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I A.N.M Arbor, Oct. 10, 1881. KniTuR OdskiiiDear Sir- Heinjr conversan! witli the taet tli.i n lure numbrr of the readers of your columna are moreorless intercsted n tlie Kibject on whicli I wisli te. writc, I offer no Otlicr apnlogy for askinj,' you to te kind enoiigh to grant me tlie pace In your valuable paper neecssury to record tlie sume; but trust to your well known desire to adraoce the standard f pnhlto moralftv and uscfulness hy thc akl of said oolumoa, Tlie sulijcct I now referto is tlialevcrto be desired one, reform.' Not tlie icform that we are promised by windy orators daring almcwC every political campain, and eamestly urged upon na as the reason why sueh and surh canclidati's sliouM n-ceive onr Mpport, and which is only td t forgotten wben the ttMtton day is over, or will vanish in tlie thin nir, rreated by tlie contcst, liki; smoko; but a reform movenient wliirli has a solid foundation tu -tand uH)ii, and lik:h, u time rolh on, leavet its graud resulte so iirnniinently ilinplnyctl along ts patli that not can pan along without aóknowledging the sanie. Such a reform is the temperance nmMinent of today. Notwithetandin the liiet, that when (four years and aeren niontha aeo) the refonn club of tliis city organized, the "knowing ones1' predicted that " in six months' Ume it wouKl hrcathe its last; and in a year more on top oí that t oflld be entiicly forgotten, or, at most, faintly remembered as a thiiiK of the pust," the Ann Arhnr li.foi-m Club still lites.' and ye' many and sutlicient reasons for jir-n,' forward In ra wort ot reaculng tli fallen, waniiiiL' the young of BM in store for tliem if tlicy lüccumb to the cxisting vice, aml lust, bat not by any means "least, of tOfteiing and ltlcrMing the already prevailing public sentiment in favor of mnralily, punce and order, aml ot i-nforcini; (ba lasvs pl.tii il on tbc slalute books of the stilte liy the will of its peaceful, orderiy, and law-abldmg citizens; so that it may not be sald, anl credited to ouc of the city fcUwn as authoiity, that the saloons of tbc city (if any reniain) are running in direct violation it' law, by doinjr business before their bonds liave been accepted by the proper antliorities. 'l'he menibers of the reform club siucerely bclieve that all this and even greater rcults an n store for thcni, well knowing that, M tlicy are on the right track, it ttiaply a qmstlbn of time when victory will be theirs. I say the Aun Arbor Üeforiu Club still liv,' and I can truthfully add, to look with plca.-uic en the rwuitl of the work [icrloriiicil in tfafi past,- cm its ojiponcnts .siy u mocil - to note the many who wlthio the brief space of its existence, anl througll its nlliienrc, liase c-capid 1 roiti the serpent (driltk)whleh had already, M tast oolling ils .sliniy, tilthy and MgnteOlng rasp round thcni; l'isci; the many liappy wivrs, mothers, sisters, daughtën or chlldren, in and iround the city, u ho liave been madetd by the reroimatiun of their husbimds, tailicis brother or sons; to know of nicirlacs that have been paiil, the homes furnished.houses repalred, aml men, winnen and ehildren clothed and fed, shn)ly bv a qm of the money wliieli had ])revi"ii-ly been I xchanged for "rum." And vet ihese, oyful and resplendant as lliey art', do not slim np the anionnt of trood deedi perförtned by the Ann Arbor Eteform Club. linniediate'ly aller its furnmtion it vat di'cined nwawary to secure placa and mean (tot thé cultivation of lilciary habita and the higher elevation of the niind. For this purpose a public mulin; room urts ttarted. papers, magazines, patnphleta, and booki rarnlahed iu abundance. the room neatly furni.shed and oonjfortably arriiiged, and a janltor hired and placed in charge of the same, so tliat ererything ihould be inrlting %nd in order. For four yeara and i halt tlns has buen a welcoine and instructiva rctreut Cor the " boys.'1 No w.iiMi'V was the Ann Arbor Reform Olol -, ', .' :. . i„ belng satisfled to reform Ann Arbor alone, besan to cast their eyw round for new üclds to conqoer. Week ificr week, nionth attcr nionth. year attei year, different mtmben ol' the club would gather tor lln r and make urrangeinents lor holding tempcrance meetings. Br this ineans clubs were org&nized in almost every lohool house, tovvn hall, or otlier available place in the county. The inembers of the Ann Arbor Reform Club fceling nniply repaid tor what Uttle inooBveatenee it might have 1 tliem by the kind (rreetlngs they re oelved and tbe knowledge of bayingdooe tlieir duty towards their countrymen. The members thus went on until the Ann Arbor Club becaine famous throughout the State for the working abilities of iU members. Wcll, four years ago laat Sunday eveningthe "boys" had decided upon as the timo for taking poflaegslon Of the fort at Lodi. Hon. Noah W. Checver was invitcd to accompany some of them to Lodi Plains for the purpose of holding the opening meeting. He consented, with little httpea of a suceessful club being organizcd, komever, we.Il knowing the great number of GoTnjsn rAi;ii1oit i„ ik,,i t. ;,.;., ;t,. .,,,,1 tl,.it. inhallable thirst fnr "bier." The meeting was held, and to the surprise of everv onc some thirty ñames wañ signcd to the pledge. Everything having turned out satisfactory, it was unanimoiisiy dech'ed at some no distant day to ajraln hold forth in that placo, and K. K. Frazer, being invited, joyfully acceded to the request, went out with tlie " boys," and dclivcred i logica! and convincingaddress. Alter whlch thirty more names were added to the rolls, and the Lodi Reform Club was a permanent órgaoizaUoB. From that day to this the Lodi Reform Club has been a succesxful and useful organization, notwlthstanding the fact that some ill disponed or nlsguUjed individuáis have done all in their power to cripple and iiijure It. VVell knowinjr the man who is no guarding Ita interests we are able to prophecy, without aiiy fcar of failure in so doing, that as lon; as Jacob H. Hicks stands by the helm and has control of the afllng of tlie craft, at least, she will glide along successfully, doing noble senice for this cause, which'is for the reformation and improveinent of everj' man. Last Sunday was the fourlh anniversary of the Lodi Reform Club, and, advertised on the flodeers, Rev. John Patchen, and members of the Ann Arbor Reform Club, were on hand to address the an ! amembled. The meeting was held on Mrs. Qilbert Allen's lawn; the assembly was a largo and Intelligent one; the addi were oxeellent, esoecially so was the one deüvered liy tlie reverend gentleman; and tlie slnging of the choir was fine. All In all, the fourth aiiniversary of the Lodi Reform Club was ¦ grand "siueess, and will long lx1 rememhered hv those who were fortúnate enough to be present, and uudouhtedly will result in mueh good. Owing to the deafoe I' a Isrge number of the membert of the Ann Arbör Eteform Club to attend the anniverary exen ies :it Lodi in tlie afleinoon. they concluded, for that day. to poatpone their regular three o'clock. afternoon meeting, till the evening. On Sunday evening last, as previously admttaed, the Hon. No&b V. Cheeverctelivered an interesting, logical and instructive address, in the reading rooms of the Ann Arbor Reform Club, his subject being ' Lessons to be Learned from the Assassination of Presiilent (iarlield; and the Ch.iracter and Education of üuiteau." He took the ground and ably niaintained it, that the American people were in a great degree responsible for GuitMU'i acts. for ilteauj s ai American bom, bred and educateil; and they.thi' peoplc, wrre partly to blame for the education he recelred on the streets, in the saloons, ín the Bciiools, etc. He ass. itnl that GuitBMH were daily lxing educated in the saloons and on the streets in our miilst, and who, if not tlie ix'ople., are respOMlble for il1 Tlic iidilres-, woiilil hae to beheurd to le appreciated, - a synopsis would be an injustice to the speaker, and miu'lit destroy the logical conclusión to be drawn from the whole. Prof. Perry, being present, was nvited by President Sclniniacher to deliver the address before the meeting next bunday afteinoon, at three o'clock . 'J'hc prof tbooght it would be Impottlble for hlm to sjiure the time necessary for preparatlon at prest ut, but would do so at some future day. Jle stated an incident, however, (wiiich we are sorry to say is not an exceptional one) which is worthy the consideration of all, in relation to a lady who sent her son here to be educated. After he had been here some time, she canie to the city and flnding out the degrading course taken by her sou, called on the professor, and told liim that before she sent her son hcrc understood thr moral intiucnces of the town ore gOOdj .nul Ilicn referring to liepttniiikcn bou usked, what coukl ! Jone .-ibout i t V Ife (the profes ser,) oulil say notliiiig. - illed for, aini while tlie Loili K' ("orm lul clioir (whicli luul j;ciicrottal i au in vltotion to bc present lllllsic lor tllP relii; _ -Rtlrrinx liymns, eiglil jrentlenioii wi-nt forward, donned tbe red rüiinn unl (igneil the pli Nol bii tli:it the meeting wou hl lic lield in the rpadinjr rooms, iiexl Sunüny iftfnioon, at ibree u'clock. Ths speker Or s)phIn -i nmhiIiI lie In the nuiiTitime :nlMTti.-l.d. Tlien lend :t bsnd ts tbe glorloiia work, wnl in it for a momtnl recline n yoiironni, mèditating oer the gooi you may have i DHbled t" do, iincl tlius lei un j rtimitv slin liy animproved.


Ann Arbor Courier
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