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A Bicycle, Columbia Standard, 0 inch, for sale, for $G5.00 cash, or on tlrae with good security. Address, a. s. tettit, 1064-68 Cold water, Michigan. Black and Colorea Silks, the ricliest goods in the city at Wines and Worden 's. Dentistry- Dr. Billmeyer, of tlie dental faculty is prepared to see any wi-hnii: nis services at his oliice, No. 13 S. Main slreet. Hourg, 8 to 12 a. m. and 5 to 6 p. in. Saturdays, all day. 1064-67 A full Ittorttnent of Silk Plvshes, Brocades hik! Vtlrrt in lilack and all the new sliades at Wine9 and Worden"s. Jogt reoatved ¦ uk stock of Ratten goods at very low piices. Kocli it Haller. 1063-4 Our stock of Carpeta, OH ('lotlis, Hugs, Mats, Matting, Crumb Cloths, etc is always lull and j r i ¦¦¦-- Iba lowest. WINES ft WORIIES. Tbose Oesiriiifc a nurse for the sick, will please remeraber that Mrs. Querngey has liad experience, and solicits your patiaonaro, orders left at the drc.ssinakinjr rooms of Uit, Coopef, 48 Main sti-cct. u))-stairs. 10Ü1-7.! The best, cheape6t nnd largest variety of Bleached and Brown Damaak Table Linens, Germán Loom Dice, ïurkey Reds, and a large assortment of Towels in Damask, Huck and Iloney Comb at Wines & Worden 's. Cloaks ebetp at Wines & Wonli nV. 1064-71. Last Saturday we called on A. L. Noble, the star clothier, and found tliem so busy we sur{iosted the idea of having more help, wblcb we have since learned they have done by securing the services of Mr. Henry Butts, fonnerly with Croakin, of Dexter. It will pay to see Wines & Worden'8 enormous stock of Ladies' aad ChUdren'l Gloves and Hosiery; the best in the city. The FonüUon French Kid Olote i.s the best Kid now in market. A complete as¦orttne&t of this beautiful Kid always in stock. Also the best $1.00 Kid in the city. WINES WORDEN. In Wines and Worden's stock of Dress Qoods you can Ihul Black and Colored Cashmeres, Cashmere Plaids.Rcma.n Stripes, a full line of the germine and only Broadbead Germantown Mohairs, for which we have the exclusive sale in this city. Also a complete variety of the celebratcd Manchester Ualanges and Cashmeres. Ladies in need of Mourning Goods will find it to their interest to see our assortnient of Jïombazines, Australian Crape, Crape de Lion, and all grades of the wellknown Courtlánd English Crapes. WINES & WORDEN. Mr. Scripp's interesting sersies of European letters wliicli have appeared duriug the past summer in The Eveiiinp Xews and Jliw nto AlrwTifc to bc rcpriTltnl i form. The volume will be nicely illustrated and a very large sale is aotidpated. p ROI'OSALS POR WOOD. Scalcd proposale for 175 COHDS OF WOOD Four fcet long, good green body or straight hickory and maple, and eecond growth upland white or yel low oak, tn quantitles nut Icbk than ten corde; lso 15 cord of bo'ly baswood, will be recntved by the undereigned urill Dvcrmbrr 1, 1881, at 6 o'clock p. m. IncluBlve. Tho wood to he dellvered In the next 6o days aftcr awarding the contrae , at the different school bonses in tlils city In Buch quantums as directed. The rlght of rejectlng any or all offers la reerved. L. GKUNKR, Treasnrer of School District No. 1, of the city of Ann Arhor, Mlch., 8 Sonth Main st. Ann Arbor, Nov. 8., 1881. Jiotlcp to CreUllors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, s. Notlce ia hereby giv.n. tont by an order o! tbe Probate Court for the üouuty of Wahtenaw, made on the nL-cnnd day of November, A. i). 18K1, six months from that dute wire allowed for credliora to pri-iivnt thelr clnimx againat ihii eetate of John W. vanslckle, late of naid cotinty, duccaved, and that all creditora of eaid deccased are reqnlnd to iiriHent thelr.clnim to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatlon am' allowance. on or bef.irf the MCOBd day ol May next and that mch claims will bc heard before said conrt, on Thursdajr, the second day of February and on' 1 lawlay, the second day of May next, al ten o'clock In the forenoon of tnch of khIií days. Dated, Aun Arbor, November 2d, A. I). 1881 ,„,1M WILLIAM D. HAUrtlMAN, 1U6.I-1060 Judire of ProbatP. Estato of Joshiia Cii.sliman. QTATK OF MIUHIUAN, Omuty of At a sesston of the Probate Coart for Ihe County of Washteuaw, holden hi the l'robate Offlce. in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Tuesduy, the flirt day ol November, in the year one thousand ctght hnmlnd and eUhtyone. Present, William D. Ilarriiuni Jude ol PiohrtMi In the matter of the Petate of Joslinu Cuhman, deceased. Warren Cashman, executor of the 1,-i-t will and testament f said deecaaed, cnnii' tutu court and represents that ho Is now prepared to ronder hits flual account as such executor. Thereupon it ia ordcred, that Wedncsday, the SOth day of November inst., at ten o'clock in the lorenpon, be asslgned for examining and iill.iwlnti such account, and that the devisees, - and heir at law of said deceaxed, and all othcr paraoill interested in Huid estalu, are requirvd toappcar at a Marión of HM court, theu to be hold en at the Probate Ofllce, in the city ol Ann Arbor, in eaid County, and i-how cause, il any thrrr In-, why the said accouüt should not be allowcd. And it lc lurlher ordered.that eaid executor eive notice to the oersons lnterefted in aid etate, of the pendency oí üald account, and the hearing thereof, by cauxiiii; a copy of thia order to be ptiblielied in the Ann Arbor Courier, ¦ mmpapar riTited ai.d clrculating in gaid coonty, three ucceiive weck previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) W1I.LIAM D. IIAUKIMAN, WM. Q. DOTY, Probate Regime'?." ' fóim Kstate of Archer I McLeAii. OTATE OF MICUIUA.N, (Jouuty of Wahtenaw, . At a eeiion of the Pflhate Court for the Connty ol Wahtenaw, holden at the l'rnliaf Offlce. in Ihe rity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thlrty flrst dav of October.ln the year one thuusand elghl hundred 'aud einhtyone. J'resent, Wiliiani I). Ilarrlman, Judi;e of l'robate. In the matter of the estáte of Archer L. McU'an, deceased. Michnel J. Noyes, executor of tlie Uut wlll and taatMBOl -r aid Iliirtmud. comes int') court ttnd rcprest'ntH that he Is now r pand to render hln llnal account as such executor. Thereupon It In orderud, ihat Tucadsy, the twenty nmth day of November next, at ten o'clóclt In the lorenoon, be assined lor examinlng and allowfng eucii account, and ttitit deviceet, leñatees und ln'lrn ut law of aaid decensed, and all otber pureoitB interosted in gald entate, are requlred to appear fit a sension of said court, then to be holden tl the l'robate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in nald county, und show cauce, il any there be, why the said account chould not be nllowrd. And It 1 rurthei ordercd, thut said exeentor give notice to the pursons interested in .-aíd estáte, ol the pendency 01 sitid account, and thu hearing thrri'ot, by CIIUHI' 11 Copy of Ibis order to be publlrthed in tlu-Anu Arbor Courier, a newspaper prluted and Cfrculntint; in ttaid county. three gttcceSBive ' weeks previoiiw to naid day of hearine. (A truocony.) WILLIAM 1). HAUR1MAN, Judce of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Register. JIK13 66


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