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The Perils Of Good Health

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As men advance in life they continually uote ihe survival of thoso amofig tbvlr contemporánea wbo leemed in boybood and yonrli quite the reverse of "tbe Btteet," white sn m.-iiiy ot'those, niostenvied then for rigor, pass early iway. This is dne to several cansos. Tberx hm many persona who, white lackitijr physical torce, liave constitutions llawlcss in point of órgank disease. If foroed to lal)or hard, nientally or physical ly, they would soon fail from exhaustion, for ilicy are quick tofeel fatigue, but by compulsorily husbandlng ttaelr resources ihcv oftentlmes reach theeightles, and even nlnetiea, and sometimos, m in the oase of the late Engli&h Premier, Earl Russell, accomplish an amaing amount ofwork. Tie firand safeguard is Inabillty to abose their powers. Nature ha . ¦¦ ¦ '¦¦ poaed 0)1 n -'- i"u stern tobe disrejrarded. ,,, ii persona cannot extend their houra of inteUectual labor witliout paine in the head vrhieh poaltlvely prohlbit it. They cannot get drank without Intolerable stckness ol stomach being the penalty. Nolens volens they have to be caref'ul. Ön the other hand, there is the man of poweiful phygique. lic rules all day and reada all niylit, taklllg green tea pr brandy il' he feela gleepy 01 "hippcd " In the mornlng he declares hlmBelfas "lit as ¦ llea," and really does teem to be possessed with (he elastlclty of limb aud uneaslng actlrlty oï that exasperating bedfeilow. It is very difflcult tor sueh a man lo ciiniprcliend Iliat lic drawlng bilis i.n bealth tu be repaid at 10 per cent. after '0, or, perhaps, even Booner. It thusoften secins as thotlgh the licinenddiis gtrengttl and tisalth we envy in man was a mistorlune rather tlian ¦ bleesing. A riter in an Euirlisl, 8ept mbw review raises the questlon why a mind previously lieallliy. and BtlU apparently intact, breaks down simiitimes Ihoroughly ander a strain not exceplinnally great, and llnnks it will probably In: witliin the scope of common M-nse io draw soinc practical conclusiona as to prrveiition. The breaf-down ia nine times out ol' ten really doe to a long-praoticed exodlngofthe natural powers. "Pain, hunger, anzlety, and a sense at mlnd-wearlnossare the warnlngtokenaol ezbaustion exteodlng to the reserree of ttrength and enerjry). When these Indlcatlons ars? disrl destroved, ns they nmy be by stunt f) ing drugs, or loerdtaate usc'of'otiin11] int-, or a lroiiLr eilort of the will the consuniption ol'eiiiry goa 011 uil the saine - but unobx'ived." The penalty is incielv deferred. Anyone who has scauned our obituary noticea or' late wiil have obierred the numbèr of business men -ur ilmvn in


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