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Hu' mail route between Cuelsca and l'imdilla has liccu re-establiBhi d. Tho Jíáncli'efeter Enterprise say? that Emma Armstrong of Ann Arbor was a guest of Mis. Horace Baldwin rccently. . ino car-loads of fall apples have lucn sliipit-l at tliis poiut. The buyera have Commenced to piek and ship winter fruit 11,1,1.1 Dr. RÍbertSon and wife lêfl lafct Wednosday for ïiew York city. Xhe (tactor internis to ittend medical lectures white tl, ere, and ptberwisé prepare hjmaelf tor fricreasèd usefullness in lits professtnn. Dr. ('haplin will till the vacancy durin-r fiia absence. - Ilernld. We saw a very fine Cotswold sheep in towii Ut week, the prowrty of Jno. K. Gatejj, purchased frota ue Bock of C. VT, Mr. Riggshas a fineiloekof 'Snrop'glnro Down and Cotew'oW Bheep, wiwre niay bc found some of tlie best in the stiito. He was successful at tlie state fair tliis fall, wliere lic received premiums amountlng to $"7 on sheep and horaea. As a broeder, lie bids fair to stand in tlie foremost ranks. We wish liini success. - Herald. MAN C' II F. SI T.K. . M. K, llows has sold over $1,000 woilli dI' sheep in the pat twn weeks, and over .7uo worih in ouu d.iy. acoordlng to the Manchester Euterorige. Abont a monto ago Dr. Conklln put a quuntily oí peaoíjies in Saudford'a refrigerator house. On Tuesday they were taken out and taken to Ann Arbor to bc exhihihd witli I lic enunry poniologteftl sociely's collection, at the eounly fair. 'l'lipy are apparently as lie.-li as whni ]laced in ihnr -Enterprise. Mir.AN. IilaH bas a fruitdrying house tliat runs áight and day. A. Smith, liostler at Ayics' hotel, got drnnk and was guDpCenaed before Justlce Gauntlett to testify as to wliere he Rot the whisky lo make said drank. The ex;inuiiation .showuil that a man nanied Julina Holcoinb was the party who furnislied the li(]iior, iind that it was procured ata drug store here by false pretenso. Btáttng tliar tlie liquor was wanted for a sick neif;hbor. The resul t of the examination was the ardest of Holcopjb lor fumlshlng liquor to un habitual drunkard, hut he was let off upou tho paynient of eosts, añil a promise that ho would do su mi moro. - Monroo Connneicial. riTTSl'IELD. Öaturday afternoon last, at toa, ilrs. Elia Cmno, relict of lhi la! e Joseph ('rane. who with Iriciids and relativos was vigttlhg Dea. J. y[. Sweet'a residënce in Pittstield, experienced a stroke of paralysis, which terininated fatally nbout two o'clock Bfuiday moruinjf. lrs. Crane was 70 yoars of age, and the mother of seven ehildien, five datlghtéra and two sotis. Slie was one of tbc piomers of tliis section, Il.Ulllr, l' .-10. .1 In 1-Wl.lUM iK-.ii n,i rftfl date, and was honored and loved by a wide circle of friemls. She had lived to see her children become regpected members of soeiRty. and was apparently lar Irom diath at the timet pf the attack. Four daufhterc, Miss iiary. Mrs. Jacob Wallace, Mis.Kalph Riee, and' Miss lila, and one son. Georffe W., reside in tlieir iiMtie townsbip, wïfle the others, Mis. Wm. Floining and W. E., live In Omar, Midi., and Butler, Ind., respeotively. A laii;e ooncourse of relativos and frtenda attemled the funeral, whieh occurred Tuesday, and foUOwéd the remaius to their last home in HigQland eemter}-. - Vpsilantian. SAI.lNi:. Saline wants strect lanips. Saline merohants now close at S o'elock p. in. The nced of more carpenters to build Öcnani houses is feit in Saline. J. II. T5ortle lias a little menagerie of hls oivn ihiü week, eonsistinr of a white coon Üid a liuge horned owl. He intends to ha', e them ".-tullod" and will ilace theni on exhiliiliou at bis store. - Observer. 1 l'sil.ANTI. A niíw plaUiirn. haa ieen IaI0 a'rouud the dejiof. TheCatholicsof Vpsilanti aro about to eicel a (fOOd .en.,;l (lOnSe in tliat j.Iafe. Ypsllanti bus orranized an asgoclation 3tyled the " V])sihinti Improyement Assoeiation." At a rooont ii'ei'tin;; artioles 61 association were adoptod, and a eoinniittee was appointed to secure inembeis. 'l'lie assiiciation meets on Monday evenin. A. Bennett bas sold bis larm snui i ot' city to a irentlenian hy tho name Í llarrison, frmn Wayne, and ill dispos,, ut' his personal properiy, includin Iiis dairy convenieuces, orops, stcK'k, etc. It is not liis iutention to leave the vicinity at present. Ann Arbor papers are requested to notlce. - Vpsilaiitian. Tho couucil oalled LMt Tuesday for the organizatiou of i CotlgtBgUomtd ehun-h. was largely attemled by representativ,' men in the denomination. A churcli of 61 meinliers was organizad and received iuto the fellowship ot the churobes. The public service Tuesday eyening in the opera house was welf atteuded. Ki'V. Moses Smith, of Detroit, preachèd the inon. liev. A. V. Rose, of lort Iluron. nt6 lie right band of fellowship, and f)r. Eddy, ot Detroit, tlie address to the cliurch. - Vpsilaiitian. The cigar-makers' baU for the benefit of Mrr Frank Sfinnis, wlio Das long boen cónliiiv.l by sii kness, was a great sucoess. Tho (onipatiy was large and agreeable. The cvi'iiiiiK pas.-ed away enjoyably and over seven! v d.illars was raised foi the purpose In view. The matter had been kopt ontirely Inun .Mr. Minnis. and when the eommillcu wait(.'d on him wjlh the iiioiuy, h was completely siirprised. and could find exuression lor his gratitude only in tears. J'he idea of the beneñt ball was a good thoviirht. and well carried Sentinel. The Monroe Dcnioorat paya tho followii,i;eiuipliment lo ono of our eitiens, to efforta mnch of Uu suooeu qi state fair was du,-: " President l'liillips lias been alily backed by the cbairman of th e liu-iness committee, JohiGilbert, at Ypsilanti. The society is certainly umler inany ohligaitons to Mr. Gilbort. who bas, in eonneetion with his BOD William, doqe srerything in hit power t. pnnnote the interest and welfare of the society, and this without fee or hope of roward. It is eertain that John Qlfbert did his part Well, ind that the executlve committee will inligl on liis retaiiiiuir the position for the