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wsmwüM PRICES PEOPLE CAN AFFORD to PAY. Lnrgest and newost a.wrtment of Bnokromwls and acce . INSTANTÁNEOS 'GELATINE' WOEK lor Dables IMctureH. Best Card Photographs, - $2.50 per d:z. Best Cabinets, - 6.00 " 220 & 222 W06DWARD AVE., DETROIT, - ¦ Mil il. 1OSS. _____ 1) INSEY & SKABOLT'S BAKER Y.GKOCERY iD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLB8ALB AND RKTAIL TKADK. We huil siso keep supply of 8WIFT L DKUBEL'8 BK8T WHITE WHBA1 FLOUR, DSLHI FLOUR, KYK FLOl R, BUCKWHKAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FKKD, c, Ac. At Wholesale and retail. a general stock ot 4.K4H i;ltll D I'KOVISION comtanUy ou hand, whlcii will bc tol4 on reaioi abletcrms as atany other house !n the city. l'asn patd for Botter. Krans, mei Onontry Produc generalij. _4TGoonj dclivcred tn any part of the ¦ ity wit1 out extra c-har yr K!Nv OLT. LOOSE'6 EXTRACT Red Clover Blossom, Tho (reat Blond Purillor. Cures scrofnls In all lts forme, cnncer, fait rheiim eryslpelas, rheumatfsm, and rppnlstcs tho bowe's. Loose's Rul i'tnvt-r Pile Remecí j- snre cur. Blo-som 50c per ponnd or $1.00 per pint bottle. For sale by all Wholesale and retuil ciruwrists, or address J. M. Loose Co., Monroe, Mloh. Scnd for Circulai. 1056-8 OMAJtiAcc?Vi iü" '-ty. ' I rO ¦L3SY'+ l&Molw. "frp'l, 'VCMiC''0 - )T11E(CHICÁ&O & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is the OLDEST I BEST CONSTRUCTKD ! BEST BQUIFPED ! and henee the RAILWAY - or the - WEST AND NORTH WEST. It Is the shortcat and best route betweeu Cnlcago and all polín in Korthera rjiaels, lowi, Sikoti, Wtimiaj, Neïnsk, Ciliforaia, Otogoa, rizont, Uuti, Colorido, liihc, lioauu, Nstiü ui for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, PKXVKK, I-KAUV1I-LE, SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Cilir Saplii, Cm Volaos, Coiamtts, tal il foiati la tho Torritoriti ui ut Wsr.. Als: for Vilvaaio, jreon Bar, Csiosa, Slioboygu, liarqsetto, 7oal la Li:. Wtter.owa, Houatoa, Scoaiï, Uaauha, St. Piai. X:atnp:'.:j. Harca, Volg, Tirge, Bimirci, Wiaoai, LtCnilt, Cvateaai ui til piats ia lllaaeictt, BtkoU, Wiisoaila ui Ui Nortawoit. At Conncil lSUifr thr triilnu of the Chicago & North-Wofltern and the U. P. R'ys depart from, arrive at and use the ame; Joint unlon depot. Uke ShoreY.Mirïiiw, CenTrraT.' lR8iie V1" Fort V'ane and Penu Ivimla, and Chicago Oratj Tnink Ky'c, and the Kankunkoe and Pan f Rontes. Close Connections Made at Junction Points. It is the OM.V I.1M runiiiiiir Pullman Hotel Dining Cars Chicago and Conucil Iilufl's. Pullman Slerpprs on AH Ntght Train. liwiit upun Ticket A(futc ícIIÍur you ticket, via tnia road. your tirkets, ancfrefupe to bny if they do not read over the (-hicao and NorthWeetera Railway. If you vih the Best Travelinir Accommodatlons yon will bny Tonr ticket by thl route CT"AN1) WILL TAKE NO OTIIKK. All Ticket Agent sell tlcketa hy thie Line. KaVBVDI HI4.ITT. 2d V. P. & en'l Man'L'r, Chicago. THE IWPROVED j . EVAFORATORSi Plako bctter fngHBHICS f SYRUP. feïsi SugarL andJELLY,1 "¦¦JLT. BP wlth less f uol and labor than any othrr apparatiM. Will condense Sorghum Juico or Maple Sap ÍMter than any evapontor In use. The best appantun known for makinr Jolly from sweet eider. Thou¦ands In use. Hendf or descrilitiro clrcularsof Evapratorn. Cañe Mili Ai'. Agenta Wanted. ÏT. KAIt-U MACIIINK CO.,BeUowsFaüs. Vt 051-63 NERVOUS DEBILITY! A Cure ;uarantM'l. Dr. K. C. West's Nsrvb and Brain Trbatmint: aspeclñc ftr U -teria, DitzínesB, Convulsione, NervODl HeadAclie, Mental Depresulon, Loes ot Memory, Spvruntorrhcpa, Impotency, Premature Old A-(-, caused by orer rtion, Pelf-abuee, or over-indulg'iice, whicb lead to miorj, decav and death. One hor wil] care reOMlt casee. Ench box containe one month'a trcatmint. Une dollar fl hoi, or lx boxea for dolla'H : Bent by raail prt-pnld on reccip' ()I Wc nix boie to cure auy CMf. wuh eacfa order receÍT d by ui Toraix boxM, accompanied w!th flve dollard, we will send tht' pnrebaavr onr written gaarantee to return the money If the trestment doe DOteffcl a cure, GuHrantern iMQod only when the treitnionT is urden d direct from uo. AddresH JOHN C. WKSi I Proprleton, 1S1 & lf W. MadiHon SU. Chlca-o, Iü. Bold by .HrownACo. A.B:isiett Wholenle Aeenu, 1íetroit,Micb. 106O-1 101 "THAT MUSICAL WÜÑDBÍr The MECHANICA!. ORCU1NETTE ! tke (Kttcit Musical in v nt Lm of thf ff. Any praon cao prfbrm pon it wlth the appareot tklll of muter, al) iacn-'l. wciilir, popular, (.it daoce maiie. Kiaatlr lultiMe Tor tbc Home, lodgt, or chureb. A.lmlrably mdapU4 for the ball-room.ptcotci, smrtlon partict.vtc. Ifo imtruftlon rcqairrd. Hrfce. $8, 10, $jn, $30, Qd npward. Beware of worthlim itnititi.ti witfa imüftr oaroea. Agmti wanTcd. KnterprftÍD tata maka 10 lo $20 (T dar. ItluMtrated Cataloi[Ua fret. L.YON & HEALYvulMonrvfiSU.lCtticMO 1 w e m JÍJ62-87 WISCONSINI Ain ft00,000 ACRES LflllL0 ON THK LINE OF THE WIHOOXNIX 'KSTBAI. H. K. For fall partlcnlars, whlch wtll be tent free, addreB CIIARLB8 L. COLBT, Lnl CommiMioner 1064-1006 Mllwaakoe, Wis.


Ann Arbor Courier
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