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"I Don't Waut a Piaster," fakiAskk nian to a druggist, 'vuiit you give me soiDelhiug to cure me?" His symptouie were a lame back and disordered urine and werc a sure indication of kidney dtsease. Tb drungisttold liimto use Kidney-Wort, and in i short time it effectcd ¦ comptote ture. Have you these symptoms? Then e ü box or bottle to-d;ïy- before you bêcome Incurable. It is the cure ; sale and sure. - Knoxville Republican. The fever-striefcen invalid jPho may have luid t is recoverv retarded by infantileweak¦.lill rujiiiliy recover under the intluenee of Kellows' llvpophosphites. The yellow-visard lufferer trom Fever and Agüe can calcúlate on a speedy and permanent recovefy from his ditease aftur all eise fails. How to Secure Health. It seems strange that anyony will snffer from cleranKement broucht on by itupure blood, when SCOVÏLÏS SAllSAI'ARILLA and STILLINGIA. or BLOOD 8YBUP, will restore health. It is the bMt blood purifitr ever discovered, effeotually curing Serofula. Svphlitic disorders, W'eakness of the Kidneys, Brysijiilas, Malaria, all Nurvuus Disorders and Debilily Bilious Complaints, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomaoh, Skin, etc. Tt correots indigestión. A single bottle will prove to you its merits as a health renewer, for it acts like a charm. BAKERS' PAIN PAN'W'KA cures pain in Man and Beast. Use externally and iuternally and find relief, DR. lUH'.kirs VEGETABLE WORM SYRUP instantly destroys worms and reuioveu all secrelions. FILES ! FILES!! FILES!!! A Suro Cure Found nt Last. No One Need Suffpr. A sino cure forthe ülind, Bleedinjr, ItchIngánd l'loerated Pile? lias been dlsoorerod by Dr. WUUami (au Indian rt'niedyj.callcd l)r Williams' Iiidian Oiiitinent. A single )OX tías ciircd tlifwoi-jt chronic OMei iind :t(i ycars standinjf. Niiunt' need suffer tive minutes attrr applylog this wondérfu! ,-i. .tliin lt nii'dicinc. Lotions. Instruments, and Blettuarieg U niore bami tlum pood. W'illiam' Ointnient absorbs the tumors, ¦lrayitbn intense itching (particnlarly at nijrlit at'ter getting warm in bed), acte as k poltiee, gives instant hik! painless relief, and is picpiiri-il onlv for l'iles, telling of tbc private paris, and notliin-r dM, Kead irul the Son. .1. M. Cofflnherry, .is Dr. illiams" Iu dian Pile Olntnient: "I have used scores oi pile curva b me pleasure to say that 1 havo never found my tliiiiL.' wiiioli rve euch niineiliate and permanent rel lef U Dr. Williams' Indian Ointincnt." For snle by all flmgxlsts, or mailed on receipt of pnce il. 00. JA8. E. da is.v ('O.M Dnig¦isis, Detroit, Mich.. Al-. LOM-N Kor by H. J. DfiinvN A (o. A LL KINDS OF BLANKS riIITID 01 BOBT KOTIOI AT THE COCBIEB JOB BOOMS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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