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NOW READY. EDITION, 135,000. TUK N OVE M BER NUMBEK OF The GENTURY MAGAZINE (SCRIBNER'SMONTHLY). Wit h thls number beglns the new series under thetltle of The Cïktubt Macja.ine, wlilcli will be, In fact, a new, tnlargeti, and improved 'Scribmer." The page U tonuwhat longer and tridfr, ndmitting picture of a larger tile, and VIBTUALLY IHCHKA8I1IO THK RKADINQ MATTKB TO TUI KXTK.NT OF A BOUT Fourtoen Addltlonal Pages. The November number lg one of rare beauty and Interest. It lg rlchly Ulustrated wlth more than seventy engravlngg, arnong them a fronUsplece PORTRAIT OF CEORGE ELIOT, the only autborized portraltof thegreat novel Ut yet publlsbed or to be publlghed. furnlshed by her husband, Mr.Cross, and reproducen from an etcblng made especially for hls parpose by Frederlck W. Myere, who deals lnteregtlugly wlth Oeorge Ellot's rellglousandphllosophlcal beliefs. MR8. BDRNETTS SEW NOVEL, "Throngh One Admlnlstratlon," a story of social and polltloal llfe In Washington, begun In thlH number, Is expected to rival In luterst the wrlter'g "That Lass o' Lowrle's," and "A Fatr Barbarían." MARK TWAI!i Ctontrlbntes a complete short story, entltled "A Curlous Experlence." Mary Hallock Foote furnishes an entertalnlng paper on A DILIGENCE JOÜRNEÏ IS MEXICO, Wlth elgbtof herown lllustratlons, engraved by Cole, Closson, and others. An artlcle on HPRESSIONS if SBAKSPEREAN CHARAfTERS, bj Thommaso Sahini, Th omlnflnt Itallan ruodiivn,win attaot wide attention. There Is also a paper on Salvlnl, wlth drawlngaof hlm In Othelloand Macbelh. "Costimei in the Creek Play it Barrard," By Frank D. Mlllet, the artlst who deslgned the costumes for the play, lncludes seventeen striking lllastratlons by Brennan. An opportunlty tor reproducing geven magnlflcent palntlngg Is aflbrded by a paper on the artlsts FORTÜHY m REGNAÜLT. "A round Cape Ann'' la a breezy 'longshore artlcle, lllustrated wlth nlne ezqulglte reproductlong of etchlngs by Stephen Parrlsh. "MR. ESCAPE FROM SLAVERï," bj Frederick Doaglis, Is a paper of hlstorlcal value and Interest. W. J. Stlllman has an lnieresting artlcle, wlth twenty-flve lllustratlons, on the dlscovery and orlgln of "The Socilled Tenas of Melos" (Milo.) There Is a capital short story by the author of "The Village Convlct." whlch made such a hit In the August Scribnrr; an artlcle by a Cuneard captain on "Compulsory Lane Routes In the North Atlantic"; Poiu8 Br Jidm Rnsstll Lowell, Edmnod CIarenr Stednun, [1...J u r .1 nuwmiu n. uuse, ausim UODSOll, „. , , "" .E !Mi Richard Vstson Gilder, sn'd otïen. 'Topics or the Time"' contains contrlbutiona from the pon of the late Dr. Holland, on the change In the name of the magazine, on "The Contlngency of Inabtlity'," and "Public Spirit." This November number contains the prospectus for the coming year. The portrait of Dr. Holland, photographed from a Hfe-slre picture by Wyatt Eaton, and lssued Just before hls death, wlll posseas a new Interest to the readers of hls magazine. It Is offered at $6.00 retall, or together wlth The Cintdbt Hiuazini for one year for $6.50. Subscrlptlons are taken by book-sellers and news-dealers everywhere. Regular price of the magazine, $4-00 a year, 36 cents a number. Thi CENTURY CO. (Forraerly Scrlbner 4 Co.) Union Square (North), New-York. Estafo of Mlcliael Yaeer. QTATKOF MICHIGAN, Countj of Wasbtenaw, es. ,At,.eeloï i,the p"lh"'e f ourt for the Oonnty of Washtcnaw, holdeu at the ("róbate Office in the citv or Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the flfth day of October, In the year one rhoiuand eight hundredimd ProbfteünC irt"":I"' W"lllm Hrrimao" Juágl of In the matter of the estáte of MIchael Yaeer deccased. On reuding ud nllng the peliMon duiy ver.fled, of Uwl„ Yager, praylug that aarolnistrXn of ald eeiata may be granted to Johu Adam Schmid oreóme othermiUble periion Tbereupon It is orderud, thm Mondar, the thiriv nrn day of October Instaul, at ten o'clock In the fore?".":t! ?""'"ned for the hearing of id petiUon, and that the heir at law ol smid deceaaed.ami all ther pereons intereated In sald estáte, are requlred to au6?"va' Sfêlon of eaid court,thn M be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause II anr thcre be why the praver of the petiUonot shouldnotWiranted. And It Is further ordered, that sald peUtioner glve notice to the perKonJ interested ín aald estáte, of the pendency of xaid petitlun, and the hearing thereof, by caualïig s copv of thls order to be pnblished in the AnS ArtSÏ Lourter, a newspaper prlnted and circulated in said county, three sucoeMive weeks prevlon to saiddar of hearing. (A true copj.) J WILLlAM D. HAKKIMAN. „,„ „ ,. Judge of Probate. WM. Q. DOTY, Probate Register. ioi i Kortagre Sale. DKFAULT havlng been made In the condltions i k ;i'ïtln Inden'nre -if morlgage execnted by Hughey McLaughlin and Mary Ann McUu){hlln, hls Z 'i ffiLy Tí.Dl whtenw connty Michigan, to Rice A Beal, beartnK date the Twe.ty-1 hird day of May, A. D , 1878, and recorded In the office of register of deed. lor the connty of Washtfnaw, in the atate of Michigan, on the twenty thlrd day nf May A. D.. 178, in liber 56 of mortKaues, on page M by wmch the power of saleconuined therein han bicorne operative, on which mortgaue there Is clalmed to he dne on the 'M day of Mhv, A. D., 1S81. two yearly lnntallment of lntorcst on said principal eum belní J4M, together wlth an attorney's fee of i:W provlded for In ald mortaire, u all the nm of four hundred and forty-four dollars ($444), and no proceedings havlng been inntlmted to recover sald um or auy part thereoi. Notlcc therefore la hcrebv (flven, that on Friday, ihe lSth day of January A. I) , 1882. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at thé cast Iront door of the court house, in ihv city of Ann Arbor, in the said county of Washtenaw eald mortfage will be foreclosed by virtne of the power of fle therein contained, by sale at public auctlon, to the highest bidder of the morfHted preml-e descrlbcd in eaiii mortgatre. or xo much thereof as may be suükiont io the mount due on aid mortKagf , viz : The south-east qaarter (UI of the southwest qnnrter () of Metton thirty-ñve (35) n townshlp one (No. 1) oonth of range three (3) east In Ihe towntihipof Lvndm. Aleo the nortu part of the nonh-wnat fractlona) quarter of section two in townshlp two eonth of range three east In the township of Sylvan, and all that part of seclion three townshlp and range last aloresaid, known bouoded and described as follows. towit : Bcginnlng at the north-eaat corner of sald section tliree, rnnnlnir thence west on the north line of eaid sectlou about BeMiity rode, thence sonth parallel wlth the east lino far euouüh to include withln a line drawn east parallel wlth the north line or sald section to the cast line of sald section, thence east to section line, and thence north to the plac of beïlnnlng, being In all one hundred and slxty-eight and 28-1U0 acres of Uu more or laas. Dated, October 21sl, 1881. R. A. BKAL, 3AWTU & Knowi.tok, MortaLcc Attorneys for Mortgagee. I1061-7S


Ann Arbor Courier
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