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Patent Drive Wells

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As several bilis of complaint have been tiled In the courts against the so-called violators of the drive well patent, the Executive Conimittee of the Michigan state Grange, has issued the following circular: The Executive Commlttee of the Michigan State Grange, In sesslon In the city of Lanslng, have had under conslderatlon tUe claim tor royalty of one N.W. Green, lor alleged infrlnnement of a patent he claims to hold lor drlven well. Thi comraittee, without givlng this claira that oareful aud exhaustivo exaraination uecessary to know lts actual status, belleve lt to belong to that class ol frauds that through the uuj ust aud oppressl ve patent laws that dlsgruce our nallonal ola tules, furulsb opportunlty for pretenders to levy a species of black muil upon Innocent users of luventlons that have been In coininon use aü over the country for a lona time. B It Is part of the scheme of these unscru pnlous persons to uudertake to collect royalty, to walt until the use oían article has become auueral ttat; they JMW Aosetbey-proposê tovK Hinize. The successful Issue of the guit instituted by partlesimhe eastern part of the State, three years ago, to collect royalty frora patrons lor alleged lufrlngement of patent by the use of the oommon Bilde gate, is still fresh in our mluds, and we believe lt our duty as patrons, to make the same splrlted and deterniined reslstance to thls new demand upon the larmers of the State for royalty, whlch tlieu baffled and thwarted in the Uupreme Court of tuis State the furtber prosecutlou of a well devised scheme of robbery, after several thousauds of royalty had been collected. Wilh the oplmons we entertain, we can but advise all piitrons and other persons interested to refu8e to pay oue cent ol royalty to N. W Green, hls ageuts, or attorueys, or to any other person makluga like claim, uutll such. time as the claim Is eRtabiished as good and valid by a Judicial decisión lu the court of lust resort In the Uuited tates. For the purpose of provldlng the meang necessary to reslsl thls claim, nnu ol makliiK the defence which we advise, we recoimneml "tliat the subordínate grangers of the State plcdge to a derense fuud such amouuts as tliey may severally feel able to lve, subject to the cali of the commitlee in lnstalliueuUi as needed and that such pledges, slgued by the master and secretary of the grauge, and under lts Beul. !¦ forwarded to the secretary of the State Grauge Audwealso Invite all parties outside tne order- Interested In Ihls matter- to make common cause wlth patrons In this defense aud that they may share In the expense whicli such defense wlll lnvolve, we Invite persons Interested to contribute to this defense fund a sum of no leas than one dollar eacu the same to be forwarded to J. T. Cobb, Secretary of the State Grange, at Schoolcraft, provlded no organlzed reslstance to this patent rlght claim Is perfected by those outside the order In this State; and lf one or more organlzatlons havlng the same objecu are perfected, they are hereby lnviled to make cominon cause wlth us in coutestlug the claim of N. W. Green, or auy person demandlng royalty for drlven wells, and share wlth us in the expense of all prosecutlons; and we recommend and authorize i retary Cobb to employ H.D.Platt, ol Ypsilantl, i to investígate the wuole subject, procure i dence for the defense and secure legal ald In hlsdlscretlon,and raake report frora Urne to time to tbls commitlee. , Bro. Platt's connecllon wlth the sllde gate ] cases, has glvenhlrasomeknowledgeof patent i rlght law, patent right lawyers and patent I right rascáis, and we have entlre conlideuce that he is the rlght man to lake charge ot thls t matter. , öecretary Cobb wlll lmme nambered postal card recelpts to all centrluutors to tlie defense fuinl, nnd imikt' report from time to time til rough the UraneVlsltor of the progress of any and all sulu that raay be luslltuted aguiust patrous or other coulrlbutora to the di-fuiiso rand. Whenever the matter la controversy shall have reached a final Issue and determinatlon, the Executlve Commlttee of the state (franse wlll make afull statement of all expendltures and all unuxpeuded money of the defense fund shall b talthfuily rsturneu to the contrlbutors In proportlon to the amount contrlbuted Execuuve Commlltee Michigan State Urange. The death of Jennie E. Polhemus was noticcd In last week's Coüriek. The followiag verses wero written by her friend and schoolmate and sent to her mother Mrs. Martin. Thoujth Jennie went, foe'er to leave uj, Thouifh from this world of pain her form has fled I-et ui bear It üiough il secnis so grievous, Kor to a happy land her spirit has been led. Kor God who quides our live, so weary.l Our Jennie to a better land hai wlshed to taks. He wished her in no world so dark and drcary ¦ ' A gloriüiis hcreaftcr for her he will niake. Bear it, mournlng mother, patiently and bravely, Though your loss seents more than you can bear Thlnk her vour sweet chlld that once so gravely Shining in the heavenly light will cafl yout'o her there. For our lire are hort and tpeedy And ere long her glory you shill see. In that world o iweet, of nothing needy, There fore'er unitcd with her you shall be.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News