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Before Marriage And After

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Beïbre marriage the young elrl will gencrally kniiw or luivc tome itU-.i whee the young gentleman will Come to sec her; sbo takes gi-eat care to look neat and pleaglng, waltlng to reecive him in a la.stcfully arranged room. And whatof thèyoungman? No matter how niueli " uut ot sorts," (as lie is apt to tent it) he ranV ík4Li he will dress In his best, look lii.s ve-.y belt and start tor the home of hls love. Thcy meet witli a clasp of hand and a ptouául smile. lmve :m agreeable eveningi visii, then part, wlth a kind pood-niglit. I do not say tliis p wrong if thero s true love in it, biiiMiow iHÜ'ereiit it Is Ironi the home in afteryears! We toooftun miss the swect faceiiiul pleasing appearance of the young ghl as the wife. And the yonth wliose oiily aim was to please his lady love, now seeins to have forgottea all the little courteMes and gentle attentiuns tliat aru nbeded just i;s Krach n the htuband as In the lover to make home 1 leun ds in any otlier thiiifts tolook after; and ntters harsli and thoughtlQM wurda. You may sec Ilic wilC of only a lew inonths, in a slovenly dress, liair ahcorubed, the house in disorder, and noarly time for the htuband to come home. ii is ao wonder that he is unhappy, and may try to give a little advice sonietimes. 1 make no excuse for her. Sbe may have plenty to do, and more than 8he eau nccomplise; still she can, if she will, alwaya look neat, and meet her husband with a smile. Then, on the. other hand, the wil'e may try liard to keep the sweet, Blrlifh ways ot ollier days about her, hut tbvtmsband will think tonimSen: "Now wé are married, and Mary must Bot eeii me to be the same as beffore. I lmve no time for loviDg wavs. now Unie is so niuch resting u[on me, as the head of the house." He takes no noti'e of the neatly kept rooms, the niee ilimier just to lii.s taste, and the Irtving wife lm ftTways meeti hún at the door with a Rulle of wclcome home. Jean Inpelow's life is more bcsittiful han her poetry. Irer faue is well kiiowu imong thu wretched poor pf Jjondou, and hrep times a week she f; i ves a diniier to slck ir and the discharged convalcenta from hospitals who either are unable o workorhave notyetfound employineiil. once said: "I llnd it ono ot tlie great .leasurea of writlng that ii givea one more noney for such purposes than falU to the ot of most women."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News