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AlfegM Journal : From its recent exhilution ot scllishness it is evident that Chicago never expecu to burn again- 1n this woi-M And as to the neit they feel sure ot kindly attentlon, tor tho devil always lias taken cure of the hindermot. Iierrien County Record: One TWI.anan towmhlp man Mld tbe atiples nona bfsorchard, on the trees, ror (1,880 to Chicago porties, and before touclilngthea they were offered $300 for their bargaln. Beeides uu, he reservad Beven rows of' trees lor hla own use. Van Muren Iicpiiblican : John Eckenberger carne near being shot the other day while hunting ducks on Dowairiac creek. He was turninx a bend on bis way up strcam when some parties coming down shot at a dtick jusl as hls boat cameln view n tew reet bevond. Il raaa narrow escape, the shot striking the boat all around him. Eaton Kapids Journal : A new way to pJBke iiioncy at sociables is as The ladlea urite their names and wc-idits on slips of paper and the pentleinen draw the slips, ach taking ÖM lady tosupper whose name he has drawn, and' paying one cent perpound accordingto the welght of nis partner. If the fair one should over-cstiinate herwcight ithelpsthe treasurvso miu-h more. Otisvillc Teleirram ; A dastardly outrage ums committed 8aturda? eyening lat on a span of hor-( s owned by Mr. Shlpley a farmer living near Otter Lake, by cuttíng their throaU in the moet brutal and Bendish man ner. The liorses, from all appearancE8, must have died alrnost instantly. Buspiclon resls on several persona Who siuldenly left the vicinily, and the sheriff is in pursuiti Teeamseh Bertkli A Hay City boy, aged Beven reare, had a case of diphtWia. Subsequently it became diphtherelatic croup and lus wind pipe was c-nt open and a tube Internad tbrough whloh he breathed until the croup was cored. Then he had au attack Of Bright'a disease of the kidneys and nnally was attacked with Inflammatlón of liver and died. Hissuirerings Iasted about a niontli. Ingham County News : If a resident of White OaK wishes to comnmuicate by letter with a citizen of Stockbridge, six miles away, lie mails liis letter at White Oak, Wheoee it goes to Dnnsville, tlience to WilUamston, thenoeto Lansing.thence to Jarkson, thenoe to Oheteea, tbeoce to Unadilla, thencc to Stockbridge-a distance of nearly mmllee. That's whatwould beealltda direct route with a vengeance. Battle Creek Journal : Dame nature is playing great pranks among the apples this year. Mr. J. L. Joslyn of Kattle Creek townslnp, picfrrd from one of lus Koxbury Ruawt trees this fa, au apple one half of wlnch is Roxbury Russet and the other half Rbode Mand Greening, a tree of that kind standing in the immciiiatc vicinity. Both parts of the apple are good specimens of their respective vurieties. It is a decided :.. ....j „,.„,M niuuu uiiuiiuuu iiuui our fruit growers. öaginaw Herald: There Is an old lady nou visiuiifí in this city nained Betsey Wilson, wlio is iio ycai-s ol áore and has 80 grandCBUilren and 87 graat grandchlldren living She is the mother of the wife of Mr. James S. Kerns and the mother of Mrs. Üeo W Bréese of tbii ii.v. ata lauy is hale and licurty as a young woman and can see to thread the iinest point without the use of spectacles. She is the grandmother of Josepli and James Kerns, Jr. The latter named gentlemvn sue is now visitin. Grand Rápida Post : Mrs. "W. R. Brown, sister of M. W. Owen, mysteriously disappeared last Sundiy night. She and her husband retui nel IVoin a visit to her brother's about 1U p. in. Mr. Brown retired and his wife Bal readlng a paper wben he feil asleep. ,wak-ninr ;lt niidnight he found her gone and nothing has since been seen of her. She W;is happy in her domestic relations, had given no evidence of insanity, and her dis-ippearance is a great mystery. She took no clothing with her, not even a covering tor hor heao. Dowagiao Times : We were aumscd the other day, Oñ a trip from Decatur to .Marcellus, at the contrast between two flelds of umi ryrngon opTrostve Biaesol the roail m Volina. One was cultivated by two brothen, gradaatea of our state airrfcoltunl college; theotherwaa tended liy a young man whocares lor a widowed motheK and learnfd fanninir by experieace. The formnr field was a masa ofweeds through which tlie corn sfcilks were just vUible ; the Iatter wat as clean as a gaarden, and the corn was apparently twlce a3 good a erop. Field Miimhcr onc is rulled agricultura! collega corn by the neighbors. Adrián limes: Just about fifty years ago now, Mr. J. H. Cleveland opened a genersl storo on the corner at present occupied by the Cnderwood block, and amonr his customen w;is tbe Indianchief Bawbeese, who 11 ved on the banks of Bawbeese lake in Hlllgdale county. Thia wat the second store in town. E. C. Winter having opened one the ycar previons. Anotlier intereetlng betconimeted withourearly history, is that tlie small wooden stores on South Main street now oecupied by Boyd's meat m.iikct and others, which were built in 183G, and knowo iis the "Arcade," were tben called the finest block west of Lake Brie. I-ansinr Repulilican: Gov. Jerome, distlnjrofobed fincsts, and two ooinjanies of troont had a mtracalotu eteape f rom injury while retnrning from Yorktown. The train was running at a high rate of speed near Fostoria, Oliio, wben it was suddenly stopped by an application of the air brakes and a revena! of tbe engine by the engineer. Oog of the iimIs mi tlie engine had Mtappcd, a meel had been throwii 100 rods from tbe track and the whole of the right side of the eab was torn out. Not a car was thrown froa the track. The engineer, fireman, and a soldier were in the cab when the accident ocourred and alleacaped injurv. H.iy City Tribune: The man who conti ïbuled the tolliiwiiif; to a newspaper Bever sat up all night to keep the l)al!y quiet : Of all the joys vouchsated to man In life'stempestuous wbirl there is nothing that approaohes heaven so near as company witli a fíirl : a frank, ood-natu red, honest cirl; .1 feeling, flirting, daahing, doating, smiling, smacklng, olly. Joking, jaunty, jovial, uoser poking, dearllttledndc of aglri: the bnghteat, swaeteat, deareat girl; the trimiiuM, gayest, neatest girl; the funniest, tiushie-t, frankeat, fairest, roandeet, rlpeat, rogiiishest, rareat, spioieat, squirmieat, best (t girle, with drooping laabes, half concealuig amoroai Baahea- witfa rosy cheeks and clustering curls, the Iweotest and the best of girls. The Wavne County Heview, of October 98th. teils the foUowlng story about the death of Mr. Achmed Lawaon, of Northville. Mr. Lawaon worked regularly in the M. S F. car shop until he went to the Detroit Medical College tohave hisleg araputated. li la aaid he waa kept ander the Inflnence of chloroform one boor and forty ininiiics. A bone tumor and three or four iucliesof bone ware taken out of his limb below tlie knue- one artery ent off- and he is di -:id - died Smiday inorning, and his body was broughl bere for burial Monday ftfternoon. The snddenneai of his death -hocUeii the whole oommantty. It is true thal be bad been i frea luSérer for years past, .nul mild have dted tome time from tbe effect of the tomor; but his army surirei.ii (old li i ni not to lime it nieddled with, ai il uould siirely all] him if he (lid. The Detroit doctora lay that he was doing well imtil Saturdaj afternoon, when his pulse and tetnperature went auadenly apand rentained sountU he died- cauaed by blood pbiaoning, or nialarial fever, or some other cause not kuown to tbem.


Ann Arbor Courier
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