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HB(CHÏCA&G & NORTH-WE' T :RN RAILWAV 1 Iba OI.DKM I HKST CONSTKri-T !)' MÈ8T H)t iPI'ED! nri l.-i th. K AD 1 N G K A 1 1 AV A Y -OF THE- WEST AND NORTH WEST. lt h abottast mi Imht riuiii' beiweeti Chicago ( and all putnta in NortüOT miaste, Ioti, Daïou, Wroaing, Mjtrasï, California, :rcr::, Ar.::;a, U'.:a. ::.:ri:, Hik:. X::ti:, Hcvaia sdd fcr COUNC IL BLUFFS, OM AHA, IKVKR, liflABniJil, SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DESDWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Codar Sap! 1:, Sc: lícitos, Cokmtns, a;d all poiat In the Torrarles ar.d Wos:. Al) fo ííüiraaise. Breen Bay, ¦ fcoia, Chebo-gaa. Utrqunt, F;sí ii Lac, Waterü-ra, . ton, . :o:ii, Meca:ha, (t, Faal. Kian;ipolte, Eens, V:i, Tugo, Bisaarcï, T:b:u, LaCrcsse, Cxatcnna asá all comts is lfisno!:ti. DutU, Wlicossii ie! the Hjr.hvcr.. At Coancll Blnn traína of the ( hicic & Norih Wt-bii-rn aed the l". 1'. lt'e di-juirl Irom, arric Hl and ltfi tiit' f i nu: joint utilnii depot . At 'hic:t:-o. e il-1 coniicilons are made with 'h luk' Hhnre, Michit;uii Control, Baltimora A Ohio, i-on Wd. ut -ti.; i 'i.ii- ivHnia. und Chicago A irand Trniik Hi'p, and Ihe Kaaluuikea and I'an Handle hontee. Close Conncctions Made at Junction Points. lllHlIirO.VI.Y MK rumiiiiK Pullman Hotel Dining Cars , BETWKKN Chicago nuil Council niull's. I'ullmuii Slecpcr on All Nlglit Train. lnëi.-t apun licktM AL'-titH celllüg yim ticket via lnie rrtad Bxunitoi your ticketi1. aiuttclu-e to huy it they d- not reftd over the i hicuo and .urthWectern Itail a av . If yo rtin the K.'Kt 1 nivi'lin - Aocoiumodiitloni you will btiv niir t'' et bv route BTANIi WILL l'AKK NO OTHBK. All l'iikct Afeiit ttckpub) Uw. MAK IV IIKilTT, M V. 1'. (uii'l Ifam'sr, ( ui. gatarrh gure. Is Recommended by PHysiciana. HALL'S Hatarrh P.ure. Is indoi-scd :oy Clergymen. AVill Oiiiv Aiiy On-. OlIlceofA T Stert ACo. C1h-íik'O. 111 . June 4, 1880. Mum. F. J. Outify t Cb . Toledo, O. Oeotlemtu .- I tk9 pluasure in lnfonninc you that I ta uied IUII'i ( atarrh Cure lt has cured l was Tery b id - and don't hösitat to Rav that it will cure any caite of atarrh i f talit-n prorly Yuurtruly,J.Ii. WEATIIKKFUKI). Worth 1O A ottlo. S. Mi'!:r y, .T;icV"n. Mlf h. writoi Hflvo had Catarrh for ïd THjrj Hall'si aUrrh Curocur.d mi Comider it n urth $10.00 a bottie. Halls Catarrh Cure 15 sold by all DrneRist'. : TV. jmt l'Otllr. Manufactured and sold by F, J. f'HENEY & CO. SolePrcprietora, TOLEDO, OHIO 11. J. Brown & Co., Cor. Main and Boma Streetí, Aon Arhor. HH7-6Ü LOOSC'S EXTRACT Red Clover Blossom, The GroiU BtOed I'iirillor. - ecrofulft in itll i'P forti) , c UtCer, !alt rtn-uro, '&f, rheumatiem, ar.d regulutef the bnwe't, Loiwe'a Red li'v.i 1'iU' Kiinidy dir.' euro. HloHBnnit i 'C h:t pouud or fl.()) kt pint bottie Kor 't]e by all holewile nnd riMII i addnu-.l. M. Laar 4 t'o., Muora, Miih. -SciidforCirculai. HH( NERVOUS DEBILITY! A turo ;uarantrril. Dr E. O. Wnt'i Neuvk and ISkmx Trbatmnt: h ap9CtflC tor U) turia, 1)1 .iiHvrt.Ci'iivulBioliH, NrrvOQ8 Headacfae, Mrntl Daprevslon. Lof oi Memory. SpL-rmatorrhii-il, iBputaluCy. Prt-nmtnre OM Ak, ciiutid by ovt-r exi-rtion, fi'lr-abusi'. or ovcr-indu'L.' ince, liich lcadn to miaMy, decav and death. out ttoi will cur recaní CMaa. Each box cont1n ooe month's treatment. OtM dollar n hm, or%ix bozaa tor ftva dolían. ; Si-nt by muil prepaid on raceipi o' pricf. We lx boxen to cnre any case. wnh MCb order ri'cciv d by uk icirmx boxaa, an-umpaiiU'd with fivedollarn, ui' til '.id purcbaner oor wrtttcn pnarantce to return the mom-v ir the trmtmfntdi'. .i cure. Ooaranteei only when th'' troitnicnt la ordarad dln-rt fronl n-. Addnw JOHN e. wtST CO., Proprletora 1S1 188 w Madlaon si., chicatro, III. Hold by r-. Brown Ao. A.IVisxi'lt Agfntt Uitrolt, Mlcü. 10ÍO-1W1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News