice, uives in-tant an.l painless relief, hihI is prepared only for l'iles, Itchjng ot he private parta, and nothlDg else, Kead wlmt the Ilon. .1. M. ('otlinlK-rry, t Cleveland, suys iibout l)r. illianis' 1 11 - lian l'ile OiiHinenL: "I have nsed cores t pile cures, but it añ'oiils me pleasuic to ;ay fliat I have never found any thiiiír which :'.ivt' sik)i inmediato and permanent eliefaa Dr. Williams' Indiaii Ointmenl." Por sale by all drugj;sts, or mailed on ¦eceipt of prioe (1.00. JAS. E. DAVI3 4 CO win,iia!e Drng(ristt, Detndt, Micli , Afents. lOSfMl Kor sale by H. .1. Buowk it (o. nis been widely known and u.-cd as a eougli eineily for tífty years. No otlier cough nedicfne has stuud the test half this Icnirth )f time. The peuple .-tand by that wbicb s ííood. urely vegatablt - the product of the hills ind valleys o pleate all who use it. ZJZ 1 PROFESSOR X Iadf f rom IToíennor llor.íord' Acid Phoiphat. KtTouiniondod hj Iadinc phyuician. Makelt lifclitr blcultf cakf'a. U., and !¦ htiilthir tliuu oriliuary JUaking l'owder. In mn. flold at a reaiionable prirf. The Horiford and C ook Honk ent f ree. Riimford Chemical Worku, Trorldenr, R. I nnd 5 Lftk St-, Óhlogo. 10W W T IS A REALLY RELIABLE REMEDY FOR WA TINC AND NERVOUS DISEASE8. Aft r num'ToiK" pxperiments Mr. Pellowi sucreeded ii. prOdactiig thi( combinaiion of IlyinVi-priit'n, which t,an pot only i- tnruJ hini t tu-nlth, bat has ln'un found c ucceful in th tit-ntmcnt of enuuifttltkff trom biM f i.erve power, and eomfqai Mj r u-i ulr n-laxmiu ¦, v!: p'O !¦ ( Ol mia) Nftiniltfia. Al m uta, DebilltTi Cbrtrtric iidirïii-i 'h"(, b Couirn, Dynpe, ti'. -tioii ol iheLiin, Kï-vi r iind Aiíue, l'alpitatlon ol tiie Heart, LfiiCirrli'i' iMwancfeoly, M.ihiri i. M nuil I) prMfkm, ÜOTTOMhCM - malaria. ]' l.v ne in mnlariuu niy i.rntecl m-elvt f (iui atlMi k ui U ver by net: "f Fellown' mui 1 M nip of HypoplioHlihltrH. rffocta in imitajl " 'lic -- .-in ei - u to wnrd o! contdiiuiH dli-orcer n fucIj rombal dl The folnhlc phiphitc nt Htsnfber lifr-0Hlntttf pr rniiiw Pollnwi HynphoKiliiUi nf socar fuilv proporttotH-d umi to jndicionnly inlnirlcd ihnt thfir a ti 'ii ii on n ¦ nerven, BBWlw and m-mhr.ui' - in Irapartlnjl viiaiitv, fticnuth and heiil'hy actiën y tjen-r iflj apparent wtlhin twcnly.four hoori and Hu: tt Hd oir;cti -Merienci;d are a p(irm;inont chariictfr. laai ur oH Pk L N!W IHiistraB ¦ m tii'n'r"v"ljst Jm 30 f)r ¦M FallandW'intcr of 1881. Pre to ny ail.lrcs.'i. CMtuins full description of all kituh of gooda b( pWMOal an.l family M. W' detl diroctly with the consumer, and sell all (mhIs in any quantity at uhnlemle prins. Y eau buy better and cheapr than at home. MONTGOMERY WABD & CO. 27 and 22iWabash Avenue.ChieaRo.IlL nssTt


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