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Books and Magazlues. J. C. Chllton 4 Co., of Eank Block, Detroit, are the publishers of a Life of Garfleld, wrltten by the eminent historian, J. C Itedpalh, LL. D. This book embraces an account of lils strug&les In chlldhood, hls carecr as a soldier, Ms mh - ces as a statesrnon, hl elevatlon 10 tlae presldency, and hls dastnrdly assassination. It Is a volume of nearly 700 pages and ftuely 11 lust mted. A work by such an author is just what tlie public Is walting for, and none othershould bc purchased. The IMicroscope bas reached uh on its bimonthly Journey. It Is alledas usual wlth a great amount of lnteresting scieutlflc knowledie. We speak from personal knowledge when we say tbat the edttors are at.home wlth their subject, haring made work with the microscope a specially for years past. Among note the'followiMK t PS&MS ii'.'Ü.!!1."11' Ing, Laboratory Notes, Deslccated Blood others equally as lnlorestlag. The U. 8. Monthly is a new thirty-two page Ulustrated magazine. No. 1 of Vol. I contatns many fine lllustmtlons, and amung other artlcle one entltled, Froni Chicago to the Atlantla International Exposltlon and Hetnrn This is one of the bost artlole we l.ave scen on thli subject. The Illust rat lons alone are wort b theprlce of the magazine. If thestandard laid down In the first number is equaled by the following its euccess Is lnsured. As a Cure for Piles Kidney-Wort acts lirst by oveiootning in the mildest manncr all tendency to coostipatlonj then, by Ita great tonlc and inviKorattnir propertlee, it restores io health ihe debllltated ind weakened parta. We liara tnrodredi ofcertlfled cures, wliere all else had (altad. Use it and sulfer no longer. - Exchange. 1 S, HARPER'S YOUNG PÏOPLÏ. il II.LISTBATED WEEKLY - ll P AGÍS. SU1TED TO BOYS AND GIRLS O K KROM SIX TO SIXTKE.N YEAHS OF AGE. Vol. III. commenees XOvcmhcr 1, IS81, NOW IS TH1 II1IZ TO SUBSC2IBÏ. The Yoüng Peoplk has been Irom Hip nrst sneoeuful beyond antlcipatlon.- N. Y. 1 ing Post. Ihasadistlnct purpase to wliich UiteadUy adheres- llmt, naiuely, of supplanllng thi clous papers for;t he roang wlth k paper more attractive, as well asinorewholexome.- Hoston Jouruul. For neatness, elegance of engraving, and contenta generally, It ia DMorpaued By aoy publlcatlon of the kind yet bruught to our notlce.- Plttsburg Ga.ette.' lts weekly vlslts are eagerly looked for, not only by the ohlMron, luit alo by parenis wh., are anxious u prorlde pure literatura for thelr firls and boys.- Christlau Advocate, Ituiliüo New York. A weekly paper for chlldrcn wliich pan -nis nel not fear to let the chlldren read at the fanilly fireslde.- Hartford Daily Tiinas, Just the paper to the eye nd Kcnre the ntteiitlon of the boys and girls.- .Sprlngdeld Union. TI'.KMS. UAHPl.RM VOI X; I'KOPI.K I _, _„ Per ïr, PoHtaKr ITi-imi.l. f ' Single Numbers Four Cent I The Bound fir 1881 will ba rendy early In November. Prtoe $3.00; iiostage prepald. Cover for YoCDQ l'Koei.K for 1881 , üS ots.; onlage, 13 cents additloiial. Remittanci-sshouid be made by Poat-Offlee Money Order or Üraft, to avolil ohane Nruspmert art not to copu 0 -ment without the txpresi mJ-r fi llAui-Eiirttt Knus. Vddress, I1AIÍPEK AliHdl ili:i;s, New Vork. $500 REWARD! WK wlll pay the above reward for any cajr ol .iver Complalnt, Dyspciwla. tlck ll.adaclio, IndiRt'Btíon, Constlputlon nr rotivcin er Wi caimutcare wlth WcBfs Veei-talile Liver Pllls, when the riin;cions are etrlrtiy complled wlth. Th er are pnrrly 'eetable, and ntivt-rfail togiveeaiirtficiion. mil'hV 'oat'd. 4hrge hoxee, containiiiK 90 PI - 'or i"alc by all dmt-Riftn. l'i-ware "f COQDterfeltl nd iinitailoDB. The trennlne mnnnricttirfd onty ,y JiUlN n. WEST CO . PUI Haken," lui t 183 W. Mdlson tt., Chicago. Freo trial rkuc ent by mail prepald on recclpt of a 8 cent staniu. All kinds of printing and Job work wlll bc one at The Coübikr ofSce In better atyle and t cheaper ratei tban at any othor house.


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