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'Corronna is to have a new hotel. Blissfield is tu have a li'ctnre coursc. Eli Perktns will lecturt at llastingsN'ov. lOtli. Ooon hunttng is a sport Itadnlged in by tlie youth of Kent Co. 18,407 voters lrive regiltdottl in Detroit fur the coming tall elect ¦. The woods of the nortli aio swaniiini: with bears, deer and huntere. The state treasiuy shówèd a balance on hand, Sept. SOtli, of f 1,T92,94. Michigan salted down BW, 987 barrels of salt duriug the montli of September. A contaglous form of diphtheria is cnusng m.'iny dealhs at HaUüf"s and at et lier places in the state. Trof, McKecver, of tlie Adrián college, Usls accepted a cali to the Congregatlönal churci! of Alleman. Tli1 ivaceipts of the Unitcil States revenue office in (rund Rapidi dvirlng the nionth ot September wcre f 11,305.62. A young lady oi Otisville, aD orplian, oompejted to work vit by the week, has given $4.75 to tlie tire suU'ercrs. On Tuesday night, Oet.4tlij it Ie ïvportcd that the frost formed loe encanarte ï n inch thick at West liranch. Ojreinaw Co. "he liathburn hnntins party, of liattlc Grcek, started on their annual deer liunt last Monday. The party consist3 of ninctMn persons. Henry Jioberts, of Vassar, h(W licen arrested and lincd $:i() tor naltreaÜBK a young steer. The case has been appealed to tlie circuit .court. Mi1. Scrlpps; ui' ,thc Detroit Eyeniog Neus, has. at the rcijiu-t of hi imincroiis friends.deddetl to repijblish hla Kui-opean letters in baok foriu. lt. B. Howell, of Michitran, was Ofte of the eljfht successful candidato) who passed the recent exaroinatlon for cadet midsiiipmen at Annapolis, Md. Mr. Ed. F. Woodcock has carried off the lirst prize as bioyclist at Lansinií. Masón, St. John and Allegan. At the last place the prize was ¦ $100 gold watch. Lansing is to have a wheelbarrow factory. A companj' has been organized with capital to the ainount of $30,000. Froui 75 to 100 ineu will be employed. Battle Creek is prowing fast. Outside parties have been awarded building niiitracts onin}r to the great amount of buildUig that is being done. The Tabernacle M. E. chureh of Detroit is ow free from debt and the official board has ,locided not to rent pews for the ensuIng ar. Ttie seats an entirely free to eveny.aiie. A nev-eüaft bas been sunk at the Corruunaaainöiè to the depth of seventy feet. A xñn ai ,eoal three feet, three inches tlnck and of good quality waa struck and minins operaSsüu-s have already begnn. Brook trout piaated one year ago last April by the snpevMitendent of state li-hcrps ir. '"lioeuey qtetík at Paris., where. the new state asuefy is Diaiig conSU'ucïêa, re belnji taken 10 und U.iiehes long. - Ex. The Iosco county a#ricultural society proposes to make a apeQialty.-qTencoiiraging the growth of corn(s). Jt Oftljúre a grand dancing party on the eveuing of the last day of the fair, whleh s the ltfth inst. - Ex. Frog legs aro wortli flfteaa cents a dozen at Bay City and in the luwtw pegtona round a bout, the lumbar trerlebj%e qt ttxo spring ehicken are in dangeffltf a pneuiature introduction to tlie lumbertaanssoup fcettle. ït is reported that Governor Jerome lias removed James McNamara, official stenogiraptier, of the judicial court of' tliis district, composed of Oakland and Lapcer coundes, and iipointed Frank Hicks to till the vaca ney. The ithorities of Adrián have been nol lied thxit a man named A. W. H. Perry, who has 'been cashing fraudulent drafts in various part of the state of New Vork, is supposcu to.'Ue in that vieinity. Ilis arrest is requested. The autlieriiie f Detroit require license of penatM btaéêt charge of engines or public buildings, and the boilers must le inspecUnl. The iugptor has already condemned one boiler in uauVe use. 'Pliiiiy-two bilis of complaiiH against Infringen of the driven wel! Mtent in Grand Haven have been liletí vvitli U(C clerk of the U. 8. court, at Grand Kaj iit. 'l'he legaüty of the claims of the patentee re in a iair way of Teaching nn íiutliQrittíij decisión. - Ex. During the month of the eW water lovers ;of Sagtnaw city, wuic tlit cause of tlie consumption of láfi '., cords of vood, used in creating fire enough to genérate the steam necessary to cause 91 '.),,'! i( revolutions of the enjfines at the water works, numping 41, 890,080 gallons of water. Kemarks from beer guzzlers are now in order. The Ggcmaw Co. Herald says that the location oí the county scat of Oscoda, was vbted on Monday, and the majority said it should be on the north-west quarter of sec. 18, towu 20, nortli of range '! east. This will bring it two ïniH-.s souili of theeeutre % mile south of the Au Sable river, on a homestcad taken up hy Huury Deyarmoud. Thus it will be seen that, allowin? Uie shortest possible. time, the county, nor no onc else can get a deed of tliis land inskfe of slx nionths. IKK Kdttli, of OdfiSM ('t-nler was the vielliu oí a siüfruliir ai-ciilerit tlie other morning. She was on;aged in geltin breakfasi, when she smelled HM BlOtt bantiiMj whicli had been ieft in the oven over niijht, and on opening lhe door tlie llames burst out aettinj; lire to the upper portiou of her dress, and buiain; her hands, arms, face and iii'ck in a frijihtful manncr before Uicy could be extingui-hed. - Grand liapids Kagle. Aloral - Don't; rt iiear the oven, girls, let your mothurs do the cooktng. Those invited to accompany the eentennial eommission ntd Micliiiran hatalliin to Yorktown, include tlie JMiehigan senators and congressinen, GX-gomnoM, judgU of the Bupreme court, rejrents of tlie university, state olrleers, m.'inbwsof the 11' ature, United Stato judges, ex-military iffioer above the raak of major, former members of the state Jttilitary board, and the various state board. They can go at the same ratesgiveu tbe etaür detail, liy ap)lyin;i to Gen. ÍT. Clwreii at Lunsing. - Kvening Ne -. Sonic "down past" snimi ritan advocates he sending of the mouruiiiiig material that las been in use in oureitles during the DBCt iew days to the Michigaa sutterers. The eharity is doubtless well imeant, but if the Dan wlii) oiiginnleil Ihe dea will visitthat neck of land uhieli puts loto Lake Iluron on the south side ofSagiuaw bay, nexl December, put on a crape evercoat and a. )lack musita shirt, and drive a yokc of steers ten miles, in the taee uf a northeaster, tie will be enabledto fonu some idea of the insufllciency ofgMMK tor the purpose of the pioneer. - Romeo Observer. On Thursday afternoon, Oet Cth, as Pli. J. D. VanDyke, ex-proseenting attorncy of Wayue county and weJl-known in tliis city, was drlTing from Detroit to Grosse Polnt todtnner, he engaffed in a race with a man nainiil Moran. After proceeding soiikmUstance, at a very higli rate of siiced, his horse became uiimanageable and Ieft the track, thereby dishing the wbeel and throwing Mr. VanDyke to the groond, injuring hun so badly as to cause his ilcath in ten than two hours. The fancrcl took place at 9:30 o'clock the following Saturday mornlnx from his rettdehce and at lo o'clook from St. Anne's -huroli. Afterthe celebration of high muss his romains were taken from the ohurch to Mt. Klliottcemi' tery.


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